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  1. Because that's what you do on a public forum, perhaps if your over reading about it you shouldn't be reading this thread anymore? Some of us have only just started reading/posting our opinions... Also I don't like how people post "Get over it" - Just because your over it doesn't mean everyone else has to be! We're allowed to still be hung up on it and have an opinion about it and were also allowed to post our thoughts too. If YOU'RE over it YOU should stop reading the thread!
  2. Umm don't you think that's maybe because it just opened? Of course that is what they are talking about ATM. I do wonder what the main topic of conversation was on their FB at the times that LTRR and BATR2 closed though... Knowing that would clear up the FB argument. , It seems you have nothing better to do then to re-adjust what were already just made up figures... lol sorry but I had to. Aside from that my personal opinion is that having them closed is creating longer lines on all the other rides which pisses people off. There are now two less rides for families to enjoy together which pisses family's off. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that it doesn't matter if it was managements decision to close them due to lack of funds or if it was an unfixable technical problem. With no current changes or maintenance happening to these locations (that anyone can see) it does piss people off. That is all
  3. Yeah Sydney Luna Park does, The Melbourne one is free entry but if a 0-3 year old wants to ride anything it's $14.95 lol.
  4. Was just having a look at some Melbourne parks as I might be heading down there soon. I noticed how Funfields bases their pricing on what rides you can actually use - definitely how all parks should be doing it! Entry & Unlimited Ride Prices* Anyone 142cm's or taller $33.00 Children between 100 & 141 cm's $28.00 Children under 100 cm's Free Seniors $23.00
  5. Oh yeah, I know it sounds silly but I sometimes forget Sea World exists. All the shows, exhibits and animals are perfect for children and is definitely the best choice if you want to take kids that young to a theme park.
  6. Thanks, I've been a couple of times recently so I'll mainly be going to 'take the plunge.' Will be sure to let you know what I think!
  7. lol thats fair enough, I was lucky enough to get my hands on some free tickets so I'll be going sometime in the coming weeks. Thanks for letting us know about the crowds though, might be good to wait a couple of weeks for it to calm down again. Yeah I agree, going with some younger people makes going on the 'kiddy' rides much less embarrasing haha.
  8. I Totally understand what you mean but if that's the case they shouldn't go around complaining that they had to pay for the privilege. The youngest memory I have is from about 4 years old so I still don't see why you would *want* to take them any younger, I'm sure they will still have a love for theme parks if you wait till they're 3+ to start taking them (That's just my opinion). Of course needing to take them because you have no other option is a different story and in that case you just have to suck it up and pay what they tell you to. Sure, theme parks are meant for SOME families but if you have a 1 or 2 year old I don't think that statement still applies. Take the kid somewhere more appropriate for their age. I doubt a 3yo is going to be able to do much more than a 2yo - I agree that 4 is probably best. I was actually keeping an eye out for your promised 'boxing day' visit with huge review and POV video... lol
  9. I see where you are coming from, I wouldn't want to pay that much for a child that could only go on one or two rides either. I'm lucky enough to not have or ever want a child lol so it's still great value for me. Why anyone would want to take an infant/toddler to theme parks baffles me anyway, if they can't go on anything and aren't old enough to remember the experience why not wait till they're old enough or leave them at home with a baby sitter.
  10. Bit off topic but I saw this comp to win a double pass to AW and thought you guys might like to enter too. Just head to http://kristianfletcher.com/dec2011.htm and the details are close to the bottom of the page. Good Luck!
  11. $25 but I think it was even lower than that before the addition of the big slide and redback, I couldn't tell you how much lower though.
  12. Looks great, can't wait to try it out over the holidays. I noticed that along with the new ride came a new entry price of $29. Still great value if you ask me
  13. Well, that was well timed. My brother headed up there today so I got him to take some photos for me. Just getting them now so I'll post them soon! So the photos aren't the best quality but it's good enough. There's a lot more theming, side rails have been added etc...
  14. Thanks guys, It sounds like fun. Will prob try it out in the next few weeks. So with the easy/middle/hard course, do you just get to choose one course or you can do a couple in one day? Yeah they have a pass now for like $60 or something and that gets you into both adventure parcs (tamborine and currumbin) and also gives you access to currumbin itself too. Cheers!
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