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About mickayel

  • Birthday 18/10/1991

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  1. A new themed area which celebrates the magic of storytelling found in our own backyard. Native planting will hide and reveal different gardens each celebrating Australian literary classics. Such as The Magic Pudding, Animalia, Blinky Bill, Possum Magic, Wombat Stew and The Rainbow Serpent. I imagine The Tales & Fables Gardens would feel like a forest neighborhood. Meander 'off the beaten track' down gravel pathways to find discoveries of all sizes. This includes sculpture gardens, interactive puzzles Immersive experiences and rides. A combination of attractions including a flat ride, log flume, dark ride and a re-theme of an exisiting attraction are some of the big changes for this forgotten corner of the park. If geographically possible, to finally establish a naturally flowing connection from the front of the park which snakes down the side of the park and into Corroboree. A new dark ride based on The Rainbow Serpent would bridge the two areas. Vintage Cars to be updated with outdoor show scenes - unsure of which story would be best?? Open to ideas and suggestions - brain juice running out Dreamworlds strongest USP is the fact they are the only park in the world celebrating Australian culture. Having a section of the park celebrating part of our arts culture would help add another dimension to the park.
  2. Use the catalogue search on the State Library of Victorias website. That holds the most comprehensive collection for public access
  3. The location works well in conjunction with the surrounding road infrastructure as it includes access from Peninsula Link, East Link, Frankston Freeway, Springvale Road, Dingley Bypass and the new Mordialloc Bypass which is set to begin construction soon. Those transport routes paired with the 20+ schools within a 20 minute drive seems like a safe choice to have a consistent customer base. The Cable Water park just down the road is swamped with families before 9am most summer mornings. The pools and slides at Frankston PARC (which is 15 minutes down the freeway) become so busy during the holidays that the casual swimmers are diverted to another local pool as a solution to trying to keep guests at manageable level. This water park in Dingley is a great idea and will grow very quickly - IF they have the right teams leading with provisional investments set aside for the future. Bring it on!
  4. Thanks for spending the time to create such a well written and comprehensive report. Your photos are beautiful - especially the nighttime shots. If you get a chance I would be more than happy to read about the other attractions you visited. Glad you and your family had a great time at such an iconic park.
  5. Micechat recently released a photo update about a new Wonder Woman ride that has just opened at one of the six flags parks. Some of the images closely resemble the track colour but it could just be the angle as I would imagine it should be red. I could also just be reaching for new information! What do you think? Credit from and more images here: http://micechat.com/162154-bay-area-parks-update/
  6. Great start to humpday! Really exciting to watch this all unfold from now.
  7. This is how I imagined the queue system working. Personally I am not sold on VR. I haven't been on a coaster with it, but been exposed to it extensively with my thesis. I don't see the harm in an additional experience for those willing, and I will make up my mind when I head up in a couple weeks.
  8. You wouldn't need two stations, just configure the one station so that two separate queues (depending on how you want to ride) bring you to either the left or right side of the station. If you want to ride normally, you load on the left half of the platform, VR loading could be on the right. They could load each side in a pattern depending on how busy one queue is. Maybe 2:1 with normal riders getting two trains in a row, then the third being for VR.
  9. Let's say VR is happening, do you think efficiency could be managed with 3 separate lines - fast track / general / VR. Has a similar queue system been implemented in other parks to anyone's knowledge?
  10. I watch it. I believe it is also popular with Australian viewers because not only does channel 10 get it express from the US for free to air, they've also got it on their Tenplay streaming service. Not common a tv show to reach a free streaming app so quickly.
  11. I'm a backer and I've used my own Google Cardboard VR to view some of the content. Whether you support it or not, it's still great to collect as much material as possible while it's still available.
  12. @JaggedJanine thanks for those images! I love sending my friends the link to this forum to hype them up for their first FN and UTT!
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