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  1. Maybe Dreamworld should retrace their steps/actions over the last few weeks and they will find their answer.... That is all!!!
  2. Yep.... Anyway Dreamworld screwed up.... they can have fun with their PR nightmare now
  3. Clearly you people know SFA about how facebook, the internet and security works!!! The offer was produced by someone that has access to the Dreamworld Australia facebook page. Heres proof: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/291524_261678940608450_611795934_o.jpg Secure HTTPS facebook connection and "dreamworld" facebook username !!!
  4. Statement from Dreamworld Australia: "Good evening everyone, there is an offer floating around Facebook at the moment. Some of you may have claimed this offer. We can confirm that this offer is NOT legit. We are not running any type of Facebook offer at the moment. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused and are investigating the origin of this offer" Well sorry Dreamworld but YES, this was from your facebook account... Either someone at dreamworld dreamed this up (who has access to the Dreamworld facebook page) or they were hacked ..or both. Probally just another way to lure customers into paying the ridiculous amount of $80 for an adult day pass to Dreamworld !!!
  5. Haha.... I wouldnt believe anything Thrill Zone say..... Randy knows SFA
  6. Media Release – June 2012 Expansions start at Jamberoo Action Park The first stage of Jamberoo Action Park’s long-awaited expansion plans have commenced, with preliminary site works underway. Full construction will start over the coming weeks to develop ‘Kangaroo Island’, which is set to become the location for the most exciting, high-thrill, water-based rides ever built in NSW. The $11.6 million project includes new rides, a 1,700 space carpark and road upgrades on Jamberoo Road to allow faster access into the park. Dax Eddy, General Manager of Jamberoo Action Park, commented: “It’s fantastic that construction has finally commenced and we are now in the process of building the most thrilling water ride experiences ever seen in NSW.” “In stage 1, we will build an Interactive Water Play Area, that will be the largest ever built in Australia, as well as a Tornado water slide – a raft based ride that loops and twists before dropping into a huge funnel then shooting out into a splash pool – there’s some incredibly exciting things ahead!” Jamberoo Action Park’s expansion program will create upwards of 80 local construction jobs with the Talon Construction Group awarded the contract to build stage 1
  7. Zoomerang Rollercoaster at Alabama Adventure (which is the Demon from Wonderland Sydney) is up for sale. Who would like to see this piece of Australian Rollercoaster History return to Australia?
  8. Commonwealth Games 2018: It`s Time To Shine !!! The existing sound stages of the Village Roadshow complex at Oxenford will play host to the sports of Boxing and Table Tennis. During Games mode the venue will be enhanced to provide for the International Sporting Federation technical venue requirements and provide spectator seating of 3,000 (boxing) and 3,200 (table tennis).
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