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Everything posted by casey96

  1. Best Food Jane’s Best Guest Experience Dreamworld Best Park operations Dreamworld Best Coaster Superman Escape Best Family Coaster Jungle Rush Best Flat Ride The Giant Drop Best Themed area Wild West Falls area Best Show Sea World Jet ski one (forget the name) Best Kids’ Area Kenny & Belinda’s Best new attraction for 2024 Jungle Rush Best Amusement Park Dreamworld
  2. Tailspin might have to do with the demolition of the Claw? Kenny’s potentially for the train retrack? Neither seem long enough for maintenance.
  3. Definitely saw some kids chicken out in the queue around the gem room. But all the kids that I saw parents forcing onto the ride despite being scared seemed to love it by the end. I think the “scariness” of the theming is probably creating some great core memories. For me personally a lot of my fondest childhood theme park memories were when I conquered a ride that scared me. Standing in the Tower of Terror queue with the car launching over the top of you was terrifying when you didn’t know what sort of experience you were getting into. But once you rode it once that fear turned into a feeling of such accomplishment.
  4. Went yesterday and Dreamworld was packed. I haven’t seen it so busy in about 10 years it felt. Park gates opened about 10minutes early and all the lines at the gate moved very fast so was in the park by 10am from the back of the queue. Queue times were longer than usual but nothing crazy. Best times were from 10-11am and then from 3pm onwards most of the lines were no longer than 15mins. Jungle Rush: started at about 45mins but went down to 15 by about 2pm where it stayed. Murissippi Motors: 60mins all day until about 3pm where it went down to 30mins. Giant Drop: only running one side at about a 30-45min wait all day. The Claw: 15 mins all day Steel Taipan: two train operations had it at 30mins most of the day. Noticed that about 75% of the trains all had Tailwhip passengers. I think the pass holder discount is serving them well. Gold Coaster: 10-15mins Motocoaster: 45mins all day (how is this still so popular! Wild) Dreamland: all the rides here had a pretty solid looking 30minute wait time. Lots of kids and families in the park.
  5. Does anyone else get the feeling that the Rivertown store is a temporary solution? They’ve spent so much on attention to detail in every aspect, and this just feels like it’s there to fit the bill. I have a feeling that motocoaster and the Rivertown store’s days are numbered and this solution is supposed to tie it over until those plans come to fruition. It wouldn’t make sense for them to invest in making it super detailed and nice if the plan is to remove motocoaster in the near future.
  6. Visited yesterday and got in 3 rides on Jungle Rush. It operated all day without interruption as far as I could tell. Two train operations and super fast 2-3 minute tops dispatches (probably helped having Greg in the operators booth as well. Love how hands on he is with these projects). Overall a great ride with great pops of airtime and laterals. The sound effects are fantastic and create an awesome atmosphere. Although I did see it scaring a lot of kids. Probably creating some core memories I’m sure. The indoor sections are a little underwhelming. Lots of black panel walls and the daylight comes right in lighting up things that are probably supposed to be hidden. Will definitely make for a great night ride. Overall fantastic addition to the park with it perfectly tying together with Tiger Island. Just needs some shady spaces to sit and it will be bang on. Well done Dreamworld.
  7. This waiting in the sun feels like a liability. I’m sure we’ll see some tin roof or shade cloth up in no time that will further add to the generic theme of everything beyond the indoor queue. It’s clear whoever is planning and designing Movie World’s latest additions has no regard for the basic principles of theme park design that the park was originally built with. The beautiful entrance plaza and gate was such a considered photo op with superman centered over the archway and the Arkham Asylum tower and signage angled towards Main Street. Now with flash plonked inside Superman, the back of the emerald city and the back of the Kansas Twister lift hills visible from that front gate view, they’ve really killed what was a really nice sightline. Scooby doo they did such a good job hiding the ugly show building parts from the ride entrance, same with WWF. Feels like they just plonked some blueprint rides down in any sort of way with no consideration of how it looked, or worked from a guest experience standpoint. Like why not have the station for FOTWW right next to the main queue building. Why is it all the way in the back corner if they couldn’t afford to theme the pathway to get to it. Also the main entrance/ photo op with the character statues being next to the superman break run, with a white shed and the back of the emerald city building with visible support structure and a bunch of machinery for the KT lift hills… it’s quite ugly. And it feels like they know it’s ugly given the content they’re putting out showing only the couple of angles that the land looks good from. I think the coasters are great additions don’t get me wrong. It’s just a shame it feels like they’re investing so much with the right idea but just really average execution. Reminds me of Dreamworld in it era of Motocoaster and Buzzsaw.
  8. So impressed by this! I think that chain link fencing will grow over with shrubbery in no time and it’s good to see the fencing around the pathing seems to be well themed too. Just hoping they have plans for the old TOT building. It’s odd they didn’t tear it down with the rest of the ride. It would really open up the area between dreamland and Rivertown. I wonder if there is a safety issue like asbestos with demolition or if they’re just using it as storage.
  9. New video up from Movie World with some POV footage of Flight of the Wicked Witch. I don’t like to judge before things are complete, but the fact they have barely touched the old white shed facade of the old Arkham Station where the three coasters are is concerning. It feels like there is no immersion in the land at all outside of the queues and the plaza. It’s just surrounded by white sheds. I hope they do some landscaping or theming around there to make it feel nicer. Wild seeing how immersive Jungle Rush looks in comparison to this. Will hold judgement until it opens though. https://www.instagram.com/reel/DDEQUnJJZQ5/?igsh=OHUxbG8zbWs3c3V5
  10. The exit elevator is still there, however there used to be a set of two elevators at the entrance where the second set of stairs are (see the image at the beginning of the thread)
  11. For those interested, I was at dreamworld for an hour this morning and basically all the seats are now attached for tailspin. Looks close to completion besides the queue. Didn't see any noticeable changes on triple vortex though. For those interested, I was at dreamworld for an hour this morning and basically all the seats are now attached for tailspin. Looks close to completion besides the queue. Didn't see any noticeable changes on triple vortex though. Also the location for the new pizza and/or coffee shop is where the fudge shop was. It's all been gutted and blocked off.
  12. Inside the wave they've basically just patched up all the window things that used to be in there and taken out the surfboards etc. so now it's just plain blue tunnel all the way through
  13. Popped in to Dreamworld on my way home from work today to get a ride or two in. Overall i was fairly impressed, but there were a few things about Wipeout that i wasn't too keen on. Firstly the pool at the bottom was hardly full and already filthy. Secondly, the new ride cycle is a fair bit shorter than the previous cycle they were using, and even a little boring. Apart from this though, the water cannons are great and give you a decent soaking if you're sitting on the back. In the front you don't notice it as much. Funnily enough, if you look closely in the video i took today below, you'll see someone lose their phone to the water below. Apparently they could;t go to get it out until the end of the day. Sorry for the shit phone quality... :/
  14. They had a hose attached to the fire hydrant going into the pool as i was leaving. It wasn't turned on but it looked likely it would go in over night. You can see it rolled up in the pool near the extended viewing deck thing in the second photo
  15. So the construction fences are all down and there's two ride operators standing out the front of Wipeout right now.... Sounds like it's opening this weekend!!
  16. There were about five or so that were pretty powerful. There's potential to get a pretty decent soaking if the timing was right.
  17. ^^Haha your soooo funny.... -__- I can't stop laughing...
  18. Don't know if anyone has seen this but this has got to be one of the funniest reactions to the Giant Drop I have ever seen. No idea what they're saying but it's funny as hell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRN7up6HcrU
  19. Popped into Dreamworld on my way home from work today to check progress on Wipeout. I can confirm that the water sprays are coming back and were being tested today. Although i have no clue where the water was coming from because there was no water in the pool under the ride. The ride did a few random bits of testing. One time with both arms rotating in one direction for a solid 15 mins occasionally locking in the car and doing a flip. The other cycle was the cycle used a few years back when the motor was breaking and a tamer cycle was used. It didn't do any flips and kinda just moved around. Looked very uneventful and boring. The whole area looked good though. I asked a staff member and they said that they were just having issues with the locking mechanism on the gondola that makes it do flips, but as soon as that was fixed it would be ready for opening. Won't be long now for those interested it was testing this cycle today but without the flip at the end because the locking mechanism wasn't working properly.
  20. I agree ninja, i think the area is way too small for a sky fly and the two booths is a bit strange. Probably isn't going to be a Power Surge, but you never know. Wipeout's looking good though, although it is taking an awfully long time to get back up and running :/
  21. I agree. If they do build a skyfly I do hope they have one with increased capacity because 12 people is pretty pathetic. Just look at buzzsaw
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