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xRazzBerryx last won the day on February 26 2022

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About xRazzBerryx

  • Birthday 14/04/1994

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  1. When being told by staff that the ride is down, offer them a roll of duct tape & ask if it will fix the issue 😂
  2. I got my first ride in today, unfortunately it was only one ride as it went down. I can’t form an opinion on just 1 ride as I feel this coaster needs multiple rides, especially to understand the layout. But one stand out moment from memory was the double down & the sense of speed you get from this element. THEMING I will however review the theming. It is amazing. They’ve done what we’ve all been asking for.. ROCKWORK! And doesn’t it look good indeed. It goes from 7/10 theming (main queue area) until you enter the sliding door, which then goes up to a 9.5/10. The walk up to the station is the wow before the WOW factor. The lighting effects, accompanied by a fantastic deep sea sounding score sets the mood. You then hear leviathan speaking to you, “Who dares enter the realm of the mighty leviathan!” The station is filled with smoke as you enter. Leviathan swims around the station waiting for you to board. When you are about to dispatch, there is another short spiel from Levi & then you are off! The only negative I can see about the theming is the main queue area. The part to me that doesn’t make sense is you are waiting here, you can see full daylight & the coaster, however the same deep sea score is playing. For me, it ruins the immersive feeling. I would have had this area all enclosed with blue water effects projected on the walls to simulate you are underwater, about to enter leviathans lair. Obviously they have chosen to have this area open, with a shade structure that doesn’t block the view of the coaster. The view of the coaster from this section is great, don’t get me wrong, but the immersion is a bit off here for me. Will be back in a few weeks to get a couple more rides & hopefully get on Trident 🔱
  3. ONE 👏🏼 TRAIN 👏🏼 OPS 👏🏼 Unfortunately it’s seems like there was an issue with 1 of the trains this morning. The opening was delayed around an hour or so. From what it looks like they bit the bullet & instead of making guests wait for them to fix the 2nd train, they pulled it off & got the line going. As expected, line is moving slow with the 1 train.
  4. It is, however a lot of that is for the theming. I think it’s dreamworld fighting back at Sea World’s world class theming on Leviathan & they will label it as Australian best themed family coaster. As for the last 15-20 years, we haven’t seen great theming on our coasters, so to see both Village & Dreamworld both spending big on theming, I’m all for it.
  5. I honestly think Greg has done a great job. Ever since stepping into the role, he has done positive things. Just remember how f**ked the park was when he took on the role. He’s had to clean up the mess that past CEO’s have made.. (sounds a bit like the Iger/Chapek situation at Disney now lol). The additions IMO, is going to become a big hit with families. The reshuffling of rides is well & truely needed. Excited to hear more information when it comes about.
  6. Am I right in saying there has been no human testing yet? If so, the chances of soft opening on Saturday would be getting slim.
  7. I do agree, rock work outside the queue would have made a “great” entrance into a “GRAND” entrance, however I’m just happy to see theming for once. It has been so long since we’ve seen decent theming paired with a decent attraction. Here’s hoping they both live up to what I’m seeing in photos & videos in person come 2nd of Dec 🙌🏼
  8. True, but some of us just can’t get up & pop into Sea World just like that 🫰🏼
  9. Definitely did. Was there on the Saturday, didn’t open until about 1pm.. was a lot of people waiting around out the front for a couple of hours near JL. From memory opened for about 3 or so hours. I’d be heading down 26th, but I wouldn’t be upset if it doesn’t open.
  10. I wouldn’t compare them either, I was just saying is the value in what you get better than attending fright nights, being literally double the price to attend FN.
  11. I see that you said it was a great night, but the only things you mentioned was the negatives. What were the positives for you? - What was done well? - What was new? - Do you think it is better value than Fright Night? Appreciate the reviews as always
  12. This is looking super promising! We haven’t seen this amount of theming for a roller coaster from Village, or any of our parks in a long time. Hopefully this is a turning point for our parks, that a full package makes it a better experience. Examples of recent rides would be: Justice League - Great theming, disappointing ride system. DC Rivals - Great ride, disappointing theming. Very excited to see it all completed ✅
  13. https://fb.watch/envMuHymvs/ “We are bringing the movies back to Movie World” On behalf of every enthusiast, we thank you. FINALLY!
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