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Everything posted by mba2012

  1. Drove past this afternoon and they were starting to drive some footings into the swampy area closest to the M1. I'd assume that area would definitely need deep foundations.
  2. You have to beat the train to the end of the launch or you get no lunch.
  3. I'm hoping for a good launched coaster; the flash would make sense for that.
  4. ^^ I'm certain the turnstiles also have signage telling you what rides aren't operating.
  5. Doubt many people do at the moment Basically, it's a headset with a clear piece of glass or plastic in front of your eyes and images can be projected onto that. Using cameras and stuff it can pretty accurately place things in relation to whats around you.
  6. I think Augmented Reality using something like the Microsoft HoloLens could be pretty cool on JL.
  7. Well there's our hundreds of millions of dollars of investment.
  8. It certainly looks to me like there's either something missing, or there's a cover over something that's a pretty good match with the sky.
  9. This is a bit off topic, but given how they're decorating the buildings there, could Superman also be up for something similar come it's long downtime later this year?
  10. I think something like this would work amazingly well with Microsoft's Hololens. You can still have big screens, but the device can create other images that appear in front of the screen or elsewhere. There'd also be less of a need for physical props in the ride because they can just be project by the device.
  11. ^ It's more the Oxenford exit that's the problem. The traffic doesn't flow at the quietest of times and when it's really busy no one goes anywhere within a few kilometres of it.
  12. The traffic already goes so slow around there that you'd be better off walking to Dreamworld if they build this...
  13. The only buildings that I can think of that are really in any position to be demolished are the show stage in the western area, or some of the maintenance buildings out behind it. I think the building out behind superman would be a good spot for something, however there's no other building in the studios for those offices to move to, so that's probably unlikely.
  14. I've always though that something similar to Haunted Mansion at Disneyland (or alternatively Duel at Alton Towers) would be a really good ride for the western area. If it is continuous loading and has the pre show like at Disneyland, I'd assume it'd be a pretty good "sponge".
  15. Just wondering, would they also increase the number of people in the store when they're running more people through the ride?
  16. Are they satellite images though? I know google uses images taken from planes, I'd assume Nearmap would do something similar.
  17. Well, I'm hoping it's something like Abyss or Nemesis. But from what has been said already, whatever it is should be good
  18. I drove past movie world today and saw a person riding on green lantern. Definitely wasn't a dummy. So obviously they think it's safe enough for people so hopefully it'll be opening soon.
  19. I think that'd be something great to have. It'd certainly help with the problem of having to choose between parks.
  20. Hopefully even if this doesn't end up happening, it scares Dreamworld or VRTP into building something big.
  21. You could try that, but I'd imagine something like this would happen.
  22. The state government confirmed this morning that there was a failure in a bolt joint. News article accompanied by victims upset that the ride is reopening. http://www.goldcoastbulletin.com.au/news/gold-coast/investigations-into-movie-worlds-green-lantern-ride-accident-found-a-bolted-joint-failed/story-fnj94idh-1227587472944
  23. There's the usual voices plus theres some rumbling. But something I never noticed until I was sitting in the front was that there are just general subway noises that you can hear from just inside the tunnel while they're loading the train. Also, the vibration you feel when the train leave the station. Is it intentional to feel like an earthquake or does it just do that and it happens to fit in perfectly with the theme?
  24. The sounds were working well today too. There's actually quite a bit of sound which I've never heard before.
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