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Everything posted by mba2012

  1. There were only two trains on the tracks today, both of them on the maintenance track. One of them had dummies in the seats (like it has been for the last few weeks) and the other one was empty. All the other trains have disappeared, as has the scaffolding around the station.
  2. So I was at movie world today and it was a bit of a mixed bag. Justice League had a fairly long queue but there was only one person loading, so the ride stopped a couple of times and the timing during the last few sequences was off because of that. Superman on the other hand had two trains running and the queue only just reached the second switchback. The effects were running the best I've ever seen them. I was thinking about it afterwards, and as unrealistic as it might seem, I think they should add some loud sirens/alarms and music during the indoor segment to make it that much more intense.
  3. I think he was referring to it following the track backwards... In which case, it's still a forwards facing ride.
  4. I was under the assumption that the casino site was only about half of that. There's a fence that runs along the back of that grassy field and I'd assumed that was where the state-owned land was, which would make the site unimaginably small. To be honest, I think (and hope) this new idea for the casino is going to struggle to get off the ground.
  5. You say the logo on the front is missing the green part. Could it be possible that this detached and fell into the way of the wheels? Was it a separate plastic bit or something similar? Otherwise, why would that piece be missing other than being damaged in maintenance or something? Scratch that. Looking through some earlier photos and it's still attached. Was just a thought
  6. The train in the picture you took has red wheels, which for some reason looked out of place. So I looked through some earlier photos and they must be new. This photo was taken in 2012 and the wheels are a grey colour, not red.
  7. I'm just wondering, did anyone notice when the spinning propellor blades were cut off on the storm coaster? The shaft is still there, but just the blades have been cut off.
  8. I wouldn't think that they're getting more dangerous. Both of these accidents were pretty major but they're also very rare and they just happened to occur to two fairly high profile coasters. It's probably sort of like how flying isn't any more dangerous, there's just been two very high profile incidents in the past 18 months.
  9. ​I rode about 4:40 and the mouth was moving
  10. ^ The last scooby was working for me this afternoon.
  11. If it's been used for boatshow parking then that must be what it is, considering that is on this weekend.
  12. I think I've said this before, but what I'd really like to see at Movie World is something like Phantom Manor/Haunted Mansion in the western area. I think it'd certainly fit in as a family ride with a similar calibre to SDSC.
  13. I really like how Alton Towers is built into the forest and has a big variation in terrain and landscapes, it makes the place really interesting to explore.
  14. ^ The lighthouse has definitely been repainted. I can't remember off the top of my head exactly what it was before, but it wasn't that
  15. If anyone knows, how much information would investigators have to go off in terms of sensor data and not just the actual train? How much information is recorded by the rides computer systems and would there be separate computers recording information on each train recording measurements from all the sensors?
  16. I'm not quite sure how exactly witnesses would know if it was travelling faster than normal, unless it was travelling quite significantly faster than other cars.
  17. I never got any of that when I joined? Did they stop doing this before I joined? At least I didn't need to pay
  18. If they are simply testing the mechanics and ride system and performing general maintenance on it, then they don't need one. However, if they do plan on doing any sort of major changes to the building structure, then they would need a permit.
  19. A stud driver on a bike was hit by a car in the HWSD show this afternoon. They were taken to hospital but apparently they're expected to make a full recovery. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-02-14/stunt-rider-injured-during-show-at-movie-world-on-gold-coast/6100804
  20. ^ I'd assume that they wouldn't require electricity to run. Plus, they very likely have backup power systems so that if the power does fail, they can evacuate safely or whatever.
  21. ^I think it'd be pretty stupid of them not to do something related to it. It's one of the biggest movie franchises in the world, it'd sure be a major attraction.
  22. Well, I've been told by myself that right smack in the middle of that photo is what appears to be some surveying equipment. I'm guessing that's what anyone would be referring to as "something happening" on the site.
  23. I'm going to agree with reanimated here. As far as we know, the ride has been sitting there for almost a decade without being touched. I very much doubt they would be able to operate test runs without investing quite a bit of money into it already. I also very much doubt that they have been maintaining it to a standard at which they feel they can test the ride, but still need to invest a fair amount of money to bring it to an operational standard. However, if they are planning to reopen it. Then that is great news!
  24. The gravel has been there for a while. By the looks of the sand that has been gouged out (presumably by recent rain), it's going to take them a bit more time to make sure the sand is solid enough to build on.
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