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rac2703 last won the day on December 6 2024

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  1. Move the villains figures from the area to the DC Rivals queue, so that all the DC comics is at the front of the park. Then use the space for a different IP.
  2. River Town entry arch being installed today
  3. Found this photos of the Sea World monorail on an “abandoned” Facebook page. Not my images.
  4. Could Flash be opening much sooner than originally stated? They are already looking for people to film ads for the ride.
  5. At Main Beach now, emergency services rushing down sea world drive, Police have closed the road just before Versace and are diverting traffic.
  6. Early decision and announcement? They gave less than 10 days notice!!
  7. So they will no longer sell tickets to EPCOT at Walt Disney World? Or any of the multi-park tickets for Walt Disney World? They also have captive dolphins!
  8. It’s at the front next to the stars cafe, where the Shrek meet and greet used to be years back.
  9. This is the level of effort put into the Tom and Jerry meet and greet area. 😂😂
  10. You do realise that the “original” 1990 IT was a 2 part TV miniseries. It was not a cinema release, it was literally a 2 part TV show. However it was extremely successful and has a huge cult following, though many people don’t realise that the “original” has 2 parts. So yes you can call it a franchise, especially with the cinematic “remakes” being released.
  11. Using the snow globe as an up charge makes sense. For each group the globe has to be deflated for people step in, then it has to be re-inflated for the photo. It’s a slow process that would cause huge lines if it was a free photo-op. They had the same thing at Eat Street over Christmas, the snow globe cost $5 for up to 6 people to enter for photos.
  12. Stills from some drone footage over the BB house remains.
  13. The video on Sea Worlds website has some POV of the new coaster.
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