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Everything posted by disturboed

  1. Yar, I thought to myself afterwards maybe it needed to be "warmed up" so to speak. It was a shame as we we could only be there until 12.45pm that day and as there seemed to be more people at the park, going for a re-ride later in the morning or just before we left would have meant a 45 minute plus wait. That first ride the previous week was just amazing, huge airtime everywhere, loved every second of it.
  2. Went to Movieworld today (monday) and the flood scene was not working. Also, had been last week on Wednesday and the same thing, no flood. My first ride on this was on the Wednesday around 3pm and OMG it ran amazing (well it was my first time). The train seemed to carry heaps of speed through the whole run. Heaps of airtime over the hills, and it was great! Today though, was a little meh. Got the first ride of the morning, right up the back (thinking it should be even better there). Launch was still good, but it barely crawled over the tophat and even the second airtime hill was slow. Even up the back, there was almost ZERO airtime, it felt so, slow. I seriously thought we could end up rolling back for a second.
  3. New sign outside BATR building today. It wasn't there on wednesday last week that I noticed: Justice League?
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