When I was at SW (Mide March) I realised some big work was happening on SV. I took a few pictures to, It does look like near the stations the track has major wear marks on it. Now I'm no expert apart from working for a new years with different rides but I'd say its just annual maintenance.
I got talking to the lady in the Jet Rescue shop and she said it was only having normal work done on it. I stated to her the ride is pretty old and she agreed by saying "They don't want to pull it down, its a big draw card for us".Give it time everyone. I was annoyed I did not get the change to ride it but I am sure the SW maintenance crew is working as fast as they can. Waiting on parts from overseas can be a real kick in the pants when working on a schedule, Its not like buying something off Ebay!.
I'd post the pics but I am sure everyone has already seen for them selves.