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About the12thworld

  • Birthday 16/02/2001

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    Theme Parks and Gaming of the Video kind.

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  1. I wouldn't think that they'd be doing that straight away, it would be nice to see a new water ride go into the area. It is a fairly large area, so what would fit into it? It has quite a rather large area to cover.
  2. I think the prayer room at Sea World now is located under the entrance of the main monorail, by the lockers.
  3. Too many? I personally don't see any logic in making Cyclone a racing themed coaster, seeming how it loops and all, it doesn't really give off that "experience" that they (maybe) are trying to go for. For my own opinion on the rest of the motorsport expansion, I'd think I will enjoy it, and thank god they're upgrading the simulators, the tech in there was getting old, fast.
  4. A coaster that combines an S&S Space Shot and a regular steel coaster, with twists and inversions of sorts.
  5. Be there AND be square! God, best simpsons episode. But seriously, I don't think this will last long. All the nerds (including myself) wouldn't make the long trip up to Aussie World just for a Bi-Mon-Sci-Fi-Con an any day.
  6. I could see this happening. As for the graphics, an upgrade to PS3/Xbox 360 graphics would be nice, but it would take at least a couple a months for a game development company to make it, and to integrate all the fancy controls into the 'game'. Or DW can do a half-assed job and get some PS3's and run Gran Turismo 6 and have the Bathurst track run on repeat. Also, a variant of tracks would be well received by players. Racing on Mount Panorama got really old, really fast.
  7. I just have to agree here. But I what would be the activities in the line? Small touchscreen minigames? Character interactions with voice actors in another room? (they did this one year at E3 with Charles Martinet as Mario ect.)
  8. Not suprising to see DW not do anything about this. They need to bring the quality of the paint and stuff to try and at least "match" the standard of quality that WnW GC has.
  9. They were promised, hyped, PRE-MATURELY ADVERTISED (see mini cars driving school), but what about those other rides that were pitched, scrapped, and made a whole lot of people mad. Rides like that Soarin' clone at MW. So, what rides were you hyped up for?
  10. They were promised, hyped, PRE-MATURELY ADVERTISED (see mini cars driving school), but what about those other rides that were pitched, scrapped, and made a whole lot of people mad. Rides like that Soarin' clone at MW. So, what rides were you hyped up for?
  11. I would really want to download these parks, do you have any downloads?
  12. WWW needs another few body slides, like River Rapids at WnW. The only body slides in the park are The Wedgie and those little Wiggle Bay Slides. Or something that is like a world first (but as far as I know, DW might not do this, seeming how the rest of their rides are all something we have seen too many times before). And if they need more room, they could just get rid of The Shell hall (who even uses that anyway?)
  13. Sounds like MW are really upping their game for this one. They will draw in big crowds, lets see how DW will compete with it. If they reuse the same HWSD set then they might put in a dumpster, for small falls, maybe the lead up to the jump at the end, or a balcony.
  14. This is great, Youtube embedded codes are a good way to strengthen a post, to show some reasoning in a post, or just to share something awesome! Thanks Richard!
  15. I agree with Gary, The least they could do is add a story to the ride! And just have a reno of the track and ride system.
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