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Leigh Dixon

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  1. Agreed - I didn't expect it to be Green Lantern or Superman Escape, but for an end-of-the-world style simulation, I didn't feel any rush or panic. I didn't see any signs up, maybe I didn't look hard enough. I think you'll find it's just under 3 months. Of which I spend about 1 month reviewing assessments and planning and generally I spend most of the rest of it working at school holiday programs. Personally I'd survive without Pupil Free Days - rather than getting to spend time with the kids (which is what I got into the job for) I have to spend the whole day doing professional development; listening to leading teachers get excited over performance data or hearing about the latest way to teach a kid to count. People need to get over this idea they have of the glorious relaxing teacher job. I love it, but it's *** exhausting.
  2. I went to MovieWorld over the school holidays and was really excited about this new ride. Thrilling 3D Interactive JL shooter, YAY!!! So after the 8 of us (20, 21, 24, 24, 25, 26, 50 and 67 years old) lined up for an hour and a half, we sat through the buggiest, slowest, most disappointing experience I have had to memory. I love all things DC/Marvel, but lining up for that long for something half-baked really left a shitty taste in my mouth. I probably wouldn't have been as disappointed if I didn't have to wait that long, or if the ride had actually worked properly (a few screens didn't work, the guns didn't seem to work all the time), but I felt ripped off. I know it was school holidays (I'm a teacher, so I'm limited in the times I can make it up to QLD - I won't ever be going back to MovieWorld in school holidays!) but still, let the public know what they're in for.
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