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  1. Wasnt illigal to ride counterweight, it was my job to grease the thing, i just had balls and went up with it, the owner harry knew i did it and just told me its best if i diddnt do it like that again. No one else had the balls to do it, so it wasnt illigal i was an employee doing my job Alex b, the anchor point for the counter weight isnt where you think it is, its only accessed by walking down the steep return track of the orphan rocker then a short bush walk to the cliff face its in a cage at top of cliff, directly beneth the orphan rockers hairpin. Bend
  2. Was quite a fun ride actually except for the bruised elbows from holding on to the hand rails, you go two people per carage with one leaning back between the other persons legs, there was no saftey harness at all just a lap sash seatbelt like that from a car backseat in the seventies. The ride happens quite quickly and tends to throw you from side to side rather violently, the first three corners are the best as it dives off the end of the platform, it does an almost 300 degree turn right at the edge of a 300 metre cliff, but then spends the rest of the ride going slowly up hill to the carpark and around the back of the winch room to its tunnel where it lives. But its a bloody terrorfying first 15 seconds, the ultimate homemade rollercoaster
  3. i also rode the orphan rocker a few times when phill was doing test runs one afternoon
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