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Everything posted by franky

  1. Some thoughts: Not a finance guy, but it looks to me that they've posted a 3.1M profit on the back of a 5.4M insurance payout, so techically they've profited, but you're not likely to get 5.4M insurance payouts every financial year. Good news is they still have ~60M in the bank and another 10M line of credit for plussing the park, looks like this is also pre-King Claw purchase. Massive reductions in insurance and corporate outlays compared to 2017, possibly due to replacing old assets and procedural changes (Page 19) Guest visitation and feedback is positive as well, exceeding pre incident levels. International travel numbers still down. Cost of Living pressures I'm sure will see an impact going forward - they have acknowledged this.
  2. Is this even a possiblity? I'd have thought they'd need both sides running to balance the weight of the system.
  3. Nooooo! There's still a hole in the ground that needs filling in!
  4. If one station is always filling the train leaving no space for the others, perhaps a solution is to leave one cart empty at the busy station. Disney do something similar with the Skyliners - they leave a few cabins empty to leave capacity for stations down the line.
  5. Wishful thinking, maybe something is in the pipeline now and they need to get moving on it's removal?
  6. Can't imagine how a company would go about trying to repo DC rivals if VRTP didn't pay their lease
  7. For me that remains a fond adult memory We went in 2019 just before it closed, I must have walked up to the entrance about 5 times before I built up the guts to go in, then when I was waiting in the queue the ride went down. We were sitting on the stairs and they started testing it again and I nearly walked out - it added so much to the 'terror' atmosphere. Still remember being anxious as hell but having that feeling of release after the first ride is over is indescribable now. I kind of miss that rush now that I'm not really anxious about rides anymore. After that you couldn't keep me off it. Until they closed it for good that is. As for JR, I'm resisting the urge to watch a POV!
  8. If I had to guess, I'd say ticket sales and staffing budgets were set for the event with the expectation that the rides wouldn't be opening til Boxing Day.
  9. So it's a technical rehearsal too (A frame to the right of the yellow brick road).
  10. Having just watched the video myself it's either as you suggest or a time/cost thing. The chain link fence would have gone in a lot faster and possibly cheaper than the piece-by-piece fence around Jungle Rush. They've recently re-done the fence around the Flyer haven't they? Wouldn't be out of the question to see this updated in time if it doesn't feel right. DW have shown that they are willing to work toward getting the right fit and finish, even if not immediately. I really do hope this investment pays off; while I've enjoyed my more recent quieter visits to Dreamworld, I'm hoping this leads to greater attendance in the park to pay off the massive investment and then help fund the next big thing.
  11. Motocoaster will definitely need to be on the retheme list, or have it's entrance moved after seeing where they're putting the entryway for Rivertown is now; you have to enter Rivertown to ride a Main Street attraction?
  12. If you've owned them for 8 years you also got a payout / buyback after the sale during that period.
  13. Looks like the same go-away-green the back of the building is being painted 🤷‍♂️ Loosely themed
  14. I had a quick thought that if they made 'we do the seatbelt' a general rule across the park then it might actually reduce confusion for guests. But then I remembered Green Lantern was a lap belt so that's probably not the reason.
  15. In 2019ish WWW was in my opinion was the more polished product of the two parks, but then DW had closed a bunch of stuff they've now they're working on the rebuild there. Fully6 is fairly new, even if two of the slides are closed
  16. Kinda bummed. Was over in the NYC in Sept/Oct but just couldn't fit in the day trip down to the park, considering there were days the ride didn't open. We got some rides in on Xcelerator though while at Knotts, so I'm gonna call that breaking even. The park has confirmed that Zumanjaro is being removed as well, and whatever is coming is not going to be a reimagination, so everything you see is being removed apparently. This means DW's Giant Drop reclaims 2nd place for tallest operating drop tower!
  17. For those who are also curious, the bottom text says "Do no enter the site between 5:00pm and 3:00am" (according to Google Lens).
  18. Anyone else notice the go pro mounted on the train? Might have a POV before too long. Looks pretty fast too considering it's empty.
  19. I haven't been a DW passholder since 2022 but I got an $99 pass offer email within the past fortnight. It was for a locals pass though; I didn't have locals pass and I'm not a local, so I'm not sure how they came to that conclusion... $99 bucks is a steal though!
  20. Yes, but there's no sense in plussing the parks offerings if your intention is to do a Sun Way and sell the land for value only. Surely if this is the ultimate goal they're trying to woo another operator into continuing operations.
  21. I thought the provided link in OPs post was garden variety spam that's been seen here before
  22. Genuinely curious how the capacity increase will work - if they're removing a brake does this mean one less brake zone? Good to see the magnetic brake conversion too. If I wasn't prepared I swear I came off Scooby with a bruised spleen 😆
  23. Leviathans opening taught me dearly to wait for it to physically open before showing up. I think I planned two separate trips and still missed Leviathans opening. Fool me once... Circumstances are different now though
  24. Late to the party here and I'm lost, where have they used AI? Every company is clambering to to say they're leveraging ✨Generative AI✨ at the moment, yet there's no mention of it anywhere that I could see just now. Are you confusing digital renders for AI? These are not the same.
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