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Everything posted by ShakeShack

  1. I'm sure in one of Dean's many jobs, his industry experience tells him they aren't allowed to...
  2. The whole budget for the coaster project is $20m - $30m, as per the tender.
  3. All of the track in the plaza has had bird spikes on it for months now too.
  4. That was the original plan, but I hear there are some delays with this, which will most likely mean it not longer will hit the event deadline. That is why they swapped the event, but now have missed the mark anyway. As far as I've heard, it will need to be fully recommissioned, as it's considered a new plant. The fact we haven't seen vertical work start yet, it's not looking promising. IYKYK.
  5. HFH will return in December this year. June/July's Heroes and Villains will take place later in the arvo, new lighting show and so on. They're currently in the process of restoring the OG Main Street zipline for it as well.
  6. From what I've been told, they were originally aiming to have the attraction opened for the June/July school holidays. Soon we will see them announce that they're redoing the Heroes & Villains event during this period. It seems as the build has been pushed out though, so unlikely it will still align.
  7. Talk about moving the goal posts to suit your own narrative and agenda. Maybe it's time to shutdown and delete the thread? That's generally how this works right?
  8. When did I use it as an argument? I was saying, until they get told they can only sell that space to 300 instead of 500 people, they aren't going to do shit about it. It's not as simple as that though, if it was, surely you would assume they have already done it?
  9. It must be a heavy burden knowing everything... No it shouldn't be, but going back to the original point of discussion, the median wait times and the attached data show that there are clearly issues within the parks, and specifically the way they are operated. Clearly you and @joz are struggling to see the irony and sarcasm used in my original statement. I do apologise for the fact that this could've been missed due to you focusing on sharpening your pitch forks... /s (Just in case)
  10. The white knights are out in force today.... I struggle to comprehend how you expect discussions to take place, when the second you opinion isn't reciprocated by another party, you turn to attacks and belittlement. The same could be said by those who continue to work within the industry...
  11. Sorry, I fell into the trap of generalising... I'd love to know what parts are "great stories"... Or which part of my statements are not realistic, or based off some form of reality.
  12. Obviously you agree with everything else I've written here, so that's great. In which, they visited over the school holidays, realised the place was packed and staff couldn't keep up. Decide to skip that property in the future.
  13. All of which would require a large amount of capex, which they won't go for when they can have guests sitting in the sun for free... The space still makes money, unless private events are threatened, they won't touch it.
  14. What a stupid thing to say. It's evident that SOME of the leaders aren't driven by anything besides notoriety. You and I both know the culture within the company is shocking in majority of the business areas. Shit morale leads to poor performance, it's as simple as that. There is not an inch of tall poppy syndrome within my reply or original opinions. If the heads of the business, and the managers on the ground aren't prepared to get their boots dirty, make a change and display expectations, why then should the "lazy and unmotivated" ops care? As recent as last month I witnessed a leader ripping into his staff, in front of a large group of GP, criticising their work, and reprimanding them, because they were struggling to wrap their head around an outlets new POS system, a system that they had no prior training in. Do you understand what I am saying here? That's not the point of discussion though. The fact of the matter is, these attractions are putting through a Movie Worlds pax capacity hasn't increased, yet their attractions line up has. We weren't seeing this type of attraction wait times pre covid, yet they were still doing record crowds. This comes down to poor operations, running attractions at a 3rd of their possible throughput. I will say it again, clear and concise expectations need to be set, otherwise it will be the same shit. A theme park being full to the point that you're getting on 2 attractions in a day, is the result of poor planing, design and operations. It's as simple as that. You do understand people can have a terrible day, deciding to never visit again, without going and leaving a review online. People vote with their wallets, not their Google reviews....
  15. I don't think that's very fair, and extremely generalised. At the end of the day, it's up to the operator, the managers, and the supervisors to create and maintain a culture of what is and isn't acceptable. The parks should be looking at these numbers, and trying to resolve them any way they can. They have been absolutely smashed these holidays by reviews and the media, yet no action has been taken as of yet. Shit rolls down hill, the culture within our parks, and specifically within VRTP is woeful at best. Sure there is a small percentage of staff who are there cashing their cheques and going home, but to shoehorn the rest into that category is a bit rich. Changes need to be made at the top, expectations need to be set, and actions need to be taken. By far the laziest staff, are those at the top.
  16. Unfortunately this won't happen. Currently, they legally can't fill that space due to fire egress issues. In short, there aren't enough emergency exits in that space to cater for the amount of guests.
  17. Sea World still own multiple aircraft, but lease more from Menzie Aviation. A lot of their operations are handled by a 3rd party, but ownership is still in part with VRTP. The two aircraft which crashed, are owned by VRTP.
  18. This looks fantastic. The fact this is in a "regional" park, is amazing. Really giving the big boys a run for their money. Pico and Gumbya World have both done a bloody good job with it all. Can't wait to get down and check it out.
  19. As far as I'm aware, these attractions are also not listed as closed at the entrance either.
  20. Likewise with EDMS and Social Advertising. Currently, they're trying to derail their hype train. But can't and shouldn't continue to push that it's open, as clearly this is not the case.
  21. Part of the issue lies in the fact that currently, the maintenance page says these attractions are closed. However you've got the themeparks.com.au website stating that Leviathan is open, whilst Trident says both it's open, AND it's closed due to high wind. Visit Sea World's attractions page and you will find that each of the rides in question have a banner stating they're NOW OPEN, even though once you dive into the maintenance page, you see it's in fact closed. If a guest makes it that far, it's safe for them to assume the attractions are open, and can't be blamed for diving further in. VRTP's biggest issue is they can't manage to maintain the same messaging across multiple mediums. You've also now got the offical socials account stating there is issues across the entire area, causing it to be closed this week, whilst still going hard across their digital channels stating it's all open.
  22. Exactly! From what I have been told/experienced, majority of it was wind like you said, plus around 30 minute delay later in the arvo after they had to evacuate guests from the brake run.
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