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Daniel Shorten

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Daniel Shorten last won the day on November 5 2013

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  1. I went on - H2Go Racers(x2), 360 Rush(x2), Bombora, T5, Tantrum, Riptide(x2), and the HalfPipe. Part of my time was taken up with spending some time with a friends family, but there was also queues in the vicinity of 10 minutes for most of the "extreme" rides. I expect that wait time will blow out badly come launch day. The Riptide was the green family slide and the reason I list it was mostly because of the huge momentum and speed you build up in the 2nd half before hitting the pool.. you really fly. I rode it with 4ppl and 5ppl, and it was awesome both times. In the end i'm happy that I still have 9 different slides to still try!! Food was actually decent. The surf club has Chicken Burgers, Beef Burgers and Pizza. The lil fins food area has sandwiches and hotdogs. Combo meals from the surf club were around $15, I had the Double Beef Cheeseburger with Chips and Drink. A discount was applied to the RRP for the meals and it came out around $12, im hoping that is the same discount to be had for Gold season pass holders. I also picked up a couple of new coloured bands for the season passes, and these were $10 each. (They come in 3 different sizes and around 8 colours) I recommend getting Bombora/T5 out of the way early if you can to avoid a lengthy wait! Also midway through the day they had a fault on 2 of the 360 Rush pods so were running at 50% capacity, which led to long wait times on that ride.
  2. The lockers were operating on a complimentary basis today, and maybe the same tomorrow. Either way they were present and working! So you should be fine.
  3. I was lucky enough to get an invite to the Roadshow family and friends day today. The park is great, and was of course nice at only about 20% capacity! I didn't get to every ride, but of the ones I did I thought the picks were - T5, Bombora, Riptide and 360 Rush. The wavepool ran in a few different patterns, including what you could almost call a surfable wave. The Surf Deck was running but the Sky Coaster was not, everything else was open. The surprise was Wet n Wild Jnr - that will be awesome for kids - it looked great.
  4. Still no email for me, paying the price of booking early on their original ticketing system I guess.
  5. Just a random who got it from their the help line. Seems logical though, shorter breaks between the days as they run-up to the 12th for staff readiness.
  6. No passes for me today grr. Someone on Facebook was told the preview days will be the 5th 8th 10th and 11th. If so I think I'll angle for the 10th.
  7. Another good video popped up, some good inside information from the ceo - http://youtu.be/fKoN2stFlz4
  8. Julys newest Youtube update shows the wave pool, certainly doesn't look like it will generate a surfable wave.
  9. SBS news story - http://youtu.be/iMujxGrSli0 Interesting final comment, they are expecting 20,000 on opening day. A 2nd SBS video, with a quick interview with one of the slide techs - http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/2013/11/20/wetnwild-sydney-spark-theme-park-boom
  10. Working link - http://youtu.be/fAB8La2zcAk Looking almost done from the air. Also some slide testing footage -
  11. This is the internet, no place for facts and science! Thanks for the lesson, perhaps we may be blessed with some nice surfable waves still.
  12. Go and have a look at this vid - http://au.news.yahoo.com/nsw/a/19639760/beach-boost-for-western-sydney/ Pause around 19seconds.. see the worker in the pool.. lets say he is 6ft, well he is already at wall height there and the pool doesnt get much deeper. I would expect a normal depth of 1m or so when calm - if adding a 2m wave we are talking 9ft.. and there is no way that wall is 9ft.
  13. The website has been updated with a $99 Silver Season Pass - excludes parking, in park discounts and early access.http://wetnwildsydney.com.au/tickets/season-pass.aspx#!season silver pass/info
  14. Looking at the construction pics it seems highly unlikely they will be 2 metres high, unless measured from the pool floor..
  15. Article on the Nippers announcement - http://au.news.yahoo.com/nsw/a/19639760/beach-boost-for-western-sydney/ Includes the first showing of a slide with water running (The Master Blaster).
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