Julys Aquila
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Julys Aquila last won the day on December 11 2013
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just received this email from Wet'n'Wild Sydney.... THANK YOU SYDNEY! Each and every member of our team are truly thrilled by your response to Wet'n'Wild Sydney during the first few weeks of our season. We were excited to have opened just in time for school holidays, as a result we are experiencing higher than normal visitation to the park. Due to this extraordinary demand some guests have been disappointed on the few days the park has reached capacity. In recent days we have seen that the park demand has begun to normalize, but we wanted to provide you with some additional information: • Wet'n'Wild Sydney has recently announced the expansion of our operating hours until 11:00pm on most days in January and will continue to review the operating calendar based on guest comments. Visit our Operating Calendar, available on our website under Plan MyDay. • The free Parra-to-Park shuttle service has been expanded to daily operations in January. We encourage all guest to use public transportation and take advantage of this free shuttle whenever possible. Additional detail regarding the Parra-to-Park shuttle is available on our website. • An additional off-site car park is available during peak days. When in use our Team Members will direct you to this lot and a free shuttle is provided to and from our front gate. • Should you have any question regarding the status of the park, please visit wetnwildsydney.com.au. Should the park become full, information will be posted to the park's homepage. Additional questions about Wet'n'Wild Sydney? Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions PASS HOLDER PHOTOS Each pass holder will be identified by a photo at the front gate entry. To speed up your entry into the park on your next visit please login to your MyAccount and upload a photo for each pass holder. Once the photo has been uploaded it cannot be modified within the online account and can only be updated or changed by a Guest Services team member at the park. If you are unable to upload your photo for any reason, our front gate staff will take your photo upon your next visit to the park. Here are some guidelines to assist in uploading an appropriate photo. The season pass photo: • should be a recent colour photograph of the head and shoulders similar to a passport or drivers licence photo; • cannot have any obstructions that cover the face including hats, hair, or sunglasses; • should not be blurry, too dark, taken from a distance or contain a busy background; • file size should be no larger than 1MB; and • that do not comply with the above guidelines or deemed inappropriate will need to be adjusted prior to entry and may cause a delay to your entry into the park. ADVISORY Wet'n'Wild Sydney sold out of 2013/2014 Season Passes in December. We are aware that some MyBands/Season Passes are being sold on third party websites and we strongly discourage the purchase through these sites. MyBands/Season Passes are non-transferable and in most cases we are unable to admit guests who make purchases through these third party sites. Similarly sharing of MyBands/Season Passes at the front gate is a violation of the terms & conditions of purchase and may result in the MyBand/Season Pass to be confiscated and blocked without refund. "Ok, it looks like Wet'n'Wild Sydney is full steam ahead in advising us of what we should know, or maybe keeping in contact with us in a friendly vrtp way so we can forget about all the Problems that's been happening at Wet'n'Wild Sydney".... "Oh and one more thing, here is a survey about the rides/slides that was given to someone ?(name can not be mentioned) and was sent to me via email, a conversation between 2 parties in Australia and abroad in deciding about this survey was included in the email but it cannot be shown here.. anyway i thought i might give you members a look at the survey, check it out"..... https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/phx2013
"Whew... it's been quite a debacle in the last 6 days with Promoters and Wet'n'Wild Sydney but i am very sure this will slowly fade out, and maybe Wet'n'Wild Sydney will move into overdrive and focus on it's customers and it's potential to forget and move on with something new and exciting happening at Wet'n'Wild Sydney,which is usually the case of replacing negativity".
And i for one totally agree's with you AlexB,the lifeguards are not there to baby sitter someones children, they are not there to be parents to some ones child, since the park had opened 2weeks ago i had been going there about 3x a week just to get the feel and understand it's operation, yes there has been hicups along the way, partially due to the operations in the slides and rides caused by mechanical or electrical issues but that's what you would expect in it's first weeks of operation i suppose, and yes i have witnessed 2 police officers babysitting 7 children at a very young age because their Parent/s were busy enjoying them selves on the slides and why? because they had left the older child whom i assume was only 10 yrs old to take care of the rest of the children which all ranged from 10 yrs down, 20 mins had gone by and all i saw were these 2 police officers doing a really good job at taking care of these children, playing with them, talking to them, just practically keeping them safe...... As i had my camera rolling the female Police officer was holding one of the little kids in her arms and i think she was dancing to one of the music playing from the loud speakers when the mother's of the children appeared and that's when the police officers gave them a few words that i could not understand but from what i was seeing from their body language they were not very happy (police officers) and yes the parents were pointing at the older child telling them that he was taking care of them......... The second time i came across a child on her own was on Sunday 22nd Dec while swimming at the beach close to shore with my nephews i heard this scream and crying from behind me and i turned around and here was this 5yr old child screaming and yelling out for her mother, i said to her are you ok? and she said "My mummy" while crying and yelling her mom's name, i didn't know what to do so i gave her to the nearest mother to me who was swimming with her child and i watched her give that crying child to a life saver. These parents are so excited about Wet'n'Wild Sydney that they just seem to forget who the child is in their family... If putting pictures like these and comments about this sort of thing up here in this forum is not accepted by the community please let me know and i will refrain from doing so, i know we are suppose to talk about the parks and all it's wonders but i'm also wondering if this is a different issue?
Hello swagjord, hope you enjoy wet'n'wild sydney on your visit in the holidays and please make the most of it, to answer your question, NO they do not check your weight, i had taken photo's of the weight restrictions in particular areas of the park for the rides so hopefully this information helps you and by the way while i was there Wednesday Thursday and Friday there were quite a few bigger customers there enjoying themselves both female and male so don't ever worry about the weight issue until you get there and find out yourself buddy... THE BREAKERS, HALF PIPE, TROPICAL CYCLONE, TYPHOON, AQUA TUBE: Max 2 people - 110cm+ - Min weight 45kg - Max 180kg all slides. DOUBLE BOWLSeye, RIPTIDE, THE CURLER: Max 5 people - 120cm+(riptide) - 110cm+(double bowlseye, the curler) - Max 365kg all slides. I didn't get a photo of the restrictions for the BOMBORA, TANTRUM, T5, etc but they are sign posted along the side before you walk up those stairs so no one will ever question you about your weight, you are who you are and you are unique, Go and enjoy yourself play and laugh as much as you want......
My thoughts for the rides i went on today: Double Bowls Eye - It took us about 30mins to finally get from the bottom to the top of the stairs,Had to use the 2 seated raft got on going into the first tunnel it was ok, coming into the first eye felt alright not excited yet down into the next tunnel around the curvy bend started picking up speed straight into the next eye and out the last tunnel still not that excited for me but my mate thought it was awsome. rating: 7-10 T5 - It took about 20mins to get to the top with the staff there so friendly, hopped on the raft and away we went down and around that curve at a pretty good speed i must say straight into the Heart of the T5, the raft felt like it was gonna take us right around the inside of the Funnel as it slid from side to side because it pretty much reached a good height on both ends and out the end we came: rating: 8-10 360 rush - Was told to cross leg's over one another and cross my arms over each other while grabbing onto the strap that was holding the back foam to support the rush if that's how you would explain it, count down started 3, 2, 1 and the bottom opened up and i just fell and may i say i just really Sh*t myself, i closed my eyes all the way down and around the curve and out the tube and my thoughts were "Holy Sh*t that was scary what a rush, i aint going on this again". rating: 7-10 H2GO racers - Didn't wait that long for a ride as there were 8 people going at the same time, the ride was ok, didnt feel that much of a speed thing just the splash at the end when coming out and down but that was all. rating: 6-10 TYPHOON - Enjoyed this ride with the raft swaying from side to side as it went around curves and into those two bullet looking things what ever you call them, came out backwards which surprised me but thats what it's suppose to do. rating: 8-10 TROPICAL CYCLONE - My favourite ride of all, after you enter the tube light disappears and it's darkness from there on, your thoughts of wondering where we are going whats ahead whats gonna happen and all you feel is the raft moving from side to side and picking up speed and dropping a level as it travels and just hearing the sounds of water flowing around you and then you finally get to the end by seeing light at the end of the tunnel, that's awsome i enjoyed that feeling of not knowing and looking forward to knowing if you get what i mean. rating : 9-10 BOOMERANG BAY - just a relaxing area where you can go to and do just that relax, and what happened when i went there and layed on the 2 seater raft while looking up at the sky? i drifted off and had a quite snooze while my raft was just drifting, what woke me up was a heard someone say "he's just chillin, look at him" i said "yepp i'm just chilling". this doesn't need a rating. The rest of the rides i thought i would try them another day so i can look forward to something i haven't been to on my next visit. These thoughts and ratings are personally my own. Had a good day today.
Hello _koppen, the photo's you wanted have all been taken, the Mat racer slide photo's will be uploaded by Gazza, Cheers mate.
"Because while i was there today the raft conveyor belt was broken or not functioning since Monday so i was told...... What a joke, Opening day and the conveyor isn't working and everyone had to carry their raft with them to the top and not only that, some of the raft's were losing air in them preventing them from being usable and so rafts were passed up from those holding them from below"
"Speaking of taking photo's of the children's playground, Last night on my Preview day at 5pm i was very very excited to get in there as you know i would after months of construction videos and photo's, i really wanted to take photo's of the w'n'w jr area as my videos have very limited construction shots of the area so i think i was over excited i parked my car walked over to the fence and took some shots of the children's playground which was obviously the slides and rides etc, then i made my way in there and walked straight to the w'n'w jr area and just started taking photo's of the area NOT THE CHILDREN just the slides rides pools and everything else, Oblivious to what i was doing due to my excitement while clicking away i got a tap on the shoulder and i turned around "Excuse me sir you can only take photo's of your own child not of somebody else's" says this life saver who was maintaining the children's area, i said "I know that, i was just taking photo's of the slides that's all here take a look at the photos" so i showed him the photo's on my phone and he said "I know you were doing that i just had to let you know, ok thank you have a good day".... i walked away thinking what the hell just happened while at the same time thoughts running through my head of parents looking at me showing my camera phone to this life saver worker and wondering am i taking photo's of their kids or am i a pervert, i walked away so pissed off and angry that i had to calm myself down by getting into the lazy river(boomerang bay) and still thinking what the hell just happened, and i came to a conclusion, i was over excited at what i wanted to do that i forgot where i was doing it in...... "THE KIDS PLAYGROUND AREA full of kids, DUHHHHHH"...... even though i wanted to punch the lights out of that life guard i had also realize what if somebody was taking a photo of my son Julys, would i like that, NO, so the life saver was just doing his job, took me a while to accept that and to accept how could i have forgotten that, so i picked myself up and thought i have a job to do and that's to take as many photos of this park as possible to post on Parkz.com, so here is the kids playground area and the rest of the photo's of the park will be sent to Gazza........ Oooops, i stuffed up below.... but the photos below that..... cheers.
Just got back.... Hello jjuttp, i stayed until 9:10pm cause i was waiting for the colourful lights to come on the rides/slides (Skycoaster-Double bowlseye-360 rush-Bombora-T5 etc) but they only stayed on for a few seconds not long enough for me to grab my camera,But i will be there tomorrow morning.
"Right at this moment, right now i am preparing to make my visit to Wet'n'Wild Sydney on the 11.12.13 as well as mentally taking in all the excitement and sadness that its finally coming to the end of my Wet'n'Wild Sydney under construction journey, countless videos and hundreds of photo's 14 months and 24 days later i will finally be stepping inside Wet'n'Wild Sydney and soaking in what i have been clicking on the other side of that fence through rain dust and time, My first inside Photo's will be Published here on Parkz.com and i'm very sure you all will not be disappointed, my Last video will be Part 41 of the Grand Opening Tomorrow 12th December and then that will be it from me......sad to say.... But rest assure Parkz, my next Journey will be "Wonderland Sydney" so that's another exciting Journey to look forward to..... (if that is given the go ahead).... anyway i will be sending the photo's to Gazza and you should be expecting them when he uploads them".... "So Excited"!!! julys847am
thank you for confirming that Joz, i will be taking alot of photo's while i'm there tomorrow buddy.... and uploading them on here tomorrow aswell.... and here is my latest video Part 40 ... enjoy Parkz. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivfoODeic8I
Maybe because in their terms and conditions this is also included: Photographs or videos taken by you must be for your own personal use and enjoyment and not for any commercial purpose. We may use any photographs or video that we take of you for our commercial purposes without payment to you.
Hello Parkz, this is already on wet'n'wild sydney website if you havnt already seen it: Parra-to-Park The park offers a free Parra-to-Park shuttle from the Parramatta Transit Centre. Pick-up and drop-off is located on Darcy St. The shuttle will operate daily from 12 December – 31 December and Friday thru Monday 1 January – 28 January. The first pick-up will begin at 9:00am with departures running every hour on the hour until 1 hour prior to park closing. Returns will depart the park every hour on the half hour until just after park closing. Shuttle times subject to change without notice, please check our website prior to your visit for the latest information regarding the Parra-to-Park Shuttle Service.
Hello danaant, yes i got the email just before 5pm today, and have registered online and will be attending Wednesday 11th Dec at 5pm -10pm, the reason why i wanted to go to the 5pm is so that i can take the feel of what it's like before and after Sunset,....... You will get the email dannant, don't worry about anything, just be patient my friend.... see you at the Opening.....
Hello Parkz, just to clarify soft opening for Season gold pass holders.....