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Jay Jay The Jet Plane

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Everything posted by Jay Jay The Jet Plane

  1. FIRST MAZE LOCATION CONFIRMED: I managed to spot some wood behind a staff only gate near the Show Stage! Here's the evidence folks! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=741484075917520&id=741091635956764ouldn't I couldn't see much work in Scooby queue line at the moment neither no work near the Sound Stages..
  2. Pictures are ready! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=741491609250100&id=741091635956764
  3. Pictures have just been uploaded! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=741466412585953&id=741091635956764&refid=13
  4. I will be heading down to the park tomorrow as well as Dreamworld I will post some new pictures on my new page "Hillbilly45"
  5. Starting from tomorrow I will no longer post any pictures on this topic Instead I will post them on my new page Hillbilly45 on Facebook and yes I will be making a trip to Dreamworld tomorrow since I went to the spin and spew fairground last weekend!
  6. You know what was crap? Roller Coaster Tycoon 3DS!
  7. I went on Sunday and took these pictures! I think the pictures turned out fine
  8. I'm at the park right now however I'm with my friends so no photos at WWW. Any photo requests ? Tail Spin However I won't be post much pictures today due to that the Parkz Update I wish I could do a Parkz Update since I'm one of people who goes to the parks each week..
  9. As I'am speaking I'm uploading a video of Wipeout which I did yesterday I gave up the thumb ups in the video at the end as well! My Channel is Ninja59able for those who want to subscribe to that channel
  10. I can't see that there would be water under Tailspin since the area is very small as I have said many times before. The Carriages will most likely take up most of the area unless they have a feature where the floor disappears then you can see the water.. I can't see any water happening near Tailspin since I haven't seen any drains installed in JUST yet
  11. I can confirm that I did indeed see some water near a drain which meant there could have been water after all Maybe they were testing but the water for one day. When I went today there was no water there.. They were testing the original ride cycle it they tested it five times the ended it for the day the fourth time the ride got stuck which meant the engineers had to do their magic to fix the ride Upload the video? Yes! I'm a bit busy so I have to do it tomorrow when I have some free time!
  12. The only thing I saw of TailSpin today was that was two buildings were being concreted the rides area was complete all they need to do is put the queue line and put the ride in its place and they are basically down I couldn't post any pictures as spent most of my phones battery on doing videos of the Wipeout getting tested.
  13. MINI CARS DRIVING SCHOOL UPDATE: The Building is now officially blue. New fence get put up! Inside the building If you didn't know they have put the Superman Escape track and you drive under it pretty cool! they have also put the Scooby Doo castle in place as well which I couldn't get a picture since it was far way I also have some update on Fright Nights not really much of a surprise do we have an official Fright Nights topic if we don't have an topic yet could I start the topic? Thanks? Hillbilly45
  14. No Updates of Mini Cars Driving School eh? Look no further I will have some pictures of the ride later tonight!
  15. Skyra I got another question to ask Do you know why Vortex was replaced with a crappy laser tag arena? Was Sudden or Deltra Strike throwing money at Dreamworld to have a laser tag installed?
  16. I won't be heading to White Water World tomorrow I only be visiting Dreamworld for an Hour or so..
  17. Look at Disneyland most of their rides costs someone's life and they are still working to this day (expect the Skyway)
  18. Before I post the pictures of Wipeout and the Big 9 ride I apologise about the comment I said about Sea World on Friday.. I will remove the part of post that got me a lot of hate after I post this Anyways on to the pictures! New Thrill Ride: The area looks very small I'm guessing it is Power Surge after all.. It also has two operating booths which is interesting maybe we could have some theming to the new ride maybe themed to Kevil Hill? Wipeout: The sign is back up and there's a queue line for single riders! Sand makes a return as well but Fluffy The Shark isn't back in the ride (forget to take pictures of the sign and the sand)
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