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  1. The problem occurs when you come off the wall and hit the standing water (the way the water runs is that it all meets up on the right hand side of the slide just off the wall ). It really hits the water and jolts the raft so if you are not expecting it you can come off very easily if you are facing backwards and are on the right hand side . I would suggest it may just be that there is too much water pressure on the slide and that the amount of standing water is bigger than the design. These have been installed at a number of water parks so I would doubt it is an actual design fault.
  2. Further to my post about the bombora being closed - here is why... http://www.westernadvocate.com.au/story/2034831/bathurst-girl-falls-off-wet-n-wild-ride/
  3. A couple of interesting things to note as of my last visit on Sunday. The Family Raft tower is now using clover leaf rafts so maximum people is 4 ... Not sure why they have changed ,maybe it is because these rafts do not fly across the pool like the other rafts did . I quite like them as they are great fun on The Riptide where you really go up high on the wall now. The Bombora was closed for "Maintenance" , but having heard a few thing from lifeguards and various people at the park that there have been a lot of injuries including a couple people being taken away on a stretcher (one kid was knocked out cold apparently) ,I am wondering if there is a particular design fault with this installation and if we will actually ever see it open again . Having been on it a few times it can be very dangerous (but great fun ) if you do not hold on tight to the raft, as when you come back down from the wall at speed it hits the water in slide hard, and if you are not holding on tight on the right hand side you could easily fall out and hit your head on the side of the slide. I have been going from 8pm at night and you have no issues getting on rides then because the fast-pass stops at 8pm. They have really pissed off a lot of people with the fast pass by allowing the fast pass people to hog the slides and not letting other people having a go and with the poorly designed towers the lines having been terrible in the day. My Daughter was there all day with her friends and managed to get on 3 rides. There has been a lot of negative comments about the park and all are justified , you would have thought it would have been smart to get some experienced people from the Gold Coast to run things. But I will congratulate them by opening the park until 11pm it means you can get on all the slides if you are prepared to stay to the end. Cheers
  4. Hi, I have actually gone to the park most nights at about 8:30pm and a couple of days Saturday and Sunday - getting there at night is great as we have no problems getting on anything. Still a bit of line for the t5. There are some fantastic slides there such as the T5,BOMBORA,THE RIPPER AND THE HALF PIPE. The problem with the park is the layout of the towers with one staircase in which then splits further up , it means that there are massive delays on the tornado tower and white water tower as people block access to the not as popular rides . I cannot believe that they could not have done this better. They should have had separate staircases and entry points at the bottom of the tower for each ride. For example when we went on Sunday we were going on the rippers when we got the top which took 20mins we found 2 board lifeguards and no one waiting . The only tower that works well is the mat racer/aqua loop, as they split this well at the start. Another interesting thing to note is the ripper is actually so fast that when you hit the pool you make it to the end and hit the staircase and almost fly out of the raft. I noticed last night that there was a lifeguard positioned in the water and when raft hit the pool he would grab the raft and dive under in to slow it down !!! They also changed the seating positions in the raft so that now you are told to sit with knees up and feet flat on the floor. It is great fun but looks a little dangerous !! Another problem is the lack of single person rides with only the mat races and aqualoop , they should have put in some speed slides . I understand it all about capacity but with staircase arrangement they are not getting maximum capacity anyway !! The lazy river is a complete fail. The wave pool is just a pool and the waves do not even break and cannot be body surfed. They also really stuffed up the season passes by promising to send them out and then making people wait hours in a queue to get them. So the park is a 3 out 5 at the moment , i am taking advantage of the late nights why i can, because with crowds in the day the park really is unusable and I would imagine a lot people who have gone in the day will not be back. The gold coast layout is much better for crowds because of the separation of the rides. Cheers Fred
  5. Hi There, Wet and Wild Sydney has posted their opening hours up their site http://wetnwildsydney.com.au/plan-my-day.aspx#!opening-hours Great that they are opening at night December and January , But what a joke it is that they not opening in the weekdays in March or April except for School holidays... As a season pass holder I am not happy that we were not told this before buying . What do you guys think ??? Fred
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