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  • Birthday February 17

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  1. What exactly is this set being used for in this precinct. Is it a photo op to go inside or is it utilised for a sort of scene with actors? Or both. I didn't get a chance to explore the precinct. Cheers.
  2. I wasn't going to write up a review on the first night of Fright Nights but meh why not. I have very mixed emotions of what I have experienced so far. I think this can be because of the different locations of the mazes and having to work around the new adjustments, the typical first night problems. I am just going to move onto the mazes, precincts and other miscellaneous events through the night. Conjuring 2: This was the first maze of the night and wasn't too impressed at all in the first run of the night. It felt very low in budget when looking back to mazes such as Evil Dead/Within. The scares where 'meh' and it just didn't seem to live up to it's hype. We went back at the end of the night and went through again by ourselves and was genuinely terrifying. Not being in one large clogged up line gave us the chance to take in everything, the scares, theming etc. The effects in this maze was amazing for example the roof scare, moving props like the dishes and swing set, as well as the final scare from Janet where she leaps out from the corner making it seem as if she is flying. Best maze of the night. Side note, the line up was utilized efficiently and actually had some theming to keep the anticipation flowing. Very eerie inside the show stage. From Dusk till dawn: I was very intrigued about how this maze would go as I don't watch the show but i have a vague understanding of it. I thoroughly enjoyed this maze but only because it was more fun- not horrific. The set was awesome and the effects were alright. It got very tight in the hallways which would have been a perfect spot to place a scare actor to run through... The scares were very average and was seriously lacking in scare actors. But I have high hopes this friday for when i do the UTT that thise will be fixed. I HAVE HOPE! I also liked the location of the new sheds being on that orange sandy area. Along with the fire tower it set the scene pretty well. Wyrmwood: To me this maze was probably better than last year but just not very memorable. Looking back I actually cannot recall much inside the maze. Some bush, zombies and a yellow suited guy dancing. By far my least favourite maze from the night. For some odd reason it had the longest line when we lined up. Friday the 13th: Same thing happened in this maze as Conjuring 2. We had a pretty poor experience the first time through at the beggining of the night. Alot of scares were actually skipped when I went passed the actor. However at the end of the night our group of 4 had Jason chasing us all the way through the dirt tunnel and into the next scene. I prefer this years maze than last years. It felt more small and compact having scares after scares. You could tell some effects just weren't complete for example the light up picture of Jason in one of the hallways didn't work. Just typical first night problems. Apparations Precinct: We only entered the alley once and it was just my group of 4 and we screamed the whole time. Although it was extremely small it was effective and a good way to get to the courtyard and mazes etc. I can see this precinct being extended into the courtyard with less smoke but just some set and actors- yes i know the Panic Rooms are in there but just an opinion. The other precincts i have yet to explore when i attend the UTT on Friday. It was a very rushed night. Cannot wait for the 7th!
  3. Well i think it's safe to say Apparitions is correct as a precinct however, what will be the third? Any guesses? I think American Horror Story would be amazing, however with Universal having it this year it may be unlikely...
  4. ^^^ Does anyone have an idea of what's going on in the there? Could this be a possible maze location for Wyrmwood or new panic room location- hopefully they aren't in main street again.
  5. I am seriously shocked and excited! YES! I am well impressed by Movieworld's decision. Although I am still hoping for an AHS maze (or in the future!) This was a seriously terrifying movie and can only think of how heart pumping this maze is going to be! Hurry up MW and release more information!
  6. I keep seeing the same movie being advertised around the Brisbane area and just thought this might be a possible maze. It's called "Red Billabong". Australian film, just like Wyrmwood which makes me think this could be a potential maze. I am for sure hoping for something alot more well known or horrifying!
  7. As a maze, I personally think that the Scream franchise could work (TV series or movies). Just an opinion. Thoughts?
  8. This may have been covered already but does anyone know why the admission price rises later on in the event? Thanks.
  9. I have been through it once and also found it ordinary. Very average with very few actors and was just filled with smoke making it hard to navigate your way through the maze.
  10. I remember they had a tent up for the haunt attraction 'Nightmares' and 'The Freezer' by Sudden Impact. From what I can remember Nightmare's was a 3D house, I wasn't game enough to enter the Freezer. Would be awesome to see something like that to come back for future Halloween events and not just have Zombie Evolution.
  11. Just to add to that, at the beginning of the night when Michael did his speech in the lounge I believe he mentioned something about new designers or company that took over for the sound stage houses. I may be wrong but I sure do remember him saying that there is a noticeable difference with the new hero mazes this year or something along them lines. Is there anyone that has also done the UTT that can remember what was said? I also prefer more spacious sets in comparison to low detail cramped hallways. It puts you in the story and feels more immersive. It also gives you know idea where the actors are going to come from. I just love it! I really hope they give the next year sound stage mazes a larger set design.
  12. Five Nights at Freddy's is a weird choice, and I just cant see it happening. The animatronic animal characters aren't scary at all in comparison to say Re-born Laura or Jason. Although, I suppose if they were blood soaked and placed in a strobe lighted, near to pitch black maze that could be scary...
  13. What is Fright Zone and Total Darkness suppose to be based around? And why the return Hillbilly?
  14. Just curious but has anyone done the other Panic Rooms? If so what were your thoughts and do you think they have a chance of returning next year?
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