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Guest 239

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Everything posted by Guest 239

  1. I don't get the purpose of the gem. The ride looked fine without it. Regardless, it's still Australia's best themed coaster.
  2. I prefer them slowly adding more over time than the opposite. All too often you hear about attractions that have effects which are taken away for being either too ambitious or complex.
  3. The copyright and legal status of the Wizard of Oz is interesting. I'm not a lawyer, but my understanding is that the film entered the public domain in Australia in 2009 (publication year + 70 years), and that it will do the same in the US in 2035 (95 years under U.S. copyright law). Considering most theme park attractions have a theoretical lifespan of 30 years, it’s fascinating that roughly two-thirds of The Wizard of Oz's lifespan in the park will coincide with its public domain status. That said, nearly all of the trademarks associated with the property—such as ride names and the logo—are registered under Turner Entertainment Co., not Village Roadshow. Since this land was the first of its kind and these elements were non-existent prior to 2023, doesn’t this mean Village effectively funded the creation and trademarking of these elements, which Turner now gets to benefit from? I get that licensing protects against others using the same branding, why wouldn’t names like "Kansas Twister" and "Flight of the Wicked Witch" be registered under Village instead? Paying licensing fees to a third-party company for something so generic seems unnecessarily restrictive. It’s interesting to consider how Village may have enabled Turner and Warner Bros. to maintain a stranglehold over a property that is already in the public domain in Australia and will soon be in the public domain in the U.S., with no significant long-term benefit for Village aside from the initial right to build the land. With the rise in popularity of Wicked under Universal and Disney’s past involvement in the property (Oz: The Great and Powerful), this may have been Turner’s opportunity to solidify control over the property and its branding ahead of broader public domain access.
  4. This isn't just an Australian thing. Amusement parks internationally get constant negative attention and I doubt most people overseas even remember or know about the DW incident. I'd imagine it's because most people think rides and coasters are death traps. We know they aren't, but check the comments of any park emergency and there is always some boomer arguing to close them down. Maybe the DW incident stoked the flames a bit more here, but the same fearmongering headlines and news reports can be seen globally.
  5. I haven't seen this before. More information here: https://earthstory.com.au/portfolio-dreamworld-jungle-rush.html
  6. That sounds about right. They had a lot of operational problems whilst we were there from rides randomly going down to a park wide fire alarm that halted everything for like 30 minutes.
  7. Genting SkyWorlds is an excellent park and it looks like you visited on a beautiful day! When we went it alternated between rain and cloud every 20 minutes which seemed fairly normal talking to the staff. That's a shame. Considering the height, theming, and a little surprise before the launch, the Spaceshot is one of the best I've ever experienced.
  8. That's a great idea. Something similar to 'Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular' but with WB IPs? It could make for a really engaging and dynamic show. Some smaller live experiences around the park would really help for capacity as well. The horror make up show at Universal Studios Orlando is a great example of a smaller scale show that can eat crowds and only needs a few performers.
  9. If you've gone so far to go to Orlando my recommendation would be to at least try to get to all the parks even if only for a little while. If you plan it well you can do a majority of the attractions and night time spectaculars across WDW over three days. Disney and Universal just do things differently and it's something worth experiencing at least once.
  10. If it was anymore complicated then its opening would be delayed for a year.
  11. The guest feedback wins again with Australia replacing yet another attraction with shaded seating.
  12. Not sure when it was changed but the website has been updated to simply say 'Coming Soon' instead of 'April, 2024'. Village projects are cursed.
  13. Dreamworld showcasing the fountains on their socials. They go HIGH.
  14. No. But I'm hoping the fountains look nice.
  15. It's a giant rotating parasol with seats suspended from it. It's not just shaded seating; it's THE shaded seating.
  16. Friends only limit your coaster count potential.
  17. To gather opinions. Whilst we know what is best for every theme park everywhere, unfortunately they'll likely gather additional feedback from the filthy general public to make an informed decision about the sequence.
  18. That's what I love. It's something that is so bizarre to market that is also just flat out wrong. I wouldn't mind it as much either, but that crown would still go to Luna Park Melbourne's Speedy Beetle is inside Scenic Railroad. I reckon at this point just go all in and call it the World's First Roller Coaster. I'm not an engineer and could be talking out my ass but hear me out. Flash is at the center of a sea of hollow tubular steel that would vibrate with some significant force when Superman goes around the track. Now factor in that Flash is essentially one giant tuning fork. If those vibrations propagated over to the similarly hollow steel structure of Flash via resonance could it cause some problems outside of the original manufacturing standards?
  19. Would now be the right time to discuss the Freaky Frogs erasure in the Flash marketing? I can stand the lies, but ignoring an Aussie icon like Freaky Frogs is taking it too far.
  20. I'm hearing from a friend inside the park today that Flash has been partially disassembled. Unsure why.
  21. Totally fair. You came back from Tokyo. I'd be grumpy too haha.
  22. I appreciate the additional insight @New display name. I'm not trying to undermine your opinion. This project is incremental, and therefore so is the discussion It's my bad that I mistook you for nitpicking. I don't have an issue with anybody disliking anything. Dislike to your hearts content. It's just nitpicking that bothers me, but I personally shouldn't have jumped the gun.
  23. A vast majority of your comments recently have been taking Dreamworld to the gallows for the most minor of problems whilst completely ignoring the project as a whole. It makes you look desperate for something to complain about.
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