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Dracozek last won the day on April 9 2015

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About Dracozek

  • Birthday 20/09/1991

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  1. Saturday is a weekend and I didn't see any games open in that building that day.
  2. I do say when I saw the ride today, I noticed that the games weren't running to where the entrance building was, but i'm not sure if the games at the building are officially closed but it made me wonder that they might really be trying to possibly re-open the ride.
  3. Sorry to go off topic again but I just saw the Dreamworld site and said the Maintenance of the Buzzsaw changed the reopening to tomorrow, chances are they fixed the issue.
  4. Could be that, I have no idea what they're up to on it, my hopes is that they can resolve the issue as soon as possible. Since this is not the right topic to talk about that, I wouldn't say any further.
  5. I guess something may be really wrong with the ride.
  6. I might see about that when I go at the start of April, that way i'll understand the facts.
  7. Just fortunate that this April i'm going to the park, at the time I might take a closer look if possible.
  8. And oldies count as history I do say, but some deserve to get a renovation or a fix up or makeover, depending on what kind of ride it is.
  9. It got me thinking that the replacement of the Sea Viper may or may not be a roller coaster, it could be a big flat ride since the area could fit enough. And they have started some growing for the Wild attraction coming in about a long time away but they may announce that it's the next big thing, but that attraction looks a little out of the themeing for a marine park.
  10. It's such a good thing that I went to Sea World December last year and it seems that coaster looked fine to me, when I came back from Amsterdam in July, I heard that coaster closed for good, that's too bad because it's my favourite ride in that park. For their plans to fill in that empty space after tearing it down, they are looking for something that is big like the Storm Coaster or something, my guess is a roller coaster but who knows what can replace the Sea Viper. Also, i'm new here, just to let all of you know.
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