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About rippin-rolernut

  • Birthday 26/09/1991

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  1. Some of you might be interested in the Australian Engineering Week tours of Dreamworld and Movieworld this Friday. Movieworld - http://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/search/file/?file=/fms/Divisions/Queensland%20Division/Events/Movie%20World%20special.pdf Dreamworld - http://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/search/file/?file=/fms/Divisions/Queensland%20Division/Events/Dreamworld%20Special.pdf I went last year as a way to get cheap entry to Dreamworld and it turned out to be very good. There was lots of technical details about the rides and plenty of time to ask questions before spending the rest of the day riding rides.
  2. There is a chance it may be put back up as the Pet Porpoise Pool has (according to the local news) bought the slides.
  3. It was only taken down very recently, as in the end of last year.
  4. There is now an Aldi supermarket were the Aquajet was. It was just recently sold and demolished.
  5. Six Flags Magic Mountain is: 34 d 25' 25.28"N, 118 d 35' 49.41"W cedar point: 41 d 28' 56.92"N, 82 d 41' 07.76"W Island of Adventure:28 d 28' 19.05"N, 81 d 28' 16.75"W an I think Great Adventure is: 40 d 08' 15.57"N, 74 d 26' 27.85"W
  6. I found it in Big W for $38.95. Soaked dose make the game alot more interesting and the tunnels are great but the terain seems to go all blocky when you try to edit the ground near track.
  7. You only get to play the game before it is released. Now back on the topic
  8. Go to Atari's beta website (www.betatests.net) and register an acount
  9. I would of loved to do part of it but I can not because I am a beta tester of Soaked! so if I save something it is in a format that can not be read by RCT3 only. I am still happy to make a coaster even though there not to good
  10. Dreamworld may get a lot of familys, but som of those familys do have teenagers.
  11. Make sure we can download them. I love looking at stuff made by other people.
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