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  1. I'm glad for the dates after xmas as I'm going to be on the other side of the country for the whole of the period it's on before xmas. I've never made it to a white xmas before, hoping I like it
  2. I liked WC2 best, almost every time i went through at least 1 person managed to scare me. EW was well put together but i didn't find i got scared as often as i did with WC2 Clowns was hilarious Ripper was well put together, loved the set design, but i rarely got scared at all, except for the last couple of nights when the actors seemed to change it up a bit.
  3. My thoughts on the last 2 nights: Queues don't seem as bad (for me) as they were for others. Max we probably waited was an hour. First night we did Wolf Creek 3 times and The Evil Within 3 times, plus went on the Green Lantern, saw the 7pm stunt show and wandered around Main St for a bit. Second night, we did The Ripper and Cannibal Clowns once each. The Ripper queue was very slow moving to begin with, but pumped them through pretty quickly after we'd queued for half an hour by increasing group size and sending a group in every 30 secs and the Cannibal Clown queue flew through pretty fast. And we spent a lot of time on Main St. Good on the person on stilts who fell over but managed with the help of guests to get back up and continue on, despite what looked like a very painful fall. Roaming zombies on the way to the studios really need to channel their inner zombie a bit more... I saw one who would smile and laugh after scaring girls. I saw a bunch sprinting after girls who were running away scared. A few were in character the whole time, but would have been better if all of them. I wish they'd done a bit more with the stunt show, the opening looked like HWSD2. And more scheduled lived shows too. Overall though I felt like it was a better opening weekend to last year
  4. For one of my uni subjects we have to propose a project to Movie World and my group has chosen to do a Fright Nights maze. Could you please complete these two attached surveys for us Cheers!! https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NKFX37L https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/X3RY2YZ
  5. I've been on the tower of terror twice when the breaks have failed. At least I know the back up breaks work
  6. i think the film studios should stay film studios. a number of my friends work within the film industry and i've done a little work myself. how could we attract big budget hollywood films to film in australia, and in particular, south east queensland, without them? they're vital to the survival of the film industry in this region.
  7. all the reports i saw were very conflicting. as mentioned before, first report i saw was 15 and a different ride, and that she was critical in hospital, then she was 8, it was the airmaxx and was dead by the time they got to hospital. some reports said the harness was still locked in place, in others she was dangling for a while before being flung and in yet others, witnesses were saying that the harness came undone. i would love to know what actually happened. my gut has been telling me she was under the height limit tho.
  8. they didn't even say that as an option to us. there was barely a queue for the self serve photos when we went though, whilst those with the electronic still on their phone tickets had to queue
  9. if you print it out the line for taking the pic is much quicker or was when i was there a couple of weeks ago.
  10. i'm majoring in entertainment industries. our final assessment for the semester is around village roadshow theme parks.
  11. i'm not sure if i'm allowed to say the info, but it came from a credible industry source in a guest lecture at uni tonight. eta. they didn't specifically say it was confidential, so that's why i shared it
  12. from a very reliable source: the ripper is definitely in the show stage the evil within and wolf creek 2 are their main mazes, so in the studios which leaves cannibal clowns in scooby and seen as everyone has an opinion on the mazes, what maze themes would you like to see in future years that have not been done before, or can be revamped from sequels?
  13. the first time i went through darkness (opening night) it wasn't very good. it wasn't dark enough, you could make out them waiting and stuff. they took a bunch of feedback on board and by the final night it was heaps better i am super excited for this years mazes!!
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