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Everything posted by KingdaKa

  1. If all rides had hour long queues, that would be pretty bad for a waterpark...
  2. It is great, especially in the front row. Not massively scary after you've done it like 10 times but still a great ride
  4. Yes. There is a good chance that along with Hair Raiser it will be the Parks main thrill ride. Important for marketing,
  5. I am not saying they would research, but IMO you'd have to be a bit thick to look up a POV, see only 2 cars on the track, and think that therefore they would only ever use two. If you're going to watch a POV you are more likely to do a bit more research. Although I take your point about the public not being enthusiasts. That's why those videos don't have many views.
  6. Personally I love it. Super comfortable, really unique elements. Plus the launch is a nice speed. Quite zippy. The queues are also always quite short. Breaks down a lot though Latvia is nice, but not as nice as Estonia I thought Croatia would have a few water parks given the climate. I really recomment Gardaland. It is open during the week most of the year and is super quiet but still well staffed on poor weather and off peak days. Rode Raptor 17 times in like 4 hours
  7. Yes. multiple valid points. Since when was this thread solely for facts rather than speculation. All the pages before my entrance discuss possibilities for the park.
  8. Just look at the description on Wiki and you know there are more cars. And the break run is still harsh with only 4 cars.
  9. How many people were there!! Those queues are ridiculous.
  10. Valid point. I still think that it would be in their best interest (especially in PEAK times) to improve their poorer staff. As seen with the young boy, it is not just about efficiency. He will not be going back to MW any time soon I doubt. The fact that that run is nicer highlights just how rough it would be if the POV showed 6 car operation.
  11. Which post did you correct? I did not ignore any post. Tell me which post you corrected. I thought you were supposed to be spending time in your club...
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqgR4VZ39xM That is quite valid. However, competition can not be the sole reason to work faster and more efficiently. And anyway, there is 4 park competition on the gold coast... Sure Dreamworld really on has 2 but it should still be enough to crackdown on rogue ride ops.
  13. It was written in here by somebody that they intended to make 5 attractions. I am not imagining this. As for people being mind readers, I do not expect that, that is why I wrote the second post. However, you claimed that by justifying my claim I was in fact re-nigging, which by you Is BULLSHOT. *sigh*.
  14. I am sorry, but my post was not inapproproate. You know full well from my explanation that when I said that Power Surges were "fair rides" that I meant they appeared at fairs often and therefore, like Gravitrons and the dlat rides we see in RCT3, they are very much a Fair type of ride, not an amusement park type of ride. I have explained this post without contracdicting my initial post, If you want to be finicky fine, but what I said was not know-it-all in nature and if you want to be hostile go ahead, but don't pretend you were just trying to correct my post, when it was not incorrect when you learnt what I meant by a fair ride.
  15. Are there any rides at waterparks around the world where the queue and loading is actually at the bottom, and then you ride that liftchain to the ride itself. Probably not, but it would save the cost of having to build a sophisticated tower. Obviously other logistical problems, but perhaps a future implementation at parks around the world.
  16. Australians earn more than other countries so... And talk about being selective with posts. As you will see in my other post about ride ops, I said that they weren't all lazy just some were!! So there goes your generalisation argument. You literally have nothing left to support your argument at all. Unless you want to argue that Australia has worse workforce structures, efficiency etc. than America, where everyone gets paid less and where they have a reputation for inefficient. Australia is arguably one of the most efficient countries in the world. And yet you still believe its OK for a 14 year old earning 7 bucks an hour at a Theme Park to work with vigour whilst there are SOME ride ops at Movie World and Dreamworld who earn almost triple that who couldn't care less, and if you read my other posts, are actually rude and offensive... All I can say is that you deserve the ride ops I mentioned. But you can still tell from the POV and they are only running 1 or 2 trains in the one I saw, so if you can tell from that then you could definitely tell when riding it with 6 cars. BTW, why do they never use the 7th car? Is there no space? Large? I am literally a rake...
  17. Tallinn is beautiful, it is like a museum itself I speak Estonian so it is my favourite country. Which museum was it? The art one? As for Drievliet, I have been Not Plopsa though. I love Croatia!! My family went to Bol, Split, Dubrovnik and Osijek and we loved them all. Slovenia is also nice And I have been to Mirabilandia as well sorry, and I have been on Katun. Much more intense than Black Mamba but IMO not as good a ride. I would have been to more parks because me and my sister love them and my parents like to travel to countries like Germany, France, USA, Spain etc. where there are a lot of parks. Unfortunately, they don't like parks so we can only ever really go to 1 or max 2 a trip, unless they are local Dutch parks which my parents let me and my sister go to on our own.
  18. I know, but even if they had a couple of small flat rides I think it would do good for the park.
  19. Maze Runner? Anyway, I used to dream that Luna Park would install that looping Pinfari roller coaster with the Roll Over in Maloney's Corner. Now that I know they are more ambitious that might be below them Of course it can be a permanent ride and I knew it was made by Zamperla. I still think that in many ways it is a "fair ride" though. Look at Dreamworld's Flat Rides. They are all very good now. I think Luna Park should invest in an innovative and unique flat ride like them, not a puke machine that is popular at the Easter show. And please don't be so sarcastic, I can't be the only person who hopes and believes that Luna Park may look past a Power Surge for their next biggest attraction. They would be able to afford a nice compact coaster. Of course not the other stuff, but they are just wishes. Realistically though, they can go for a good small scale thrilling coaster, a very good new thrill ride, and 2 new smaller rides over the next 4 years. They said 5 in 5, and 1 year and 1 attraction have passed.
  20. I would like to see some medium rides. As much as I love thrill rides, Luna Park will be losing a lot of market share if they instantly transfer from the tame park it is now into a more thrill park. So for the 5 rides I think this would be good and realistic: 1. Hair Raiser 2. Small-scale El Loco-like coaster for Tumble Bug to Flying Saucer area. 3. Scariest ride in the park, key thrill ride for Flying Saucer Area. A really really good flat ride with good theming. 4. A tame flat ride. 5. Some form of moderate thrill ride, like the Spider but more thrilling.
  21. Read my posts closely and you will see I actually said I went on either side of the changeover.
  22. Jamberoo could latch onto another market if they invested in dry rides.
  23. This!! If I hadn't been to them so much I would be VERY confused.
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