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Everything posted by KingdaKa

  1. I have been to them. I am part Estonian, Ukrainian and Dutch so we visit Europe all the time. Therefore, whenever we go I like to visit Theme Parks That is why I haven't been to Australian Theme Parks as often, because most of our trips are international. I have only been to SFMM in America. In Europe though I've been to Europa Park, Phantasialand, EuroDisney, Tivoli, Gardaland + quite a few other small ones, especially in the Netherlands.
  2. Simply, exactly the same as Pandamonium, but the seating is arranged like Surfrider at WnW. Someone said a Mini Claw, and it is kinda like that. Of course it won't get added. Although I do hope that they consider a better, more permanent flat ride like an Air Race rather than a fair ride like a Power Surge.
  3. Of people on phones? No. But once is enough. However ride ops very casually fastening restraints and at a very slow pace is very comon. Especially on Green Lantern for some reason... I don't know why but all the time the ride ops are always talking to eachother and dont answer peoples questions and stuff. Not so much a problem for me and more experienced riders who know how to do stuff ourselves but I did see a very young kid (probably 10-12) get a very vile glare because he was struggling to pull his restraint down. And the Green Lantern restraints are heavy.
  4. No I was gonna go last year but my friends were busy, then I had tennis all through December and January plus school until now, and I have been busy plus my friends are away and my sister had uni until this week but she's sick. Hopefully in December
  5. That's good. I was worried it was gonna be super long. Good signs that they are managing the queues better
  6. IMO their theming is better. They were (IMO) ingenious to make Black Mamba 75% underground. It really is fabulous because you can follow the track and also the lift hill is a lot less high (only about 25 metres because the ride goes 15 metres underground). Also, the ride actually depicts a snake, with a lot more fast turns and helixes along with more Corkscrews and rolls than most B&Ms. IMO one of the best B&Ms in Europe, if not the best one.
  7. Can they be banned from the thread. Everything I have said here has been fine and on topic, and they are just being horrible. My suggestion was realistic in terms of the park, the ride less so. It has mostly been invented. Just flawless cars not yet. If the worst comes to the worst they could just take the floor off Pandamonium. That for sure has been invented as I am pretty sure I've seen a ride similar to a floorless air race.
  8. I never said they were douches. I said you and reanimated were. And the fact that he said you guys were "taking the piss" perfectly justifies my labelling of you. As for saying by nature that I am immature because I am young, I was not the one who started the insults. Many of the things you have said are not correct and instead you have started a stream of attacks. So don't say I am immature just because I have opinions and have evidence to back up my assertions... As for making friends, why would I want to be friends with you? All you do is insult me, call me a lazy teenager, and say all my expectations are unrealistic. I am nice to everyone else. Aside from you 2 and Brad no one has said anything but nice things to me. As for saying they're lazy, of course not every single ride op is lazy. That is ridiculous. Many are fine. However, if rides like BuzzSaw are running at slower than the 3 minute cycles, the only solution really is laziness. I have ridden it and clones and the cycles were much faster. Therefore, aside from laziness, there isn't a solution. And as for the logic that it is unrealistic to expect faster cycles because we have organised queues, its actually the opposite. And as for regulations, on theme parks all over the world the amount of restraint checks they do is almost identical. Of course Australia has much higher WHS, but it doesn't justify slower operation. As I said not all are lazy, but many that I have come across are and have been. As for the phones, I am not lying, I saw someone (who if she was 18 she was very very very young) operating the log ride a few years ago in PEAK (so the queue was about 1.5 hours). She was reading her phone in between sending the cars off from the station. She wasn't doing anything aside from pressing some buttons to eject the logs. Anyway, there was a time when the logs were ready and the other employees were telling her to eject but she was so busy reading her phone that she couldn't hear them I presume. Someone went up and yelled at her where she said the thing about doing it for the money and free admission before luckily someone else took over her job, making everything run a lot faster. Kinda stuffed that up when you said I was institutionalised. You know full well that that was whatg I wanted to happen, not what would happen. You also know that all of my suggestions have been opinions, not forcing an issue. The only thing I have been forcing an issue on was saying that Dreamworld can not have so few Coasters if they are going to be so bad quality. And that is not an unfair thing to say. So until there is something that I have said that is actually wrong, rude, or out of place, stop being horrible. To tell you the truth it just reflects badly on you...
  9. Queue most of the time at peak periods is greater than 40 mins. Normally similar or slightly longer than SE. Lethal Weapon was still a popular ride though... The queue was never less than 30 really ever in peak periods with 1 train. Sure it wasn't the 2 hours it used to be but it was still the 2nd most popular ride in the park perhaps with the exception of Scooby or Wild West in Summer.
  10. Definitely. Talocan is the best Top Spin in the world. Phantasialand excellently turned it from a fair ride into something amazing. The best thing about Phantasialand isn't just the rides and the amazing theming on Talocan and Black Mamba, it's the all around theming and essence. Every attraction has good theming and makes you feel like you are in a different setting. Colorado Express, WInjas, Mystery Castle... They are all really excellent.
  11. I said from my 2nd post that the reasoning was the comments. I said straight away that that was what I meant. And I'm sorry, but with the ride operators, why is it offensive to call them lazy when they are... calling someone institutionalised should be a ban worthy insult. Calling them lazy is simply saying that they don't work hard enough, which based off my own experience and many other peoples is frankly true. You even said yourself that they are not as good as international parks. Why is that OK? It's not like Australians are born to be less efficient... Just teach them better and force them to work harder. As for the ride, I am sorry if you really believe that the contrasting comments are not indicative. If reanimated posted that you would definitely believe it. It is obvious that you have absolutely no argument and that all you wish to do is throw insults and attempt to say my evidence is incorrect when its not. As for the reply, it was a reply to the question 'Is it as painful" not "I think it is painful". There were no negative comments on this coaster what so ever. There is a reason for that. As for telling from a POV how comfortable it is, although that was never the main platform of my argument, the speed going through tight turns, the stability of the camera, the speed of brake runs and the speed going through the spins all tell you how comfortable the ride is. You can tell just from the POV of Green Lantern at Movie World that that last break run is a bit painful.
  12. Everyone else hates it. That is the main reason for the ZacSpin hate. It looks particularly unpleasant... SFMM's worst ride IMO.
  13. Well unlike you they have actually ridden it so I know for sure as hell that their opinion is more valid than yours. Don't you have a ride-ops union to be founding?
  14. Whatever, be douches. It just reflects more on you than on me. And anyway, you're the person who actually has to wait almost twice as long in the queue because they're too busy checking their phones between trains. I just can't wait for you to criticise foreign theme parks for being so efficient that they take the fun out of the queueline! Obvious Australia having a very high minimum wage shouldn't indicate anything about the standards that our work should be at. Instead it is wrong for me to criticise lazy teenage ride operators who I have seen tell people they do the job for the money and the free entry tickets when they have been criticised... I'm sorry, please show my institutionalised eyes where the mentioning of Abyss was? Or was that you drawing a simply incorrect conclusion?
  15. WOW. I can't quite believe it... Anyway, the ride is still popular enough to demand two trains so I wonder why they didn't consider having a 2nd train... Or instead by 3 trains and only cannibalise 1...
  16. Yes it seems super difficult. Still, would be awesome when finished. Would create a new headchopper. It will never happen, but I do think if they could past the logistical problems it would be one of the best and most unique flat rides in the world
  17. I have... And it is not unrealistic to tell lazy 14 year olds to work a little more efficiently...
  18. Why is it unrealistic to expect faster than 3 minute cycles :help: American parks operate at close to 1500 Capacity, not 240. I didn't realise that asking for faster than 240 was such a ridiculous request. BTW Cyclone is slightly under 2 minutes from start to finish as you can see in POVs. Therefore 3 minute cycles is difficult but not ridiculous. 3.5 would be nice, but I think they're probably around 4 at the moment.
  19. I'M SORRY WHAT?! That is an EXTREMELY offensive and rude thing to say. Instead of being so cocky why don't you watch POVs of both and read the comments. From Insane at Grona Lund: 1. "I went on this and it doesnt hurt at all in my opinion." 2. "I've been on this one at least 10 times and its really cool cause u don't really know where you are the first times. Now I only ride it with newbies cause i love their faces during the ride. strongly recommended" 3. "I love this one, one of my faves" Compared to the Green Lantern comments which are: 1. "...and painful at that. I have ridden it, and it hurts my groin every single time. I'm never riding it again. Ouch!" 2. "When i rode this, that last part hurts you." 3. "RIDE THIS IF YOU DON'T WANT KIDS" They were the Top 3 comments from Green Lantern. There are no positive comments. Insane on the other hand, has no negative comments. Therefore, given that I said it was from comments on a video, unless you have proof that what I am posting is false or you have evidence that proves me wrong, please A) shut up, and don't say such ridiculous and offensive things as you just did.
  20. Didn't realise that. Maybe create a bit of space... I am sure it could be done. You would just need there to be like a metre of space between that and a second bar which stretches out.
  21. At least with the head you could lean forward or back and it would limit it. Someone really is bitchy. I have a recollection of two trains. I don't know when it was but I only rode the lethal weapon for the first time in 2011.
  22. Why would you puke when the cycles would be more tame... Pandamonium is more sickening IMO when it does like 50 loops... This provides thrills plus a minimum of 3-7 loops and a maximum of 9-17. With the new seating I would have a lot of 90 Degree banking so you could be face down or face up. I also think it would be cool having the two circuits at once thing with the Octopus and colours And remember it is only 6 seats per cart. So 48 capacity, a lot bigger than Pandamonium which will still not take up all the UFO space I don't think Great ride There are 21 Inversions on the hard cycle of the current Pandamonoum. If you slow down the individual loops and have less of them it will allow the slow seat turning to be more thrilling like on Surfrider. And I already said that the hard cycle on my one would have less (I said 9-17 which I hope would be random and changing rather than a set pattern like on Pandamonium). Also, because this ride provides enough thrills the soft style would have many less (3-7) but some inversions because as well see at DreamWorld the soft style is extremely unpopular. And the soft style on my version IMO is not at all sickening. Less sickening than Ranger and UFO at least...
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