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Everything posted by grrofunger

  1. I assumed it would be dark from looking at the photos of the pieces lying around before they were installed , looked thick and not really conducive to letting light through. will be pretty hot inside too
  2. I'd be happy with just a better functioning website for now (which i know is coming) not sure on the need for an app. I wonder how many platinum passes have been sold? I think its one of the very rare things AW has gotten wrong, i just can't see the value in it.
  3. Cool timelapse video of construction https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10153544841709313
  4. For me AW is predominantly a waterpark. Will ride Abyss early and that's me done for dry rides, then its water water waterslides with the kids all day. Rampage is too violent for me, similar with black widow - I don't like spinning around. Kids don't really like Bounty's Revenge (that ride is much nastier than it looks - each drop in quick succession) and Freefall meh i have no interest in that either They will dry off and go on some dragons kingdom rides during the day but still all about the water mainly (we always station ourselves in dragons kingdom) We only do the go karts once every couple of visits. Bumper boats and rail rider don't even really get considered
  5. Facebook comments hurt my head Fast Passes seem to have gone up to $35 this year ($30 last year) I still think that is incredibly good value. I wouldn't even hesitate to purchase at $50
  6. Just hang around the chicken caesar salads at lunch time...
  7. So....1 free fast pass, 1 free fright night, 1 off reduced cabana hire (not in peak time), 6 guests at 50% instead of 8 at 40% and a hat and fridge magnet......I think i'm happy to just stick with the regular family pass. Don't think we will go to a fright night and can't see us hiring a cabana........though will end up buying fast passes on at least a couple of occasions during the season for the family...
  8. All good Mark, shade up there will be AWesome Everything you are doing is AWesome, this is one hell of an offseason. Bring on opening !!
  9. thats not out of the realms based on abyss at 12 mill and the new waterslide at 7 mill. (though can they keep spending such large sums?) i would love a coaster like that at AW - i grew up with Bush Beast and the Beastie at Wonderland Add a large wooden coaster to adventure world and you've got the best park in australia (IMO)
  10. how much would a decent large wooden coaster cost? I'd love AW to get one
  11. If not already part of the plans, the 'tunnel of terror' shack thing could do with a paint/new roof it looks really bad as you drive past the park on North Lake Road and doesn't give off a fair or true perception of the quality of the rest of the park
  12. http://www.news.com.au/national/big-brother-unlikely-to-return-to-tv-as-dreamworld-house-dismantled/story-e6frfkp9-1227475729926
  13. haha - i could have actually just driven the truckster in if i wanted to - the gates at the members entrance were wide open
  14. Its incredible how much the park has grown and improved in the past 10 years I did a quick drive by today , the funnel looks complete - it is so massive, pictures dont do it justice , pictures dont do that hill justice either - so steep seeing it cleared with yellow sand down and the funnel at the bottom giving the whole thing some perspective of how it will all come together. bit of digging happening near the station for the rail rider , looked like for a pipe or cable or something (just a trench) fresh paint on the entrance gates. i wanted to griswold my way in and just go on the rides by myself
  15. Like from AW's Facebook page: http://www.experienceperth.com/travel-information/experience-perth-blog/2015/07/17/worlds-biggest-mega-slide-coming-to-adventure-world "The ProSlide Tornado 60 slide is the longest, steepest and tallest Tornado slide on the planet, dropping 30 metres along the 260 metres of ride. The Tornado 60 is widely recognised as the world's favourite and iconic water ride."
  16. i see your point but the hill at adventure world is much steeper than the hill at jamberoo and the ride at AW looks like it will be longer and taller too. look, i hope it's a steeper than all others drop into the funnel that gives it the claim to the 'steepest' i'd love a huge drop directly into it, i'm just not sure that's feasible or even safe?
  17. yep , thats the only downfall i can see for this slide its such a bloody steep hike up that hill , gonna be hard work. might have to catch the chairlift there
  18. look at the pic of the hill above by iwerks thats a pretty steep hill, there is no way the ride can be pretty flat right to the very last drop
  19. its probably just the drop from the very top/start of the slide to the very bottom making it the 'steepest' (and tallest) i would think the drop into the actual funnel would be standard as you mention
  20. Apparently the Tornado at at WnW GC uses the cloverleaf and max weight is 320kg They let groups of 3 down.
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