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Everything posted by grrofunger

  1. I assumed that would be a given? forced 4's... Gonna be awkward for groups of 3? (e.g. dad and 2 kids because mum is too scared to go on anything) I'm sure it works everywhere else with 4 person rafts... I've only been on a 4 person raft slide a few times and every time it was in a group of 2 and we just matched up with other 2 person groups easily in queue
  2. lol drove past again today , slide pieces everywhere !!!
  3. I went there this week, thought the place was very very average especially for the price. Needs the water expansion urgently. The staff were trying but need more training/help/leadership the whole operation felt very amateur, like i was in someones backyard. I was disgusted to see the hedge maze already significantly vandalised - people are arseholes.
  4. Loved the post on Facebook to 'clarify' for everyone. Geez there were some really stupid comments posted after the initial announcement.
  5. i would say it would be open seeing as there was a planned viewing platform
  6. Good question iwerks - - I just checked the AW website and it says that season passes ARE NOT upgradeable to platinum. Now that most of the specultation about the slide is over shall we speculate about whats included in the platinum passes? Some of the benefits have slightly changed for season pass - now 25% off food and merch and photos now 40% off for 8 guests , can be used on different days 75% off special events ......... so what will be in platinum? 1 off cabana hire included? 1 off fast pass included? free special events? higher discounts?
  7. can't wait to ride the slide..... not looking forward to walking right to the top of that hill though looks like a much needed change to the queuing for the 6 racer is happening too? edit -oh hang on , is that additional steps extending up past the 6 racers steps? that won't be so bad if so.
  8. Thanks Mark A 60 that long and steep is still going to AWesome Cant wait to go on it. Pretty epic to get such a world class big slide here in Perth too
  9. looks like a 45 based on the very limited pic of the structure built so far and the space it occupies, hope it is only a 45 if that means hybrid options if its just a funnel (either size) i hope there is lots of twists and turns down the hill
  10. think i saw some green slide parts on site this afternoon through the fence as i drove down north lake rd
  11. bigger aerial image: its pretty steep at the top - even the drop into the pool looks like it may be steep
  12. yeah that looks pretty spot on the height difference in the columns suggest some kind of funnel / ramp type thing like wet abyss
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