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dbo121 last won the day on February 9 2015

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  1. Perhaps easier to sell offshore due to different regulations here requiring more money to keep it operation . Overseas buyer it may make sense if they can run it to its death etc without keeping up to same standards required in Oz .
  2. Of course not . The ride was a dud and could never operate as intended . No doubt they either got some compensation or perhaps a discount on something else .
  3. Yeah or we can talk about new ride signs if they appear lol 😂
  4. Accounts are semi annual produced so we will have decembers . in the notes to financial accounts you will see acquisition of plant and equipment in segment information . It will give you a good idea if track over periods of time. there is also a breakdown of pp&e in the notes that break out what’s construction in progress vs what’s not so can split it out . It’s under major rides and attractions column to breakout in more detail .
  5. The accounts when released for year end will tell us more on that but you would be not be a good treasurer of a company if you paid for a product not received / not close to use in full . if the ride companies involved in commissioning then I doubt they get fully paid until it’s done.
  6. Deposit maybe but you don’t receive until paid . Def not well and truly paid for . I look forward to seeing end of year accounts when published to show this if you need. If ordered correctly and not last minute it would be done just in time and with payments at staged intervals . Not 11 months in advance with full payment . They don’t need it yet .
  7. I’m going to say wrong here. No maybe about it . Parts for gold coaster . Also why would they get this early. No point outlaying the cash for the ride until you’re ready to take delivery . Working capital management 101 and the theme park isn’t flush with cash to pay for early !
  8. They did start in that lazy river Didn’t they ? I would love it . It could be another crowd pleaser if well themed surely and cost would be a fraction of a new ride ?
  9. Perfect time to do sale .. they need them when it’s closed for the next season
  10. Probably stayed low and will be a bit lower for some time yet then what they should be to keep driving post recovery traffic through . Everything is up . Small increases warranted and if don’t work out perhaps they can have a sale closer to eofy .
  11. Agreed my experience was lower pay than min wage . Did it because I liked the culture and seeing people happy but financially wasn’t the best move during my time. Was a while ago and doubt has changed .
  12. That’s what happens when 64 percent of circa 1.5 m package is bonus related . Incentivised to do so
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