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Everything posted by dbo121

  1. Speculation re ride vehicle but agree . One vehicle alone would not stop a reopening . They wont bother given other damage. Sad ending to the historical cars . I have no nostalgia for the current track in its location . Only the cars and their sound as you accelerate . The track at new location could never compete with the old one, which moto coaster took over. I recall the characters that randomly appeared at times on it before the 2000s ( convicts / police and even Goldie the clown at times ) . Created a good vibe . One day a car broke down in the track . My father restarted it ( was like a motor mower ) as the younger operator struggled ) . Good memories.
  2. It’s being replaced with new version and not removed . If it was a decision based on cash alone I don’t think they would bother either . Is it there last original attraction? I’m guessing they see it as being upgraded / replaced so that may play into it re the old version not coming back now .
  3. Surely if they are true to attempting rebrand to nostalgia they will allow a last hurrah with these cars ! Will never see them again in operation . just have to remove the damaged roof .
  4. Yeah .. I don’t think it’s the power . More likely that and filtering etc . Explains wnw at same time which they openly say
  5. I would think it’s on same grid external . Could be an internal issue but i wonder if it has something to do with getting all resources to focus on dreamworld safety testing but they just don’t want to say it ! .
  6. Does it make sense ? Power outage at whitewater world ? But dreamworld no issue ?
  7. Well if it quacks like a duck.. no it looks like a strap but it is not consistently elsewhere . Appears temporary and should have been removed prior to opening . Time will tell if it disappears…
  8. So how much money, talks of safety and this has duct tape on it still ? I find this very funny but questionable. For example in weather could start deteriorating and cause a hazardous situation.
  9. On MW I sense the private equity owner will extract as much value as possible whilst minimising capex. This happened to DW when Macquarie leisure trust took ownership . A quick bang for buck and return on equity rather than a longer term vision where it became unstuck. This all runs in cycles and depends on how much they are generating over their perceived cost of capital ( which they can deploy back in ). Of course they can borrow money but balance sheet positions post covid are not in the best shape .
  10. If this is a fair story I would expect it to cover the green lantern manufacturing fault. When you ride these machines you trust the manufacturer as well as the operator. Will it be mentioned or ignored ?
  11. there Is about 80m cash on hand post refi as at April . They have the cash for a little while but would be running a finer line if do discretionary construction spending whilst not operating . So prudent to hold off .
  12. They are in the media .. perhaps to put more pressure on a state government loan ? Is zero debt facilities correct? With cash reserves dwindling by 10 m per month ardent will be insolvent soon enough . One would expect a capital raising soon or administration .
  13. This ride had issues with its balance on boat limiting capacity of people on it . Frequently got stuck.
  14. You said if . Not happening as planned I bet. At least not on original timeframe
  15. You are right about dcr but now paid out as per the vrl accounts. Yes there is one contract (purchase or lease) for track and another for construction . Should be able to source that info on ardent accounts. I’ll take a look . The track is saleable if purchased outright in current state and a discounted price probably . Best case the construction will just be put on hold to a later date.
  16. For the years ahead . They have probably already made payments towards coaster itself or was it leased ? That is unless they were smart enough to put a market disruption clause in that contract
  17. Postponed indefinitely...Be thankful to get a coaster before wishing for landscaping !
  18. This ain’t happening any time soon. The biz has negative cash flows and zero revenue
  19. Mate u need to see a financial advisor to get some advice on finance 101 What’s crappy here is the board only taking a 30 per cent cut at qantas . Time for some people to take one for the team
  20. Don’t always believe how it’s presented externally . So trusting
  21. Resigned or pushed out due to cost?
  22. Did someone say delays...If a construction company pulled out surely a breach of contract which would come at a cost unless there was some sought of a termination clause which could include quote variations or regulation requirements etc etc .
  23. Thanks .. perhaps dreamworld outsourced these requirements to appease wphs to brogent ? It’s typical. ( ie transurban outsources development risks to contractors by seeking fixed price contracts ) As a result of delay there may have been a financial compensation arrangement perhaps. This may not of been under dreamworlds control.
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