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Andrewh last won the day on October 19 2023

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  1. I’m so glad that, even 8 years on, a post that was up for a single day still gets remembered 😂 I live in London now, but I’m back in Australia for a holiday in 3 weeks. I’ll see if I can get some behind the scenes photos What’s the worst than can do? Deport me?
  2. Ah awesome! I’m gonna head down to dreamworld now for one last ride, maybe I’ll see some of you there and yes I should probably change my picture, I’m just lazy
  3. God, they were up for less than 24 hours four years ago now, I'm surprised you still remember.
  4. Nice to see you Belinda I hope everyone at Dreamworld has forgiven me. Is there any chance of making arcade games $1 instead of $2? I like the arcade but it's a bit too expensive IMO
  5. this idiot made the news. What a moron... I'd say it is another case of adults acting like children
  6. Nice find! Someone who isn't me post it on the dream world Facebook page and see if they make comment. Dreamworld hates me.
  7. I'll go for a peak next time I'm at movieworld, but I'm sure it won't be anything too interesting this early.
  8. Two weeks till reopening, I don't think a repaint is likely, which is a shame. I'd take a dull rollercoaster with a comfortable train over a repainted one with the old cyclone coaster any day. I don't see the cost benifit of relocating the moto coaster to the old thunderbolt site. If they were going to completely dismantle it id prefer they sold it on so we don't have to suffer any longer with such a boring 'thrill' ride.
  9. hey! everyone's a critic. 'Twas my first go ever making a video. all's well that ends well!
  10. Yeah I must admit there's a little bit of irony. And cheers Jarvo
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