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Everything posted by lifeofsamage

  1. I'm in park right now and all evidence of filming in the studios is gone. So maybe we will get the studios this year. Got some photo of the arcade maze. Will post when I get home
  2. Had another look today, nothing much has happened. Just paint and a few minor things. We had a look over at the Entry to the ripper maze and the cop car lights where flashing. Someone inside heard us and took the opportunity to scare the absolute shit out of me. Still Shaking from it haha
  3. Thanks. Found an article from the incident if anyone is curious like me. Didn't realise the tread had duplicated either. http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/02/05/1044318668609.html
  4. Thanks, Edited the topic name. I totally get what u mean with people of that industry attracted to theme parks. I know quite a few people like that
  5. So I'm at Tafe studying Technical Production (sound and lighting etc) and my teacher was telling us stories about an explosion on the backlot where they make (or used to) to make gun powder pyro effects for the Police Academy Stunt Show (and possibly maverick). Happened about 15 years ago. I did a quick google and nothing came up. Apparently there was 3 guys and one was leaving the building as it went off and threw them all outside the building. Severely burned them beyond recognition. Has anyone heard about this?
  6. So I'm at Tafe studying Technical Production (sound and lighting etc) and my teacher was telling us stories about an explosion on the backlot where they make (or used to) to make gun powder pyro effects for the Police Academy Stunt Show (and possibly maverick). Happened about 15 years ago. I did a quick google and nothing came up. Apparently there was 3 guys and one was leaving the building as it went off and threw them all outside the building. Severely burned them beyond recognition. Has anyone heard about this?
  7. Yeah it was crazy. We almost didn't make it into canibal clowns, jumped the chain just after they closed it. Still let us through
  8. We waited close to 3.5 hours for Evil Within last year. Waited 30mins for Wolf Creek 2 because it was early in the night I've heard park capacity for night events is 8500. And most nights where sold out last year
  9. It's going up quick. Last year on the behind the screams tour they said next year there will be a maze based on a new game serious from the same developer as Evil Within (I did Google it but can't remember the name). Nothing has moved up on the grave yard (storage behind Wild West falls) will keep an eye out for anything up there. Just walked over to the entrance of the Ripper maze and the cop car from Wolk Creek seems like to be inside the door. The photo isn't the best but you can see the side of the car
  10. The wall you can see are from the maze that is usually inside the Scooby Doo que. I do that maze has had the same layout since the original Psycho 3D maze in 2011.
  11. The wall is where the opening is in my other photo (assume the entry to the maze) I'll get a better photo when i'm there next.
  12. This wasn't there yesterday. A friend pointed out it looks like its from The Ripper maze. I'll go back in a few days and try to get a photo over the wall again.
  13. He still does stupid shit. I can recall one time I was at movie world with him and he walked in front of a group of tourists taking a photo and they got pissed off and I asked him why and his response was "there Asians, no one cares" but they all spoke English. I eventually apologised to the group. On another occasion I was a movie world again and I had pissed him off (I dont remember how) but he was chasing me all over the park and I ducked into a corner near guest services and he saw me and pulled me into the middle of main street and was trying to bash me shouting all this abuse at me. I got away from him and ran straight into guest services and gave them all his details. Security where notified but he had already left the park. It was scary. I'm not being rude here but he defiantly has some sort of condition. Just the way he acts and stuff he posts. He tried to convince me he was making a site to compete with parkz. Every time I see him at a park he just death stares me. Rant Over
  14. I used to know the guy who runs ttpsn. His name is Clayton. Almost everything he posts comes from here (except some photos). Me and some other guys on facebook where having huge problems with him stealing content. And when we where "friends"on facebook he added all my friends and asked them to like his page.
  15. Never believe anything that guy says. He just makes stuff up to get likes
  16. Another idea is in the que for wwf. It could still be used in the day and would require minimal construction. And the outdoor section of the que could have a set build in it. More food for thought I guess
  17. I had an idead to put a Arkham Asylum style maze in the old Lethal que cinema. There is plenty of space and a que already there. It would fit the theme of the area
  18. Yeah it makes sense. I did hear they aren't using the studios this year due to Pirates filming so this would support that. Does anyone know what's in the old Lethal que cinema building. That would be a awesome place to have a Arkham themed maze.
  19. I had a look today and it defiantly seems like to be a maze. The walls are from the maze that is usually in the Scooby que. Took a pic over the wall with a selfie stick (dont judge) and its only within the footprint of the dodgems "track"
  20. I don't know if this has been disused but I've driven past on multiple occasions at night and seen cranes at the ride and in one instance a car was stuck at the top of the drop(before the breaks over the drop). Seems they are doing test runs but running to problems. I was looking today and they have replaced the sensors that where ripped off the track in the accident and there is evidence of track works. Sorry for bad quality, Didnt have my camera
  21. I'd go to the extent of saying it's better that hsd1. There are a few thing that need fixing (parts of the set and some voice overs) but other than that I really enjoyed it
  22. I can sort of confirm this. One of the stunt drivers posed on Instagram it opening in 3 days, yesterday.
  23. They have been working over there for the past few weeks. Heard somewhere its going to be Arkham Alley
  24. That was a travailing circus. That land is being turned into markets similar to Eat Street Markets. The thought did cross my mind of building a resort. They did apply to build a resort over near Wet n Wild a few years back. The extended Car Park makes more since tho.
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