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Everything posted by Levithian

  1. They had one there before and it was pretty average, not big enough area through the alley. It was setup like a hospital triage with nurses and doctors. Guys, not all the sound stages are the same either. Some of them have permanent, specific equipment, so don't think of them as just one big empty space they can tear to pieces. I know there is another indoor water tank in one and another has production facilities and plant equipment, so even if some of the sound stages are free it might not just be a case of using one of the other sound stages in it's place. AlexB, it's already the second week of july. That leaves them a bit over 2 months to design something to fit, then start building. It's not enough time to do it justice to such a big area. Im not saying they won't use any of them because I have no idea, only that they had to think about utilising more of the available areas in the park this year. The other thing a lot of people seem to forget is they are separate entities, the theme park and the studios. If they have paying work, even if they aren't actively using that space, it's often allocated as it's essentially been purchased for a duration by a production company. They might use it every day, they might use it once a month, they might not even use it at all, but it's theirs and paid work for the studios is probably going to take precedence over the park wanting to utilise some space. One other thing I didn't think of is access. If other production facilities are being utilised at the same time, it might make things difficult to get park visitors through the area safely, while still allowing secure access for the production staff. Can't put the security of filming at risk from members of the public making their way on to a set or production areas. If it's a big film, I wouldn't be surprised if they have very specific requirements around who/what/where is allowed on to the premises. Getting the public in might not even be possible.
  2. No idea how many will/will not be used, only heard that filming had caused problems and had to cause a rethink for available space to utilise. Not enough time to use studio space as before, so that could mean one or both are out. I know as late as 2 weeks ago they were still filming in the tank near outback spectacular. Could see all the lighting on one night driving past on the way home. Pirate ship was still there last week too I think. So I reckon that probably put a dampener on plans. I can imagine it takes months for the carpentry team to even build the sets before the theming can start. So it's something that probably needs a good number of months to build. Wouldn't be surprised if things usually start happening 6 months out from the dates.
  3. Are we just guessing of a redesign or was something found out? Only asking because I didn't read all the pages/threads. Old cars could be new cars, just overhauled while the investigation takes place.
  4. Have it on good authority that because pirates of the Caribbean shooting ran over that there isn't time to utilise studio space like in the past. So that'll probably mean western stage and bumpers area will be used for fright night. Would explain the barriers up around the bumpers.
  5. It is a ride that sometimes suffers stoppages during the day. With the ride being worked on I imagine the smoke disperses from the room, especially if it's down for a couple of hours. It would take a bit of time to fill room that size to the point where vision is seriously limited. Different than in the morning when they do pre show checks and everything is running before the park opens. If the ride resumes I doubt they would wait for every part to be perfect before sending cars through again.
  6. I doubt police would have any reason to investigate, could be worksafe perhaps. Otherwise it was probably contractors inspecting and checking the track prior to maintenance beginning testing. I'd be keeping an eye out over the next week or so.
  7. ​The remaining space has been taken up by storage and maintenance stuff I believe. You can see the maintenance areas from kopps road as it passes down the side of the park. Can see over the substation and right across the back of the driving school area.
  8. I think its pretty safe to say, that right up until they are 100% positive the ride is fit for service, that we won't hear anything official regarding the status. Even then I doubt it will be made public who was to blame. I'd go so far as to say that the first we'll probably hear about it is going to be from people reporting they have seen the ride running again in what appears to be testing. ​
  9. There on saturday, Sylvester and Tweety cages look to have completely refurbed, it's all painted and looking pretty behind the security barrier. I suggest it was closed due to an overhaul and looks like it will be back up and running soon. Nothing more you can do about green lantern. Arkham looks like it's closed for major maintenance. They had some guys looking at pieces of the track the other day. Scooby doo coaster was open on saturday morning, something happened early afternoon and it was closed. Looks like it has caused extended delays? but it certainly didn't look like it was planned as it was open in the morning. If two of those are down due to annual maintenance and refurb, it's hardly a case of negligence/poor maintenance. If you take green lantern out because of the obvious, only leaves them with being knocked around by scooby doo coaster having an issue of some sort for it to be closed. If that's the case, could expect it to be repaired and running as quick as possible (if it hasn't already).
  10. It takes some time to investigate and accurately define the cause. Then add more time for finding out where the fault lies, and what to do about it, so you wouldn't expect to hear anything (if at all) until the park rules out they were responsible in any way at all.
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