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Everything posted by joz

  1. Bush Basher? I dunno even Wonderland managed to take American concepts and adapt them for the local market lol I didn't mean for this to be a big talking point, just that 'Jungle' doesn't match the landscape and will never match what's on the island.
  2. It made sense as a generic retheme of Madagascar but not as sure about that one. It's interesting because the concept looks vaugely Adventure Land, where as Rivertown was originally more Frontier Land. But yeah there is a difference between Jungle and Bush. For all I know though they may well be intending to plant lush trees all the way from Tiger Island to the back of the shops so who knows.
  3. You know how Scooby and Wild West have a turntable? Imagine that, but it's inclined. 😊
  4. It's ticking a few boxes of mine, I've long been vocal about how I think ABC kids clashes with the area it's in, so moving it and using it to fill out a bigger kiddie area is a good move to me. One thing as well, by announcing the new kiddie area before the Dreamworks licence goes away, they've got themselves in front. It comes across like it was the plan all along, rather than a reaction which I think is really clever move of them in an industry where puic perception matters. I've spoken about the themes of K&B and Jungle Rush when I thought it was fan fic so won't go over that again, except to say unless they plan to plant a jungle I'd say it's worth having a serious think if Jungle Rush is the best name. For me the really interesting one will be the wave swinger. I'm nostalgic for the fountain, but I actually am totally on board with getting rid of it for a wave swinger. It would be awesome if you could place it in such a way that it's right in front of you when you enter, and also looks straight down the street at Claw, kind of a double weenie (Or triple if you come up the hill). Aside from that, just throw all the charm you have at it. Like Iron railings, brick paved queue, hedges, topiary, the whole lot. Go to town making the thing stupidly charming. If that means moving the globe somewhere else in the park, so be it (I'd bin it personally but I accept other people like it, and it IS a rather good photo op). Dreamworld used to have a real charm when you walked in, as much I'm nostalgic for the fountain, I'm way more nostalgic for that charm, there's a real chance to bring that back. Rivertown I'm keen on seeing having some charm again too, but for now I don't understand how any of that will work so I'll leave my thoughts there. Overall, rather good. 👍🏻
  5. I mean obviously not Disney standard, it's not a great idea to invite that comparison. Looks like it'll be easily better than most rides in the country though in terms of a big outdoor roller coaster.
  6. You know that's actually a good point, kids rides aren't really that interesting to me so I've fully accepted that as gospel and haven't looked any further into it. Will I look in to it now? No, it's still a kiddie ride and besides the 'Oh that's good, they kind of need one of them', don't care beyond that, but good to know that I've totally just gone along with a wiki article.
  7. One thing I've learned on this site is no one is ever happy, and people will find an angle to complain about things. If they were hyping it, they would cop an absolute flogging on here and on socials by people getting mad at them for hyping quite a minor addition. Since they're not people are like 'Oh they should be hyping it!' Why on Earth would they hype it? SW is about to open a much bigger version of the same ride in a couple weeks. People aren't going to listen to all the things parks put out, it's not like anyone is going to change their holiday plans for the ride, and it's really just filler. The DC event over Christmas will be a bigger draw. Why would you compete with yourself to drive hype (which won't happen) for filler?
  8. I don't think so, but just looking at it there are symbols that only appear on the old signage. E is totally different and the R has changed. In the TVC (and by extension, on the Trident sign), 'W' is the symbol that looks like a backwards D. E is also correctly represented in the Trident sign, and also appears this way on the ad. The symbol for E on the older signs does not reappear either on the TVC or the Trident sign. In the correct version, the 'R' kinda looks like an 'r'. The reason I think this is because the TVC is very much translatable if you use the Trident sign.
  9. I strongly suspect the Vortex and New Atlantis signs are out of date, the Trident sign matches the TVC.
  10. It very much appears so, although it also seems some of the the letters changed since Vortex opened. Unless it's been called 'Vowt_x' all along.
  11. Did you know the batman statue on top of the DC store isn't made out of real batman?
  12. This statement has also been uttered by all guests from Logan.
  13. I mean yeah, but also screw going down that ladder more than most things.
  14. I said when it was announced that you can't really do immersive in that area. At nearly all times you'll be able to see the main entrance, back of the ski lake and the seal stadium/dockside. There will always be visual cues breaking the illusion reminding you you're at SW, and it's not really possible to design it in such a way that you won't get those intrusions. What they went for instead is very heavily themed and decorated. With that reality in mind; the logo is fine, it seems to me that people will most likley use it as a photo op of them at Sea World, and I think that's a totally fine thing. The face is weird, it's a little 'uncanny valley' for me. Be interested to see what it looks like in person.
  15. It's a shame really, if I was DW marketing I'd be tempted to make a post that says 'ST: Proudly striking and OPEN!' but I guess that would be pety and literally Hitler.
  16. 'Oh that looks cool! Wonder what the comments on parkz are like' 'WAAAAAH!' *Turns off computer*
  17. It's such an 'old man yells at cloud' thing to get mad at, but it bummed me out when I noticed the wires interfering with the game and knocking the pins over. Like this isn't proper ten pin bowling any more it's some other very slightly different game
  18. Nah, it's the full size alley that now has the wires. It makes me sad. Also the reason you don't like the new aesthetic is because you're/we're old and nostalgic for what we liked when we were younger. I think it went down hill when it changed from Grundy's to Funtasia.
  19. Total aside, I went to the new bowling alley at Timezone Surfers recently. They now have wire on the top of the pins to pull them up when they've been knocked over. I'm not a purest in any sense, I go bowling like once every 2 years, but more than once I noticed pins being knocked over by the wire, and not because they were hit by another pin or the ball. Booo ghetto bowling!
  20. Feb is generally the quietest month of the year, normally by some margin. Any day is basically fine. Check for maintenance before you go as normally there's a few things closed.
  21. A cruise through the bush called Jungle Run would honestly be the about the most irritating thing they could do.
  22. See that was pretty understandable logic from the outset. Like it's so basic that we all kind of had that as a launch off point. The discussion was 'If the point of the markets is to get used to being in DW again, (and even if it's not), might it be worth opening a ride at night to get people used to going on rides at DW again?' In the case of Claw it's an old ride that most people have been on that's a bit of a crowd favourite. If you charge for it it's an extra revenue stream, if you don't it brings more people to your market to go on a ride at DW and remove some stigma, so there is a case to be made for why it might be a thing. I'm not saying what they're doing is right or wrong, just making that point that there is a case to be made. You've been around, you kinda know if an idea is good or bad fairly quickly. K&B Dreamland would be shithouse as a retheme of Dreamworks. Just the target market for the rides stuff it up, Dreamworks land skews older than kids who think costume characters are a thing. Also I think you can do kid's lands without being patronising in that way. The Kiddie land in that area when I was a kid was Village Green. It had European architecture gorgeous gardens and a healthy smattering of kids rides. Genuine effort went into it. It was pleasant and kids worked out on their own that it was good. You didn't need to call it 'Kenny and Belinda's European Holiday' or some crap. I think by doing that you make it skew young, and Dreamworks line up doesn't match. Again, for ABC Kids world, no problem. The rides in the area skew young and the landscape fits the characters, the landscape doesn't fit ABC Kids at all so wouldn't be against it at all. If you go back to it being an Australiana land then it would be a really cheap and easy fit. DreamWorks you really could do 'Country Fair' (Or even World's Fair if you're keeping Asian stuff) as a fairly generic theme, you just have to put some real, genuine effort into landscaping and reskinning the rides and making it look good. If you did that you wouldn't walk around going 'Didn't this used to be something else?'. I'm not saying CF/WF is what what they SHOULD do, I'm simply saying reusing old themeing just reminds you of the superior thing that used to be there. Also Little Wonder's land was awful because they didn't even try and make it good. I don't think it would be miraculously better if Fred Flintstone's Splashdown was renamed 'Cave Man Splashdown' because you can reuse a little bit of the themeing (Also to be clear, I don't know or care if that ride made it into LWL, it's just an example.)
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