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Everything posted by joz

  1. http://www.parkz.com.au/forums/index.php?showtopic=4257
  2. What, you were expecting a V8 supercar to be able to pull off those stunts? I think they look great, thanks for the photos!
  3. Thanks for everyone whose trying to be a moderator. Feel free to stop at anytime. Really looking forward to the footage, the more details that are released the more interesting the show is becoming.
  4. I don't think MW needs a new coaster anytime soon. They already have the best coaster line up in Australia, so I don't think another one is in order for now. IMHO a really good family dark ride (without a height requirement) that everyone can go on is more of what MW should be looking for.
  5. Couldn't see any obvious progress on anything for the second launch, although didn't spend much time looking because of the weather.
  6. New photos (Bottom 5 photos) I say new photos, actually they were taken on Sunday, I had to give up on taken photos when the weather turned for the worst and didn't improve for the rest of the day. Was originally planning on heading back and doing a more meaty update but that didn't happen, so enjoy these new(ish) photos!
  7. You kidding me, BB makes the park? Doesn't that say allot about the rest of the park then if some pop culture reality TV fad makes the place worth visiting? Great marketing coup Big Brother, doesn't mean that it makes the park.
  8. ... Yes, because a billion people living under an oppressive government with no human rights is just like a public company censoring the publicity website!!1!
  9. Merge posts? Nah can't be bothered. Next time for sure though. As for having free reign, well given the general response if I were from DW then I probably wouldn't want us having free range on the official site either. Just a thought. Given how clear it is just how little interest in this attraction there is from the theme park dorks, is there any chance the blog can focus on the rest of the park to keep us up to date with all the good behind the scenes stuff that does happen at the park on a daily basis? Check out what Holiday World and many of the Cedar Fair parks do with their blogs, as an example of how to do it really well. I'm pretty sure that the only 'Brand' that we care about at Dreamworld, is the 'Dreamworld' brand, so if you post purely about that, I reckon people would be much more receptive. As gazza said, don't be discouraged, the blog was a good idea, its just the attraction itself that is totally unappealing from a theme park fan perspective, and I doubt that the uninspired attraction was your idea. Take some comfort in knowing that regardless of how we found out about it, if members here would still have responded the same. Just on that though, to avoid a backlash you may want to avoid the following topics: Big Brother, how the food at DW is both tastey and good value, how efficient the rides are, why the mine ride closed (we'd love to know, but you might melt the sever with all the angry comments from our members), flowrider, why blue lagoon was replaced with a tent, how carni games have improved gold rush country, Big Brother, 'brand tie-ins' any article that describes MDMC as being in the 'Big 6', any article with the words 'innovative', 'Australian first', 'world class' 'experience' and 'extra charge' in any order, why the wiggles pictures are on farmyard friends, why Dreamworld shouldn't have many coasters and of course Big Brother. Apart from that and maybe one or two exceptions you should be fine.
  10. If I were you, I'd be sending an official complaint to the park, calmly explaining your situation, and you should be able to get a much more positive result that way then you would complaining to staff member in question at the time or posting about it online. Clearly this is an issue that prevented you enjoying your day, and you should get a positive response from the park. In any case let us know the response.
  11. Wow, tough crowd... Not quite getting the anger, I mean we knew they weren't getting a new major attraction, so why the anger for a minor one? By the nature of it I'd assume its temporary, and I don't blame them for adding something given the competition they're going to face this year. In any case, the blog sounds interesting
  12. I've split this one off into its own topic, and I'm interested in other people's opinion about this. I think what Wyncenuros was getting at isn't "They should not build new stuff and keep everything old" but rather, "The park should be about making Movies not random theme park rides”. Personally, I like the direction MW is heading in. I don't really care to spend a whole day learning how movies are made, the idea of walking around a pretend working studio learning doesn't really appeal to me, not for $70 per person anyway. I've said this before, and I'll say it again, I much prefer the current theory where you go to Movieworld and "Ride the Movies", where the movie comes alive and you're in the middle of the action. I'll give you an idea about what I mean: Imagine there's a new park called "Magic World" an entire park was based around magic and illusions. Wouldn't it be much better to encounter "Real magic" rather then being told repeatedly how the tricks worked? (Its all fake everyone!!!) Well that’s basically the way I feel about Movieworld, I find it much more fun to "Enter the Movies" as it were, rather then simply learn about them. While I must admit I’d love for the Studio Tour to come back so there could be one very well done, token attraction based on making movies, though Hollywood Stunt-driver may end up taking that role. I also disagree with some of the bad opinions people have about the new stuff, particularly the roof. I don't believe the roof will improve retail sales, if anything, I think it will hurt retail sales. Before the roof went all the way over Main Street, as soon as it started raining, everyone went into the shops. Now, they'll stay out on Main Street, maybe see Sherek or take a seat and watch the Big Screen. Sure some will go into the shops as well, but not in the same numbers they used too. They'll make that money back on the extra functions, but I don't think it’s a money making move that’s to the detriment of the rest of the park, and IMHO greatly improves the park. On the whole, I think they're getting better, I mean look at their two major coasters, Lethal and Superman. Lethal is the old style, where there was some very weak Stunt driver tie-in to justify it in a 'behind the scenes' park, where Superman: Escape is the "Ride the movie" style. Look at the other rides, Wild West Falls takes you on a journey through a western movie, Scooby Doo takes you to the Ghost ride from Scooby Doo, and it could even be argued that Roadrunner puts you into a Road Runner Cartoon. It wouldn't surprise me if the only reason Batman Adventure is still in the park is because it is a ride through the Batman universe. Having said all that, sure they could do some these things better. Batwing Space shot doesn't really fit the mould of the park, and while I don't think every ride has to be indoors and be a full on "Experience" I think Batwing does stretch it a bit far. It would be nice if we could have more characters out and about in the park. Some attempt at proper "themed lands" would be great along with staying true to that (If there's going to be another Looney Tunes show made from scratch, and its going into the Western Area why can't it Star Yosemite Sam and be a western?). And will someone please tell DreamWorks / Universal that your pre-show should be themed to fit with the actual 4D Movie. You'll be happy to know that problem was fixed in MW Germany, which is shame really since that MW is the one that really lost the plot.
  13. Being permitted to take photos is different from being permitted to post them online. Check please The spider webs and spiders look really cool, not realistic, but they do the job, and there are heaps of them up and down Main Street, and its not like the orange Hessian that they use at Disney in case you’re wondering.
  14. ^Ask if you can post them first!
  15. Ah, love it that there's someone on staff with the youthful enthusiasm to edit stuff. Hope the N00bs don't defeat you too
  16. ^ What I'm getting at that last year their attendance was up, which I'd put down to more awareness of the place. This year, I'd expect more of the same, a huge increase in attendance on last year, riding off that better awareness, which anecdotely from yourself, could well be the case.
  17. I think we can look forward to a cut in spending, at least until the situation becomes more clear. I think this year will be pretty healthy despite the economy, and I'd expect to see a lift in attendance on last year, particularly for the Village parks, with all having some pretty cool new toys to market, and I think the Gold Coast may end up a cheaper alternative for people with overseas being out of the question with the recent slide in the Aussie dollar, which at the time of writing is worth US64c. (Just on Village and the AU$, bet they're happy they bought the US water parks when the exchange rate was so favorable, since now our dollar is down the crapper they'll be getting a much better return) I'll put it all on the line and give my prediction for the year ahead (pulled out of the backside in case you're wondering):* MW: Slight lift in attendance (between 1 and 4%) driven in part by the new show and a slow year last year SW: A 4-8% lift in attendance lift in attendance, due to new attractions being released WnW: Big increase this year. Of the established parks on the Coast, its the cheapest to visit, and with the weather being so bad last year, I can imagine there being many people who haven't been for a couple of years now. 4-8%+ increase. DW: Moderate decrease in attendance of around 2%. Tough competition, coupled with lack of new attractions, offset by an unexplained 8% jump in spending. WWW: They still haven't hit their stride yet, and as people become more aware of the place, attendance will continue to improve. * Guesses assume weather is improved on last year and economic conditions don't get *much* worse. For entertainment purposes only, no responsibility taken.
  18. Well yes, but Mac. is dropping further then Villiage.
  19. One thing worth noting is Mac Leisure is very closely related to a bank, and now is not a good time to be a bank.
  20. ^ Oh no, not that bloddy DJRAPPA again
  21. Going to the theme park isn't a weekly activity, for most its a yearly, every 2/3 years treat, so to say what part of weekly wage is a bit silly. It is expensive, but so is Gold Class cinema, a nice meal or a night at the theatre. Its a one off special treat, and besides, what self respecting local pays full price anyway? skeetafly touched on this, but the parks over there are cheap, and not only that, but every thing is cheap. You know why? No one makes any bloody money! If you're making $6 over there as a waiter, you're lucky! Most make $2.13 an hour, yes they get tips, but only if there's customers. If the place you work is dead and you've got a big bill coming up, tough luck. Ride Ops who here make $17/$18 an hour over there are on about $7 an hour. Yes the $ amount is lower then our parks, but its not really the full story. But since we are comparing our price structure to theirs, well most kids hit 48 inches around the age of 8 or 9, so 8 year olds often pay adult price. Food for thought
  22. As the parkz.com.au representative, I demand more bottled water and better breakfast platter! The cake platter can only go so far. Special props must go to WnW for getting rid of said cakes before the 30 blonde bombshells got there. While they may need to eat, they don't need cake. Perhaps a small side salad without the dressing and a glass of water? Truthfully though, the slide was much, much better then I thought it would be. The first drop into the slide is insane, and as normally is the case, it looks heaps steaper once you're up the top looking down. Also unlike Tornado, the build up of water at the bottom of the slide does little if anything to slow you down, and you get a very long way up the sides. Plus even the small kids seemed to get a long way up the slide as well, so everyone should get a real thrill out of it. I guess if I had to sum it up in a word, I'd say its "fun". Its not the biggest thing or scariest thing at WnW, its not the most advanced ride there by a long shot, but its a scream out loud, laugh your head off, go again, sort of good time. As for lines, well I'd suggest they'll be able to put through 200 - 250pph, so the queue should be moving a little bit quicker then Cyclone, but still not overly quickly. Get there early, get there first would be my advice.
  23. The latest can be found from here: http://www.parkz.com.au/photo/AU/Gold_Coas...er_24_2008.html Enjoy!
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