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Everything posted by joz

  1. Here's how it boils down for me: With lunch, it'd be a great idea. The food at PC is great, plus to escape the chaos of MW to Paradise Country for an hour for lunch and the Farm Tour (I figure they could offer an abridged version) I think would be a great option for many. Without lunch, not doing much for me. Still, if they're going to start offering a shuttle to PC, hopefully it won't be long before we see something between MW and WnW. Hell, on a Dive in Movie night in the middle of summer I reckon they'd be able to flog off a quite a few $24.50 afternoon rate tickets.
  2. ^ Come on Gazza, Australia doesn't have enough Intamin Launch Coasters. I'm sure Jamberoo and Scenic World will each have one in the next couple of years. I'm still not convinced that one won't pop up in the warehouses where Wonderland used to be
  3. ^ Well normally I laugh at people with the old quote of the month thing, but for this one I can assure you I'm laughing with you. Cracked me right up that did.
  4. Haha, yeah, funny enough he's a good mate of mine. Really good bloke, but doesn't ask you to do something just for the sake of talking. Glad he didn't cave
  5. Gazza - You just saved me having to spend a good portion of tomorrow taking photos Good work.
  6. Only 2 new photos, but they do show vertical construction underway. Enjoy!
  7. ^ Agreed. Say what you will about the operations of the ride, but for it was an amazing buy at the $7million mark it ended up being. Also remember, it was pretty smooth when it opened, and back in the day, there was talk of a second train for the ride, which unfortunately fell by the wayside. The thing that sucks about it is the operation of the ride, which can pretty much be summed up as poor station/ queue house design and 1 train, and (arguably) the maintenance. Other then that, great addition.
  8. DEAP - Where did you work as a lifeguard?
  9. I'd like to see them get someone from outside of Dreamworld, but who has a theme park industry background. Anyone from Dreamworld isn't going to look at the park with a fresh set of eyes, which I think is what it needs atm.
  10. ^ I doubt it, many water parks have bars, Oceans of Fun in Kansas City even has a swim up bar, and I'm sure many others do too. If the current trend for theme park drinkers holds true, most of the people who are going to be drinking are people who aren't swimming or staff on a day off.
  11. Hey, at least they didn't quote wikipedia. Again, the fact that Menzies didn't say much about it suggests that it was the reporter who did the searching. I mean if WVTP wanted to get the information about the new ride out there, they would have put it out there themselves. Still, they can now at least boast that the buzz for new ride was big news
  12. I don't think its fair to judge the atmosphere of main street based on a dodge photo taken at 9.30ish in the morning before there are any people there. Nor is it fair to judge the aesthetics until its finished, and I will also point out, it looks much, much better in reality. I also think its a bit silly to overlook exactly how good this roof will be during rain, or in the middle of summer for shade. In the past the only shelter has been in the shops, now there's the entire Main Street and plaza which are under cover. As far as how it benefits MW, well now MW can now provide big functions in all weather conditions. In the past, if a big function for 1000+ on main street got rained out, the only option was to have the group had to be split up into the parks various restaurants, which is less then ideal. Now, that's not going to happen since Main Street becomes an all weather venue, and trust me, those big dinners bring it quite a bit of $$$.
  13. Somehow I had a feeling a few posts ago that there was humor to be had here
  14. Really curious, what plans have you heard for the roof?
  15. Gazza: it is possible, getting around to it is the issue at hand
  16. I think its great that there are five showings on the Imax theatre. Really, the Imax is a great asset to Dreamworld that's been underutilised in previous years, and I think that five shows a day is great compared the 3 showings that were taking place not long ago. Space Station isn't a bad movie either, not the best I've seen but probably the best movie they've had for a good few years.
  17. Its all the same track, those photos are more to show the extra stuff that's arrived (cylinders, tyres).
  18. ^ Maybe not all of Atlantis Adventure, but certainly some of it, and that's enough for me Truthfully, all pretty much curvy track as well Gazza, to give you an idea of how high this thing will be it does skip over the Monorail at one point.
  19. Can't believe no one posted this: Real shame to see him leave Village, he has been a great influence at the parks over all the time he's been there, particularly Wet 'n' Wild. Here's to hoping his new employers take full advantage of his knowledge and experience in the theme parks. As for his replacement, well the good news is its a career theme park man, in the form of Tim Fisher. That name should sound familiar to those around in the early days of Wonderland as he was a manager there before moving back to America to oversee the construction of the Star Trek Experience in Vegas, and later became executive vice president of the Paramount Parks.
  20. ^ Not sure what the story is on that one, so for now I've made that thread public, and no doubt we'll hear from Richo on the DVD in the coming days.
  21. Yeah, but WWW has the product - its no WnW, but its a really good little water park which is again IMHO better then the 250,000 or so stand alone visitors it got. It kind of begs the question of was it built as a stand alone attraction or as something to increase the per-cap spending of DW guests?
  22. Wow that was quick, only just finished uploading... Don't call it that, Motocoaster sucks noodle, lets call it Atlantis Adventure type track since that ride doesn't suck
  23. Is it possible to have something in the article preview to indicate how many comments an article has?
  24. So there were only 250,000 odd people visit without buying a World Pass? I'd venture that most of those world passes were DW visitors upgrading to a duel pass rather than the other way around. Is that not amazing how little of a draw it was as a stand alone attraction without Dreamworld next door? WWW is a good little water park on its own, and I've thought it would have attracted more on guests on its own power. Still, good to see it going well otherwise, WWW IMHO is the best thing that has happened on Dreamworld property for a longtime.
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