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Everything posted by joz

  1. Two of the world's least reliable and poorly designed wheels within 100km of each other? Yes, all those constant jokes about Southeast Queensland being a cyclops can be put to bed, as its official, we'll now have two eyes! I've got a hold of an early draft of the press release, and boy does it make for some interesting reading:
  2. ^ If someone pushed stop, E-stop, or anything else while the train was on the course it would continue until the final brake run where it will stop as normal.
  3. ^ Done, thanks for asking, was going to split it a month or so ago but figured no one would notice and got lazy
  4. Yeah, but that same sheet also says Lethal Weapon is designed to be the smoothest and quietest coaster in the world. Guys, I'm also expecting this not turn into another piss fight.
  5. I don't think you have to be smart to know its the same person, however I can confirm it. Tom, just wondering if you're related to the other 2 Toms who registered recently from the same IP address? I did notice you've got different surnames, but I figure you might be cousins or something? also theyre moterz in the wildwest boates for when the chain breakz!!!1! i know im back their day-2-day!!
  6. ^ Yeah, the north shore is without doubt one of the cheapest places in Sydney to live, probably second only to right in the middle of the city itself.
  7. Exactly, I'm known by a few in HR, and I'm hanging on to my job just fine.
  8. Well, Flume has just received a whole heap of TLC, and now Bermuda is closed for the entire month of August. I think that without divulging anything, Bermuda receiving a bit of love is a a fair conclusion to come to. Of course, its also fair to assume that they are subtle improvements that most won't notice, but regular riders will notice and appreciate.
  9. Is it just me or is it looking more and more like this could be something close to the final layout?
  10. Well if its re-creation season, then I present my boredom inspired Seaworld! Enjoy!
  11. ^ Don't believe everything you hear. Hardly seen a crowd my foot. EDIT: Does anyone else think its funny that on the DW website it really says: "Currently closed whilst being fixed"? I mean seriously, what hillbilly takes care of their website? Next it'll be saying "Darn thing broke Y'all!"
  12. Just quickly on the train, it doesn't stop at the waterpark anymore, so its just a round trip. Agree with Gazza though, would love to see it stop near the new coaster.
  13. I tend to think whats been hinted at here is really the best way for WnW to go. I think its almost at the point where a new slide isn't going to be much of a motivator anymore. Surely now there's 30 slides in the park, the law of diminishing returns has to be kicking in a bit, and I think the way WnW should go is the way of becoming more of a "Water Theme Park" rather then pure water park. Things like what Gazza mentioned above, or even rides like SS-Arrow's http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGtJRCtxPx0, or a simple Shoot the Chutes would fit in quite well. Even a normal Top Spin with water fountains wouldn't be out of place, and don't tell me that other normal flat rides couldn't be made into water rides as well. The other obvious thing about all this is over winter the water features could be turned off, and hey presto, you've got some dry rides to market over winter, and hopefully something to keep guests in the park longer. That's aside from having something different, and relatively high capacity, to market over summer to pack 'em in.
  14. ^ This must be the 'due cause' he was talking about
  15. ^ lol IF there's a dive machine going into the parks (yet another of those really big "ifs" that come up occasionally) its not going into SW. Sorry.
  16. ^ Perhaps, but aside from the animal adventures, the rest of the Seaworld stuff can be done without going into the Seaworld theme park. You don't need to go into the park to go on a senic flight, stay at the resort or go whale watching, so in that sense I can understand the seperate entries. Seaworld in this instance is more of a brand name then anything, and besides that, they are only sub-headings.
  17. Ice is a winner for me, and I put it down to the zero-g roll, which really kept the whole 'rush' going. Fire if you'll recall has a bunny hill at that point, which really kills the pacing of that ride IMHO.
  18. During March there's normally a bit of work going on, my advice would be to hold off booking or locking in dates until the parks can tell you whats going on. Also, the information is available through the park before it is on the website, so give them a call or e-mail asking for what information they can give you, and they'll normally be happy to help. Keep in mind though, that scheduled maintenance is subject to change, and as a rule, generally does.
  19. Eh, which version? RCT2 was addictive as crack, but RCT3? Not so much...
  20. ^ Chill Tony, there's no reason to be rude to new members, despite their request or interest. If there was a reason to be rude, one of your friendly moderating team would have already deleted this, but there is nothing wrong with this topic or request, hence it lives on. If anyone does have pictures of the simulator feel free to contribute to the site, or post said pictures here. I can't say I wouldn't enjoy similar pics myself.
  21. There's a few components that haven't been replaced since the ride opened, and those are the areas which will get the bulk of the attention. Despite being small problems, they account for a disproportionate amount of the downtime, and but require going right into the heart of things to be fixed. All things going well, it should be back to being as reliable as it was a couple of years ago. Bermuda you'll find the same thing, just one or two small problems that requires a real good amount of effort to fix to bring the ride back to being very reliable, and that's the goal of the extended downtime that both rides are getting this year. It doesn't have anything to do with the new ride.
  22. Well, I had a quick look around the link above and searched for other park ads, and you simply MUST SEE this:
  23. What I don't get is why there aren't large speakers placed every 30 or so meters in the concept art...
  24. I don't think LMA is a bad show, I just think PA was just that good a show. I mean LMA has some of the best stunts I've seen in a live show, and they are very well done and do have you thinking that a crash is just around the corner. PA on the other hand has a handful of stunts that are even a little bit spectacular (The high fall, some donuts on the tiny stage, and a few small odds and ends), and the rest is just ultra controlled effects that are hard to even classify as stunts, such as the Rodney Cannon, the Hot rod on two wheels (well, 3, but that can be a secret ay?) and the helicopter + explosion. I think it can be summed up quite well with this quote from the old "Movie Mania editorial: To me, whats written above is the key: its not all about stunts in a stunt show, a good story can make or break it. LMA is very much like the Indiana Jones show described above: great stunts but little if any "show". PA on the other hand was a great show, that happened to include a couple of stunts. If Hollywood Stunt Driver is as good as LMA, then I think really we'll be quite lucky, as LMA is an amazing show, but if its only as good as LMA then it won't be as good as PA, because despite the mediocre stunts, PA was just THAT good a show.
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