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Everything posted by joz

  1. This is a really old thread, and it was May as in 2007.
  2. I reckon though its expensive, the 3 park pass really should be. I don't think we need a situation like at DW where a 2 or 3 park pass has effectively eliminated the one park pass, and such the extra park passes should be cheaper then the price of separate park passes but still more expensive then the various other tickets. I still think the DW 2 year pass is undervalued, and poorly worked out. I don't think it should be cheaper to get 2 years for WWW/DW then it is to just get to 2years for just DW. Just on the thought of DW passes, what happened to their off peak pass?
  3. Sometimes its seriously not worth holding up a car for an extra 2 or 3 people when in that same time you could have sent out another 2 sets of cars. Unless you can get them on in less then 30seconds, it stops being worth it, and slows the whole loading down.
  4. Well it was really only a matter of time since the buyout, but Village have now released a 3 park year pass, as well as a two park year pass. The three park pass is obviously good at MW, SW and WnW for a year, and is priced at $299 (or if you want another way to think of that, its pretty much $100 per park). As for the two park passes, well at the moment you can get either of the dry parks (MW or SW) and WnW for $249. If you want a pass for just MW and SW, then as it currently stands, you'll have to go the 3 park pass. Price wise the 2 park pass works out roughly double the DW/WWW duel passes, which are still running for the bargain basement price of $254 for two years (meanwhile a Dreamworld pass would cost $370 for two years ). On the flip side, the 3 park mega pass ($299) works out better value then 3 separate passes (about $400+) and much better then a years worth of 3 park super passes, ($4602). So what do you guys think? Will you buy a 2 or 3 park pass or stick to your one park pass?
  5. Theme Park food to me is very hit and miss. I've paid more then $10 at WWW for a large chicken burger combo, and received a chicken strip in a piece of bread, a tiny drink and what would be a small size chips anywhere else. I've also paid around $10 at DW for something and was stuffed full by the end of it. The only trends seems to be that VTPs tend to be a bit more consistent in what you get, even though its overpriced. In Coomera its overpriced and sometimes is great or (sadly more often then not) ends up being very disappointing. If you really want to make sure you do well food wise at our parks is check out the sit-down places. They've all got one (DW has Billabong, MW has Rick's, and SW has Paradise Room), and almost always do a great lunch.
  6. Has anyone here seen Lights Motors Action? I have, and its an absoloute load of a show. Its about 30 seconds of excitment followed by a 10 min talk, then thats repeated 4 times. PA keeps the excitement going through it with good story and flow. Even though the PA stunts are less spectacular, they're far more interesting then anything in L,M,A! I really hope MW doesn't take the easy route of just pretending they're filming a movie and spending 3/4ths of the show setting up the next stunt, because its simply not interesting.
  7. http://www.asx.com.au/asxpdf/20071015/pdf/3153lfxlw0rp9g.pdf Oh how I love these Village releases, there's lots of fun stuff in there, including attendance numbers, revenues, future major attractions and future business ventures.
  8. I know I'm like DW rulz, I don't get the whole playing video games in a theme park thing either. I like to do stuf that I can't do anywhere else, check out the unique things in the park. Having said that, my best mate played DDR at Disneyland and pretty much everypark we've gone to at least a small part of the day is spent in the park's arcade. The real kicker? We're never the only people in them. Its not my ideal way to spend a time in a park, but there are plenty of people who are happy to spend the extra bit of cash to play video games.
  9. Hey come on, we NEED this clear a picture for when we magnify 6400%
  10. Just as a quick add-on to AlexB's post about the ride sign: Check out the bit where it asks riders to check their suitability to low height and low speeds. Seriously, the OH&S person who insisted on that sign is smoking crack, its a carousel for crying out loud. As for the ride itself, woefully under done. It looks like a very similar model to DW's and SW's, but just has a horrible "unfinished" look to it. I think its the sort of ride that Village needed, but its not even well presented.
  11. Mac Leisure has made a market presentation, which shows a concept art of the function area as well as a picture of the new slide: http://www.asx.com.au/asxpdf/20070914/pdf/314k6jd94rpkkp.pdf Enjoy!
  12. I think its a great site compared to the old ones they used to have, though seriously, the photo on the Pirate ship page at SW must be at least 15 years old (The old Logo, and defunct attraction in the foreground give it away)
  13. My guts telling me that Village would do well with SAQ. They already own SW, and someone like Trevor Long would be a great mind to have when managing something like Sydney Aquarium. As for Sydney Wildlife World, I think again that there are people within Village who know how to market this sort of thing. Think Paradise Country; there were people within Village then who could take an under performing attraction based on Australian animals to new heights, and I feel they could probably do the same again for SWW
  14. When the doors are left open, they make contact with the main part of the wheel, preventing the gondola from spinning and remaining upright. This could not happen during normal operations, as the ride is run in 'auto', and the system when in 'auto' will not allow the wheel to spin with a door open. The picture depicts what can happen with the ride in 'manual' and the doors left open. The photo of the Korean wheel shows what can happen when pins are inserted the wrong way and the doors aren't totally closed. Hope this helps.
  15. Indeed. The ‘Seals at Play’ exhibit is being removed due to some upcoming changes to Cartoon Beach (Hint: No new rides will go on the site). As for the Seal Stadium, the much-needed renovation is nearly done, and I'm not kidding when I say it was much needed. The back of house area was 25+ years old, and was just falling apart. They could have patched it up and kept using it for a bit longer, but have wisely decided to completely gut the sets and back of house and (for the most part) start again. The stadium itself is pretty much being left as is, aside from some seating on the Broadwater side of the stadium being removed for the extended BoH, so the only major difference most guests will notice is the new set. Once the renovations are complete, the next step will be rehearsal for the new show, and giving the seals a chance to settle in. While I can't say anything, the idea behind the show seems quite a good one, and should prove entertaining. The Penguins are expected to return, but not to the same area they were, and not to where the ‘Seals at Play’ exhibit was. We’ll see how this one goes, as the design process is still on going, and things could change, though the current thinking is that they will go to a low traffic area at the back half of the park.
  16. Exactly what went through my mind. To be honest, how cheaply it was done makes me wonder what the plan is for the ride in the long term. My bet? I reckon whenever AVIS withdraws sponsorship, that ride is dead.
  17. Its been a while since I've been to DW, but is that seriously a Skylink pole in the background?? Hasn't that thing been closed for like 3 years now?? Nice pics guys, love the effort. On those supports on the last pic, do they hang out over the lake?
  18. As Richard said, its all a volume thing. When you have that many people going through the parks, unfortunate things will happen, and more often then not these things have nothing to do with thrill rides. In fact, browsing through www.rideaccidents.com reveals a couple of examples:
  19. Djrappa is back of house, and thats why he can't post photos.
  20. Attendance projections dictate how many trains are on the coasters. I think its something like 3,500 for two on RR, and its probably similar for others, so long as two trains are in fact available for service and not undergoing maintenance
  21. Whats wrong with slow slides that kids might like? Why does everything have to be the most thrilling? If anything, I reckon a few more of those White Water Mountain slides would be great.
  22. I wish I could add more to this then the one sentance thought but sadly all I have is: This would be great hotel to be on-site at Dreamworld.
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