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Everything posted by joz

  1. It would take Ardent selling the land, the government being the buyer, clearing the land of anything Ardent couldn't sell, and then trying to court the mouse into town, presumably by offering more land (bye bye sports fields?), a butt load of tax incentives and offering to pay some of the building costs. I don't see a version of this where Disney calls Ardent and are like 'How much?'
  2. It is. Good to see a slightly negative vibe with no actual point again
  3. If you read most of his posts they tend to be a series of negative statements, with no actual point attached. His contributions to this thread are a classic example of that. See also his latest posts in the MW Maintenance thread. My advice would be to simply ignore him.
  4. Yeah I reckon @ScottyJ is on the money; looks like 83 to me.
  5. I mean sure, but I don't think Leviathan is typical of how long it takes to build a wooden coaster. Confession; I've never been on a good modern wooden coaster. Like Blue Streak at Cedar Point and Grand National at Blackpool are easily my best 2, everything else I've ridden was rides in that 10-30year age bracket where it's just rough and braked to the shit and built in the 80s. This is the first modern one I'll have been on, and I'm really curious to knowing what it's like. To get to ride it new is super exciting. Stoaked that it'll be using the timberliner trains too. The questions for me are; how long until you start to notice it age? Is it first 5 years till it goes south? Or are modern ones just good forever now? How smooth are they when they're new? Do Wooden coasters really offer something different if they aren't straight up bashing you in the spleen? These are all dumb questions, and questions I genuinely don't know the answer to.
  6. That is quite a few fewer than years ago, you're also looking at 5 mazes and an extra hour of rides. Not sure about the other rides but Batwing and GL had a queue of around the half hour mark after all the other rides had closed their queues. Superman with a queue of 30mins and short queues for the mazes as reported seems like things are much better than the 'bad old days' of over crowding at FN. Don't know so, but strongly suspect that the maze queues will have dropped off strongly after 9. Could probably get 2 in that last hour without too much trouble If you're keen on seeing all of them as well as hit a ride or two. If someone says what's Fright Night like to me, that's pretty much what it is. A couple of long queues, mazes which are generally good, but have a random element to how much you will get out of them (actors resetting positions, the group you're with etc.) and a good Horror atmosphere. It seems like they've got the formula pretty well down at this point. To me the 'decline' of the event has more to do with me not being a teenager anymore so not being as 'in' to it as it is anything wrong with the event. But they make new teenagers now so that's fine! I think if they did this year when I was a teenager, it probably would have been my favourite since there's an extra maze, rides are open longer, and there aren't 8,000 people there.
  7. When you really look at that artwork, it's not Disney standard in the slightest. Really look at the sightlines, look at the way things are placed for way they look from the outside not from the inside. There are default assets, things you wouldn't see from inside the land and just green to fill in the gaps. Also fwiw, pretty much everyone here is on the spectrum. The bad news about that is that doesn't make you special here, you cant really play the autism card. The good news though is it doesn't make you special here. You can get on with your life, without using it to define yourself, and you don't need to and nor should not harm yourself. Also FWIW, Disney isn't world class. Disney is a whole other level above world class. Disney is it's whole own category. There's world class, then there's Disney standard. Invoking Disney is something even our parks are generally smart enough not to do. Disney wouldn't build a wooden roller coaster where the point of the ride is that it's a roller coaster.
  8. Not at all, I merely said someone who has the opinion that it's shit if it isn't star wars level would indeed be a moron. If you don't think that, then I'm not calling you a moron. Stop being so sensitive. The rule is you can state your opinions. But that doesn't mean anyone has to respect your opinion, and that people aren't allowed to say your opinion is totally stupid. Follow up question though, did you think they were going to build the default station from No Limits 2, and do you consider that to be world class?
  9. I'm really sad we aren't going to get the default station from no limits 2. I'm also sad that what they're building seem like they're designed for people actually in the area rather than in a helicopter above the main entrance. How shocking they didn't build a massive waterfall that you literally can't see from anywhere in the land! Now that would have been world class! I don't know why people are still trotting out that first concept art to make a point, and it's surprising to me that people who do so actually think they're making a point. The concept when you look at it kind of shit. Some oversize props plopped down isn't a themed land. You're basing the next bit off of Vortex to for some reason, despite every indication being that there is a sizable gulf in terms of themeing that's being built. We all now know your personal definition of world class. To me World Class basically means nothing, but has always implied something built to an international standard, IE the sort of thing you'd encounter when you go to top tier parks around the world, which includes a lot more than Disney and Universal. It seems to me it'll be done better than how Cedar Fair or Six Flags do it, better than Busch's recent efforts, and above all but the cream of the crop in Europe. 'Has to be as good as the best things Disney has ever done to be world class' Says who? You? Who are you? Wait till it's done. People who want to complain like you will be able if you, and I think the parts of society that aren't a moron will enjoy it for what it is without going 'It's not Star Wars Land though'
  10. They were reporting on traffic jams on the m1 and just had a helicopter with live shots of places people are going
  11. I don't think you understand how international tourism/tour groups work. It's all deals and agreements. The operators take a cut and put places against each other. It's not like tour operators are weighing things up like 'Where do I think the best local places are?' I also think you under estimate how many local families with small kids exist for whom going to see the animals is a big attraction. Your statement above actually works quite well when considering local families.
  12. Nah that's kind of it though. If you don't understand animals, then you also by extension don't understand the value of that experience you lose when you lose a Pat or an Al. If Pat being let go was the only thing to have happened, maybe you'd have a point, but this is not an isolated thing. There are lots of signs they don't get it. This is another sign, and it's been going on for a long time. I always stress this in all these kinds of posts that I don't think animal welfare is at issue (least I hope not), but you really do need someone like a Pat or an Al with the power to do what they need to do without interference. I just don't see that kind of thing here. Management don't understand animals, and perhaps even more crucially to why they're making the decisions they're making, they don't understand the value animals bring to the park, even without international guests. Don't forget folks, when WWF opened, attendance at MW was stagnant. DW smashed them that year because DW had Tiger Cubs. $20million on the biggest ride in the country at the time lost badly to some kittens. It's a large part of why SW got Polar Bears, and anyone who was around then knows how big of a deal they were! I'm convinced that SW's animal attractions are the only thing keeping the place alive at this point.
  13. If it's true that they got rid of him then they have well and truly lost the plot out there. I said a few years ago that current DW management doesn't understand animals. It is with sadness that I stand by that assessment.
  14. Bet they'd be spewing to not have it going tomorrow, you'd think it'll be a very busy weekend!
  15. With the Joker statue, all you need to do is remove the word 'Entrance' and you'd get away with it. Ideally better placed near Doomsday or Rivals queue since that courtyard is now well and truly Superman town, but yeah, you'd get away with it there. Also if you move it theres the always fun question of 'does that version of Joker fit with the joker in the new area' blah blah
  16. Oh wait are we talking about the Scrappy Doo screens? Yeah them not working drastically improves the ride.
  17. @Dean BarnettI've read his post multiple times, at no point was he suggesting kicker wheels, nor did he come close to doing so. Hope that helps!
  18. Yeah there you go! The delay makes a bit more now sense given it would take longer to get a big crane than a small one
  19. If you believe that the Golden Tickets is an actual representation of what the best parks are, I can only assume you also think the Oscars are also awarded on merit? Again, it's interesting enough, don't read too much into it. Also not that it matters; they don't say how they work out the voting, but the way they talk about it would suggest that the vast majority of the voters are based in America. You'd have to assume from how they word it, about 4 in 5 are.
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