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Everything posted by joz

  1. There's no way SW would fit in river off the tower. Because of the direction it travels, to install it off the tower would mean building it out over the broadwater.
  2. See, now this is why we normaly don't give away what we know to early. Parks are prone to mood swings on this sort of thing
  3. Another one? Why are they getting another when they don't use the one they've already got? Is someone other then Wittingslow (is that the company?) buying one?
  4. You've been waiting for that Wonder why most people never jumped on board the topic?
  5. The block of land which houses Movieworld, Wet 'n' Wild, Paradise Country, the Studios, and the soon to be built Outback Spectacular is 258 acers.
  6. *Bump* How's everyone going with theres?
  7. My understanding is that Dreamworld's head honcho had quite a bit to do with the Space Park that was at Expo. It was probably because of this that the ride sat at Dreamworld for a while when stuff was being finalised.
  8. Judging by the similarity between the boats on Looney Tunes and Bermuda, one would suspect an in house job. Probably wouldn't be to far fetched to suggest some of the boats could have been old Lasseter's boats. The only difference is the lapbar thing on Looney Tunes, and that wouldn't have been that hard to install.
  9. Allright, been searching around a few things, and I can explain what I was saying about concept pictures. Check out the photo of Tower of Terror on the left of the page on Ride Extravaganza. Basicly its a photo of Tower of Terror, which was photo shopped to include Giant Drop. Now look toward the base of the tower, and tell me what happens to the track...
  10. That's either real, or the best concept picture in existence. Did anyone here see the concept picture for Giant Drop? There is no track where the brakes should be, and the concept art for all of SW's stuff doesn't have any people, but does have things shaped suspiciously like people. No real doubt about it in my mind, its real. There is no way that Wonderland would have spent that much to add stuff like the queue line and stuff like that on the concept art. It just looks like they've brightened it up a bit.
  11. I'm not sure about specifics, but I know some of our rides (For which read pretty much all of Movieworld's rides) take more then an hour to start up in the morning, due to safety checks, tests and making sure all is turned on as it should be. A ride like Scooby Doo is one of the more complex rides, as it entails not only the ride operating system, but also the special effects, and hardware on the ride. Even the simplest of rides need to have a good deal of time spent on them on in the morning, and bigger rides even need to have checks and tests done before opening up for night operation.
  12. Well, its that time of year again, where the parks pull out most of the stops and welcome a huge number of guests. If your one of those heading out to the parks, here's a taste of what to expect: Wet 'n' Wild serves up more Dive in Movies. No need to fix something that isn't broken, as dive in movies have been proven as a very popular event. Same applies to the news year's eve kids party, which as is traditionally the case with these types of events, is taking place on new year's eve. As is always the case, Wet 'n' Wild is the park of choice for those who like extended trading, with the park open until 9pm every night until January 25. Seaworld introduces you to Polar Bear Cubs Nelson and Hudson. Both bears were Orphaned, and have had Seaworld chosen as the best home for them. They are now on public display along with Lia & Lutik. Seaworld also opens the only new attraction for the holidays, Dugong Discovery. This exhibit features the dugong named Pig, who was successfully hand raised at Seaworld. Movieworld will rely a large extent this year on the 3 park summer pass. For the price of admission to Seaworld, Movieworld and Wet 'n' Wild, guests will receive 14days unlimited entry to each park (except Wet 'n' Wild, where guests can enter after 4pm). The park will also enjoy a quick visit from Hi-5 on January 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th of January. Movieworld, along with Seaworld are open 9.30 - 5.30pm until January 9. Dreamworld will add a crowd soaking big live show to the entertainment line-up these holidays, with a new magic show in the Amphitheatre until January 21. Dreamworld will also have mixed trading hours, being open at 9.30, and not closing until 5.30pm on some days, and as late as 7pm on another. Check Dreamworld's official website to find out. Have a fun holidays everyone, see you at the parks!
  13. Because I did ride it when there wasn't a queue. Probably the slowest lifthill in Australia coupled with a fairly long ride with one train op tells you its a low capacity ride. Like Richard said, I don't think it ever ran with 2 trains (except for when it was new), however the station design was a bit better then Cyclone's. There were airgates, but they were only used with 2 person op, so if there was one op they'd let the queue in and they'd fill the train without waiting (like Corkscrew). When a trainload was let through, they'd be all set and ready by the time the operator locked the restraints, rather then having to wait for the operator to finish letting the queue through.
  14. Tell me about it. If it wasn't for the ultra reliable Dreamworld staff, I wouldn't have known about Movieworld adding a flyer (B&M probably) or that Movieworld is about to put a bigger drop on Looey Tunes (I've heard both of these at Dreamworld over the past few years).
  15. Wet 'n' Wild doesn't attract a huge number of international tourists. Mostly its attendance is made up of locals. It'll more then likley be the same with the new park.
  16. Nah, thunderbolt was low (very low) capacity too. Just Thunderbolt was so crap that I never rode it anyway, and hence cared little about the queue.
  17. It was a great old Australian panel show. People used to write in with all their problems like "My Husband is cheating on me and keeps setting me on fire. Should I leave?" To which the panel (made up of 5 women and 1 guy) would answer. The women would aways say something like "Oh yes darling. When my last husband started trying to BBQ my right leg then I left him straight away". The guy would say something more along lines of "Well, from the sounds of things, your a very insecure nambie pambie person whose bloody lucky to have a husband. Why don't you try be a better wife?" If you haven't seen it then you missing out on great TV. I don't think its on anymore though.
  18. Disagree. You've quite clearly got no idea what you're talking about. You do realise that Reptar and Road Runner have exactly the same layout don't you? The only difference is the orientation of the track, and consuquently, the ride's speed, and because of the difference in track position, Reptar is a huge 7 meters longer. Even if inverted coaster track was more versitile, it would have nothing to do with this conversation, since both layouts are exactly the same anyway. If you prefer the Inverted model, thats fine. Reptar is a perfectly respectable ride, but you don't have to say a whole bunch of stupid stuff to justify it.
  19. Not at all good sir, most of the current Wet 'n' Wild's visitors are Aussies.
  20. Damm you, I only won a movie ticket for winning the trivia comp.
  21. The daytime TV version. What was that blokes name? Stan Zemanick or something :confused:
  22. I can't be bothered having this discussion again, but I just can't resist throwing one comment in: Yeah, the fair thing to do is to compare it with Dreamworld's number 1 thrill ride, Giant Drop.
  23. Movieworld Spain has a Superman coaster, though thats not what we're getting.
  24. Gazza: I was just thinking that. Movieworld confirm a new $12 million roller coaster and all the attention is on Wet 'n' Wild. I never thought I'd see the day.
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