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Everything posted by joz
Road Runner for me. Reptar is a good ride, but Road Runner is faster, is quite well themed and has a very well designed station. Reptars only trick is that it is inverted. Granted, that is quite a cool thing, but the ride feels like it never really gets going, where as Road Runner is forceful right from the start.
Wet 'n' Wild had 800,000 guests last year, so the model is certaintly a solid one. Personally, I think the Sunshine Coast is going to keep on getting more and more parks. Its got the land and its got the tourists, and its got the good location so why not? Its good to see Warner Village get in on the ground floor so to speak. A development like this will only help others (like Aussie World) as it will make the Sunshine Coast a more marketable destination for familes, and the more people on the Sunshine Coast, more people for Aussie Zoo, Aussie World and Underwater World Besides, as they say, "when the tide goes up all the boats go up as well".
See, now me and Rabid don't just put teasers out there for no good reason now do we
Dreamworld sells hotdogs from a stand with a giant hot dog on top on main street I'm just being a stick in the mud, that looks absolutly amazing, and just seeing the results have really made me want to pay the 70 odd dollers to buy the game. If nothing else it'd mean I'd be able to check out the park in closer detail. Nice work.
I think "Fingers crossed for September" is the rides unofficial tagline.
The Australian Outback Spectacular goes ahead
joz replied to Richard's topic in Theme Park Discussion
Chill man, I think Ian was just pointing out that the targeted market for this thing isn't the sort of person who visits this site, ie someone whose into coasters. It also did come with a smiley, so its all good. -
"I don't believe in stress, so therefore I can't suffer from it. Stress is a figment of the mind, if you can't handle what you do then you shouldn't be doing it so take a step back and re-evaluate your situation." Is that from Bueaty and the Beast Bussy?
The Australian Outback Spectacular goes ahead
joz replied to Richard's topic in Theme Park Discussion
Well, its about the same price for dinner and a show at the casino, and thats been very succesful for years now. Its not everyones cup of tea, but it is still very succesful, and very profitable. The difference is that this is more targeted at international tourists, who don't normally go to the Jupiters stage show. This is also billed as more of an experience then a show, so its not going to be paying $60 to watch an Aussie version of Maverick. Its a big budget show with dinner included. Like I say, I don't expect it'll be of much interest to people on this site, but there certaintly is the interest out there, and $60 is probably about what you'd expect to pay. I'd also be surprised if they didn't try and add it into Seaworld Nara Holiday packages, in deals with Paradise Country (International tourists go to Paradise Country by day and then to the Outback Spectacular by night for a discounted price) or even as an upgrade option on the 3 park super pass. Richard is also correct in saying this has nothing to do with the attraction that is being added to Movieworld next year, and I can assure that the money spent on this doesn't mean that there won't be any money for next years new attraction. -
Thats probably the stupidest idea for a new park since Fun "N" Food on the Gold Coast a couple of years back. Good luck to the guy, though I can't see this going far past the "Filler article for a local newspaper" stage.
Actions speak louder then words. If they expand, adding good rides, good attractions, and fixing up what they should, then you won't hear any (well, knowing what some people are like; as much) complaining. I don't think its so much about what Dreamworld said as it is what the newspaper said. Comparing Dreamworld to Disneyland is probably not the best idea, and of course it will generate some talk. The other quite obvious point is that the guy isn't talking about expanding the park, but rather is talking about all the town centre stuff. He can't be talking about only the park, as 38ha + 45ha = 83ha. Dreamworld only own 85ha, so that's all the excess land they've been talking about for so long. Obviously the new town centre is going to be more then 2ha. Really, this article doesn't give any new information, other then to talk up what they are doing. Now, I'm happy to see Dreamworld putting new screens in the queues, and putting shade at Tiger Island (excellent idea BTW), but this article implies something which is false.
Read what its all about Wilsy. Its on topic.
I think the queue TVs are good. The problem is if they are installed as an alternative to fixing the real capacity issuse. On a ride like ToT and to some extent Thunder River where you can't make the queues move much quicker no matter how you tried, then I think its a great idea. The other thing you've gotta wonder is just how long the TVs will be turned on for, or how long they'll have sound on. As for Dreamworld trying to turn into Disneyland, well, good luck to them. The funny thing is how its being mentioned this like its a new thing, when in reality Dreamworld has been trying to be like Disneyland for years now.
That makes sense, because I was making the point that the big coasters don't really need all the extra elements after the tophat. :confused:
Well, since its aimed at adults I can't see whats wrong with liking south park. Do you think the average 10 year old knows what time share is anyway?
Good move, hopefully this can take some of the pressure of off the rides when the big Xmas crowds come to town. Heck, it may even attract a family or two to Dreamworld!
Why am I surprised that Mickey likes Disney Welcome aboard good sir. Like they all say Steve$, soak it up, there's no other park out there with as good an atmosphere as the Disney. Mickey, Richard, Mik have pretty well summed up my thoughts on the whole Disney thing. Hopefully that'll be yours as well. Have fun.
Thing is people love the big rockets. TTD is getting really good feedback, and SFGAdv's new rocket is getting people excited about going back to the park. Even though the ride is really short, people are lapping it up, much more then with S:TE. Really, if they can get it too to work properly, then they've got a real winner on their hands.
Well the site was new to me, thanks for the link imperial.
...and a great big Amen to that Clairey. Couldn't have said it better myself.
Call Vekoma out? In 10 years since the rides been installed, there's probably been that many (subtle) modifcations made too it that Vekoma would have no idea what to do with it.
It comes down to two things for me: What is the extra capacity? and how much extra is it? If the cost is going to be a couple of million more for, say, and extra 50 people per hour then it would hardly be worth it. If its going to cost an extra million or less and allow an extra 100 people + then it may be worth it. Strangly, I tend to think Dreamworld went the right way with the smaller model, even with its smaller capacity. The Claw in my mind is the parks best addition since Wipeout, and just like Wipeout, the queue moves fairly regualaly, and the ride has what I'd call an adaquate capacity. The themeing on the Claw is not great, but the feel of the area around the ride is very nice (something that you can't really say for Tower of Terror no matter how good the ride is), with nice landscaping, lamps and the like. Re-riding the Claw is a pleasure, not a chore (Read Cyclone), and as a whole, the ride is excuted pefectly. The bigger model would have just cost more.
We show Cartoon Network a couple of places at Seaworld despite the ads. Indeed when I've watched it an amazing amount of advertising is for Seaworld (and Seaworld Gold Coast holidays), and I can imagine it'd be the same for Nick with Dreamworld. In any case, there little or no chance that an ad will appear for, say, a rival park, so ads shouldn't make that much difference.
If they did that, then it'd be pre-recorded stuff thats on an hour (at best) loop, and we'd be back where we started from. Still, I'm surprised the ride ops are able to have the screens turned off because they're sick of them. Its not for them, its for guests.
First time I went on Claw, the screens were showing an overview of the ride. The thing is that when the ride was operating, the screens just went blue. Seems they didn't work when the most interesting stuff was going on. Maybe that's why they've just turned them off?
Thats the way it normally works. Its a hit and miss thing if the current stuff in the queue is turned on. To me its been a bit of a mystery as to why Dreawmorld has thousands of dollers of audio visual equiptment in the queues (Cyclone particually) when it rarely gets used. Though on my last visit I couldn't help but notice the radio Dreamworld thing with music playing in Cyclones queue as well as Claws. Maybe they're going to play the music film clips like at Wet 'n' Wild? Keep us posted anyway, sounds very interesting in a low key sort of way.