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Everything posted by joz
From what I understand, Cyclone was designed to run two trains. Would I be correct in assuming that the flat section of track before the turnaround would be the spot for the extra block brake required?
Flying half way round the world ain't cheap dude.
Well, its $5 to go to the top of one of the brick structures, and if you've spent $2000 to fly in, plus accomodation, food and all else, $170 isn't that much.
Into the holidays now, so its probably a stupid question but was the East side of GD operating? Also the rapid rafts are probably getting fixed up while the demand for the rapids ride isn't high so they have all the rafts available for summer.
I won't say much since this a pretty sensitive issue (as you can imagine). Basically, managements first pay offer came months after the deal was meant to go through, and was quite a bit below what we asking. The union, took this as opportunity to recruit staff, organise stop work meetings and so forth. The thing that strikes me as odd is they haven't gone back to another meeting to negotiate for a greater increase (which is what the union is meant to do), or even put this offer to a staff vote (where we all could have voted no). What's more is they're claiming everything from bad conditions to low wages being dangerous, ultimately putting us off side with local media outlets. Now, the conditions aren't the best, but there by no means bad, and I'm buggered to know how low pay can be dangerous. Management has pointed to an improvement in conditions recently (which I have noticed and are to be applauded). The problem is that staff incentive programs like what is soon to be launched at MW and different staff events and training programs all make it nice to be at work, but don't put food on the table, and people are struggling to make ends meet. That is the message the unions were making before getting sidetracked in lots of different areas. The bad conditions that staff talk about are basically issues with rosters and supervisors, which is pretty much standard at any workplace. I support the unions trying to up the pressure so we at least get 4% (rather then the 6% we asked for or the 3% they offered), but I question their plan of attack. Still, the fact the staff stopped work does show that some are desperate, and I congratulate them for sticking to their guns. The pressure maybe starting to show as well. In the week leading up the industrial action, the offer has gone up to 4% for the staff earning the least, and 3% for those on the most, and different amounts for those in between. That's basically what's going on, I won't go into anymore detail then that, I think that's really all most people really need to know on the matter, except to say that the parks operated as normal, and disruption to the guests was fairly minimal.
First step is getting the most out of the attractions, getting rid of riverwalk train station and themeing that level crossing. Putting a new (3D?) film in the Imax theater, and flog it off the same way MW & SW flog off their 3D movies. Turning Wipeout's water features back on, adding gysers or water falls to thunder river that sort of thing. Also, I'd buy a second train for Cyclone, have the station redesigned so its more open and easier to see what's going on, bring the front of the queue closer to the station, and reinforce the theme of GD as being an Oil Rig. I'd steer clear of announcements of impending doom as it would just come over as being corny, no matter how well done it was. Tower of Terror, I dunno, just put the thing in a tube and theme the outside? Sounds more like fixing the area up rather then degrading the feel of the park. Also, I believe Gazzas making the comment that if you put the launch track in a tunnel you could run it in the rain, since the LIMS would be under cover. Still, this would also leave the problem of emerging from the tunnel at 160 odd km/h going straight into the rain. Still, make it look like an old-time building on the outside and you've got a winner by me. I don't really see the need to move/get rid of model T lane, personally would love to see it stay where it is. Though it is a big site, so one day down the track when DW is stuck with a space problem let it go then. Until there's there's heaps of land to play with. In the mean time, go with your idea of a natural disaster themed area on the thunderbolt site. Link it up to Nick Central near the entrance to Tiger Island and you could go some distance towards relieving the potential bottleneck near Stingray. With the water park, I reckon rebuild it on the other side of the train tracks, and run a path to Rocky Hollow so its not stuck out on its own like it currently (and it'd also provide a walkway to the water park while you demolish the old blue lagoon). That'd leave space for another themed land or big show stadium. That'd leave the Amphitheatre free for more big brothers (For the record, I hate Big Brother, but its undeniably a huge draw for the park). Opening the park late in the summer (or even blatantly stealing the Saturday Session) is a bit of a gimme really. Plus you could have fireworks which seem to really pack 'em in. Thats where I'd start anyway. We'll get into the on-site hotels and such next time
Put the thing in a tube and theme the outside? Sounds more like fixing the area up rather then degrading the feel of the park. Also, I believe Gazzas making the comment that if you put the launch track in a tunnel you could run it in the rain, since the LIMS would be under cover. Still, this would also leave the problem of emerging from the tunnel at 160 odd km/h going staight into the rain. Still, make it look like an old-time building and you've got a winner by me. I don't really see the need to move model T lane, personally would love to see it stay where it is. Though it is a big site, so one day down the track when DW is stuck with a space problem let it go then. In the mean time, go with your idea of a natural disaster themed area. Link it up to Nick Central near the entrance to Tiger Island and you could go some distance towards releaving the potential bottleneck near Stingray. With the water park, I reckon re-build it on the other side of the train tracks, and run a path to Rocky Hollow so its not stuck out on its own like it currently (and it'd also provide a walkway to the water park while you demolish the old blue lagoon. Then you've got space for another themed land.
We used to have a double beef and bacon burger. I used to have it on the days when I'd come into work hungover. Used to perk me right up.
Goboi: Not that I doubt you - quite the opposite - do you have a link or any idea where this report was?
See I was much nicer to hungover people. You sometimes serve them and I always used to direct them to the double beef burger and fried chicken.
You can import tracks from the original RCT into no limits. Personally, I didn't much like the feature, and think we'd be better off waiting for RCT3 then getting the nolimits guys to do it.
Call me crazy, but I didn't think Ali Baba hurt. In fact, I thought it was an ok ride (sorry Huss).
Best ride on cartoon beach (and possibly best kids ride on the coast) that tower ride. Obviously not by Zamperela (which I take back the day anyone builds a 'Rockin Tub') I saw one of those boat rides at Wicksteed park in England. They look quite fun, but I didn't go on, probably would have if I'd have seen how much air you get. I did go on a custom version (much larger 8 person version but without air) which was pretty cool. The weird thing is when you go into the water, the boat nearly sinks since there are no running rails under the water. Good fun.
I'll take over while you distract them over in Singapore
Eh, its better then Cliff Hanger in any case. Can't say it takes my fancy, but I can't remember any ride name that we've liked. So far we've mocked every new ride name since Scooby Doo. Seriously, the only name we seem to like is Wipeout. ToT is a name inspired (or taken directly from) Disney's ride, Giant Drop is just unimaginative, Cyclone isn't appropriate for a steel looper, Reef Diver is stupid, Angry Beaver's Spooty Spin doesn't mean anything, Eureka Mountain Mine Ride is too long, Thunder River Rapids Ride implies there is a Lightning River out there somewhere, Rugrats Runaway Reptar is a random collection of words, Model T Lane is actually a road Skylink is misleading since it doesn't really link us to the sky, Captain Sturt Paddlewheeler is named after a guy who should be called Stuart, Tiger Island is clearly not an Island, and Angry Beaver's Spooty Spin still doesn't mean anything. End Rant. Claw? Well, its a pretty crap name, but I can't imagine this one will be that hard to get used too.
That seems like quite an interesting concept, having a constantly changing roster of rides to keep things fresh. Probably work too, hope they keep doing new things like this.
Hey, its been a while I thought the bit where it says "I'll update more often" is also quite funny.
Good to hear you had a fun day Scott. Did you end up seeing Planet SOS or the seal show? Also, RCDB lists vertical loop, so quit with the arguments
I don't think they're sarcastic enough Good work on those Rich
It pushed the shares 1c higher, and I think thats about what its worthy of. They are basicly saying "You give us money, and we'll build a park that we aren't confident enough in to actually invest in ourselves, and we'll take most of the profits because we'll be managing it, effectivly leaving you at our mersy". Interesting idea, and it'll probably get up, but the model can't be that appealing to other compaines.
Green, Blue, potato patato really. With a new film and a bit of a mordern touch it wouldn't be so bad what ever the colour. The sound stage thing where they get it wrong kinda adds to the whole 'takes years to learn' thing, and when you get an announcer who has a bit of fun with how bad they did then you can get a good show. Though I must admit, I didn't quite get the Memphis Bell thing either. Something about models and a full size set and putting it all together? I always walked out going "and that last bit was about... what?" when I was much younger, and it still doesn't really seem to add anything significant. Like I say, just throw some new films in, and alter the effects and you've got a workable show. Still, if through movie magic they can get Sly to call the park Warner Brothers Movieworld instead of Warner Movie World then it'll be a start.
The effects themselves are ok (Blue Screen is still an important special effect) but just the show itself is all outdated. Memphis Bell? Lethal Weapon 2? These are movies you can buy for $2 at your local video shop. There is little or no appeal left in these films. Why not see how Peter Pan flies in the movie? Or how Scooby Doo was animated and added in with the actors in Scooby Doo (and why not get audience members to see how difficult it is acting with a character that doesn't exist)? And how the models were incorporated into Ghost Ship? Same basic formula but does allow the "We filmed these films here" angle.
Well, since everyone in the company got fire training within the last month, I dare say there was very little in terms of negligence from the staff involved. The fire from all accounts was fierce, and they did exactly what they should have done: Got their backsides out of there and let it burn. No point putting your life at risk by trying to combat a raging fire that will claim little else then some equipment. Sounds to me more like poor set design rather then cost cutting or anything along those lines. Still, sounds like bad news for the Aussie film industry. Hopefully this won't affect the upcoming schedule too much with a studio out of action.
You say the first drop is like Nemesis: What you've failed to mention is the whole ride is allot like Nemesis. In fact, not only is every element in the right order, but so are the turns, drops and inclines. Just an observation.