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I've spoken to a few staff at SW who have worked at both SW and DW, and more often then not, I'm told that SW (well, I should say Warner Village Theme Parks) is the better employer. Even though the pay is marginally better at DW, I'm told that the boss' out there aren't good to work under (hence a few people making the change to WVTPs). I work at Seaworld, and I think it’s a great place to work. I work in Food & Beverage (mostly, I'll get back to that), and that offers some great variety. It’s not like working at a place like McDonald’s, your job will be either serving or cooking. At Seaworld your job is serving, cooking, pushing the vending carts, setting up special events, working in the ice-cream parlors, Cafes, and Waitering, and that’s just scratching the surface. Best of all, the whole time, you work with some of the nicest people your ever likely to meet. There's also what's called 'Multi-Hire', where you can work in other departments for extra hours. Most people in F&B who do it work for Operations as a cleaner, but in my time I've worked for Sales and Marketing, and Marine Sciences. The great thing about it too is that you will get the tax-free threshold for your extra work. If you work at say, Maccas, and go to work at Hungry Jack's, you'll get taxed more on your second job, so its a good way to avoid that. The staff facilities are ok; they were re-furbed a few years back. At SW, there are two staff canteens, and they do provide cheap food (not the tastiest food, but its cheap ). The canteen at the top end of the park also has a great view of the Ski Lake. Apart from that, there's hot-showers and change rooms, lockers and the like for staff. Another good thing about it is that we qualify for industry discounts for most hotels (and some other attractions) on the Gold Coast (I have on more then one occasion treated me and my partner to a night out at a hotel. So far the best hotel/resort we've come across are the Sun City in Surfers, closely followed by Seaworld Nara. Of the two, Seaworld Nara was the cheaper). There are also free drink offers at various nightclubs in Surfers, as well as the occasional event night. Staff are also given free tickets to the parks (SW, MW and WnW), but are given free entry into the park of their direct employment just about always. On top of that, staff also receive tickets to check out new attractions at the three parks, and employee awards nights quite often include either a movie that hasn't been released, free beer or ERT on some rides (Since I've worked there, such events include Scooby doo at MW, Corkscrew, Pirate Ship and Cartoon Beach at SW, and the whole park at WnW). The boss' at SW are mostly pretty good to work under, but as with everywhere, there are a few... less popular ones . Must be said though, there isn't one of my boss' I wouldn't have a drink with. I even hear John Menzies isn't afraid to have a drink and a dance. Speaking of John Menzies, just thought I'd pass one thing along, since I think its unfair that only Holiday World boss' get credit for this: He is on the ground at the park quite often. Last time I saw him, he picked up a piece of rubbish and walked with it for about 10 meters to put it in a bin. I work for Warner Village Theme Parks, and I think its easily the best job I've had so far, and I for one don't intend on quitting any time soon.
Sunway has much bigger financial resources the Macquarie leisure. Macquarie after all runs a marina, Adventure World and Dreamworld. Fact is, even to Dreamworld, a park with less finanial resources, they have the cash to build anything they want to. The reason they don't is because they want to be sure they'll get a return on what they spend. Wonderland can already afford that big Hyper that everyone wants, just that Sunway don't wanna spend the money since the park is making enough money. At last count, Sunway has 219 acers in Sydney, Dreamworld is somewhere around 200, and Warner Village Theme Parks own 256 in Oxenford (around half of which is used between Movieworld, the studios and Wet 'n' Wild). Plenty of land each, but I doubt the amount of land Dreamworld had effected the sale price. I agree with GoBoi, $50million was a bargin, and you'd think it'd have paid for itself by now (I'm going on assumption, not fact). Not to mention the huge potential for expansion the park has. Its a shame that Sunway isn't using any of that potential though.
Damm, hasn't been a good week in general for Australia: (Sunday, September 21, 2003) - At Australia's Royal Melbourne Show, a mini bungee-trampoline ride for children blew over under heavy winds and fell onto some power lines. The accident happened before the fair opened for the day, and no one was injured. A spokesman for the show told reporters that the mishap "is just one of those things that happen." And in NSW (Sunday, September 21, 2003) - Two children were injured when a gust of wind tipped over an inflatable castle they were jumping in. The accident happened in the Southern Highlands, New South Wales, Australia. One of the victims, a 7-year-old boy, suffered a bloody nose and the other victim, the boy's 4-year-old sister, suffered an injured shoulder. The gust of wind reportedly lifted all of the ride's stability pegs out of the ground, then tipped it over. Several other children who were on the ride were not injured. The children were given first aid on the scene by workers who had been setting up a display on how to stay safe in wind and thunder storms. The display was part of "Storm Safe Week." (Both articles from http://members.aol.com/rides911/accidents.htm ) That's 4 major incidents in a few days. 3 of which were at the same place.... Whats going on?
Staff were being assualted by clubs? lol, what brought that on?
Texas Tornado - did enyone ever go on it?
joz replied to inTIMidated's topic in Theme Park Discussion
Haven't been on it myself, but Twisted Rails has a great ride report. Other then that, I can't help -
Hang on, two USA trips? Thats so greedy...
After bringing Nick characters to the park, it was an obvious next step to add a big-breasted adventure to the park. Gives something for the dads to do while the rest of the family is off at Nick Central. :shock: So what are we thinking ride, show, or walk through?
Don't think of it as Aqua Golf, think of it as 'An exciting golf-ball acceleration experience for the whole family' (thats what they'll probably call it anyway. I wonder if Aqua Golf would actually attract anyone into the park? I can imagine the conversation now: "Mummy, I don't want to go to Luna Park, I wanna go play Aqua Golf!"
What does everybody think of the Vekoma Tilt?
joz replied to inTIMidated's topic in Theme Park Discussion
Even though I'd ride it, I reckon it'd scare the absoulte crap out of me, and the whole "trusting vekoma" is the issue (The same way I go on Giant Drop not trusting Intamin brakes ). There was a good on-ride video floating around ages ago, and the ride looks really cool, Dreamworld could do well with it -
Isn't aquagolf the one where you have to hit a hole in one, and if you don't you ball goes in the water? Hopenot, cause its an up-charge and its boring
True Richard, but to be fair, Giant Drop seems to be doing better (when both sides are open of course) then it did in the past. I can remember the early days of Wipeout being run quite efficiently, but then more recently its been slower. Same goes for Thunderbolt (even on one train op) ToT and Giant Drop. And its true, Dreamworld is not the only park to do such things (I think that day we went to SW was a slow day for Corkscrew). Although I think the real reason for low capacity has something to do with the return visitor passes - They sell more when people haven't been on everything :mrgreen:
Trip report for Gulliver's Kingdom: Walked up to front entrance. Read a sigh which said "Park Closed". Went to nearby pub and got drunk instead. Fun day had by all, 10/10
I've only been on the Ali Barber version, and I didn't really see the appeal of the ride. Still, it was free so I did go on it twice. So, without making references to Liar Liar, whats the Claw?
Damm, what do I have to do, I traveled half way around the world, and then your still telling me that I still went on inferior version Next you'll be telling me how great Xcel. is again I really tried with that one too... I saw it as I was driving up the highway... so sad
Yes indeed. Warner Village have an age requirement of 21. However, on rare occasions have hired below this, though most of those staff are given more menial tasks (Crowd control at shows, Bermuda Platform loader, and the like at SW). Dreamworld may have an age requirement, although I once knew some lovely 18 year old ride ops there, so its debatable if its as strict. Got news for ya guys, only staffing one attendant at each ride IS cost cutting. Dreamworld operates their rides in such a way that rides don't require as many staff. Its no coincidence that Tower of Terror requires less staff now the lifts are gone, and is also not coincidence that Giant Drop's queue now goes inside the building: it requires less staff to run the rides that way, however, with one staff member, capacity takes a battering. In this last year, I'm not going to point the finger at Dreamworld for cutting hours, particularly with the way SARS affected things. Indeed, Movieworld made headlines with 'ride rotation', and SW temporarily cut one staff member from Bermuda and tired one person operation of Corkscrew (lasted about a month from memory). The problem is that the whole set-up of some of Dreamworld's rides require more then one op, which is often more then the park is willing to give. True that some of Movieworld's rides require more staff, but Movieworld staff their rides up. Take Lethal Weapon: 1 op in the control box, one loader, and one staff member working the queue and doing pre-shows for a total of 3 ops (minimum). Put that ride at Dreamworld and its a safe bet the ride would only get 1 op. I really can understand Village cutting hours across the parks during the SARS crisis. You can't pay the staff if there's not much money coming in, and I'm happy to say that at the moment, staff that want them are getting plenty of hours. In Dreamworld's case however, low staffing isn't a response to low attendance, its a way to save money and keep the investors happy. Nothing wrong with that, after all, its bussiness, but I do happen to see an issue with how that affects the park.
Shame on you Rabid, you missed Indiana Jones
Thunderbolt was two a two train ride, and despite it being crap demanded long lines. Being Dreamworld, the second train was almost never used. Cyclone can be two train op, but so far, Dreamworld feels that 200pph is a decent capaticy. Dreamworld would probably just be wasting their money with a two train ride if they aren't ganna use it, and would probably be better off with a shuttle, since most shuttles are shorter. Just a thought anyway
How much did Deja Vu cost?
That sounds like it could be about right, although I'm certain someone said something about doing 6 movies. Still, like I say, I'm not as informed as allot of people on this. Indeed half the time its difficult to know which rumours to beleive and which to ignore. Although I still laugh when I get staff tell me things that are obviously false. Cyclone has the same layout as Corkscrew & Cyclone is shorter then Corkscrew are two that instantly come to mind.
You'll be the parks marketing manager one-day flea I'm still surprised about Space Probe though, drop towers are not traditionally rides that suffer from shakiness. Maybe extensive downtime is in order :twisted:
Question: How much is Dreamworld trying to sell Thunderbolt for? Has to be less then quater of a million. I mean, a ride thats rough as guts, rusty and can't operate in rain? I know I wouldn't buy it.
Look forward to hearing more about the attraction, sadly I'm going to completely miss the opening, although I am going to get free tickets to check it out later on, and I have got discount tickets to Alton Towers (yay!). As for the replacement of Harry Potter, well, the stories I hear (quite possibly false, but believable) was that the attraction was not generating an attendance increase, despite the heavy marketing. Indeed the spike in Movieworld's attendance that is currently being enjoyed came about after Scooby Doo, and has continued despite the demise of Harry Potter. If this is true (I could be wrong, so don't quote me) then I can't imagine the park would want to renew the contract, and I for one can't blame them. Don't forget as well that this decision was apparently made in the middle of the SARS outbreak, when the parks were looking to save money wherever they could. I get the impression with 'Matrix - the official exhibit' (Why are Warner Village project names so much better then the actual attraction names?) that the attraction was made for the space. Not a case of the attraction was designed, then a home was found for it (as Richard said, there are plenty of other places they could have put it). Thunder - I have always been under the impression that each new film requires a separate contract, and that each contract is only short term. So perhaps that’s why the park didn't keep it going - because they didn't want a contract for the next film, and couldn't keep the current Harry Potter attraction open. As was made public by the park at the time, the original plan was to release a new attraction every time a new Harry Potter film came out. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I don't think that the park wanted to do another Harry Potter attraction since the attraction wasn't drawing in enough people. If they wanted to keep the Harry Potter open, I bet they would have found a way, and Matrix would either be something, or somewhere else. Keep is all informed as to how the new attraction is!
Just one question Flea... Super Hero Headquarters is just a shop right? Thanks for the info on Demon, shame about it being more shaky and the stronger brakes (The stronger brakes particularly, I thought they were way too strong already). Interesting what you said about space probe too, was there much wind about or what? Must have been bad too get you off space probe
Is it just me, or are people just not putting imagination into their post titles anymore? Good to hear you managed to hit KBF and SFMM. Sadly I missed both through illness Even better to hear you enjoyed both heaps
Huss Land of the Giants would be nice, but I personally would really love to see Dreamworld take on the dark ride genre. I don't know if Dreamworld is still copying Disneyland, but if it is, it'd be great to see the park plant a ride underground and building something useful right over the top of it.