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Everything posted by joz

  1. Thanks for the insight boycotta. Yes, the Ekka is indeed the "Brisbane Show" with wall to wall spin 'n' spews, all with on-suite buckets. Slick is correct when he says that parks are busy, but its nothing compared to the entire month of January where between 7 and 10 thousand is the norm.
  2. Goliath, had some minor structural problems requiring some of the supports to be strengthened (inference, not fact. Perhaps one of our European guests could help ). I'm not against Intamin, they make some pretty cool rides, but my personal opinion is that they aren't reliable enough, and unfortunatly, the Intamin rides on the Gold Coast don't seem to go against that. Plus to make things more confusing, the Gold Coast's Vekoma's, Arrows and in-house productions are more reliable. BTW, I was actually talking about the brake failure on S:ROS rather then the fat guy getting ejected: I just thought I'd put that under a broad "restraint system" heading. Although, to be fair, Intamin isn't the only company to have had a station brake failure.
  3. Dude, you've miss-spelled no less then 9 words, dispensed with paragraphs, put 1 space after a full stop 10 times and have been unable to find the shift Key a whopping 35 times. I'm not even ganna start trying to work out how many grammatical mistakes there are. How about this Boycotta, click that edit button, copy the text, put it in word, and do a spell and gramma check, and repost it. Thank you..
  4. I always think that someone who moves next door to a theme park deserves everything they get. You can't get serinity in the middle of a city in the first place, and blaming the park for noise is insane since the park was there first.
  5. I think the fact that its nearly up and running is a testament to Intamin's determination. After the problems that Wicked Twister, Goliath, Millennium Force, ToT, Xcelerator, S:TE, every Impulse ever created, S:ROS, Giant Drop and their restraint system have had, you'd think that they'd just stop making coasters and start making something easy. But to their credit, they keep on trying to manufactur things that they aren't in the least bit skilled in. No wonder parks keep asking them to build rides :?
  6. Now I'd be inclined to go the other way on that one Richard. If I was on holiday, I don't think I'd pay $150 for a separate animal, water and ride park when Dreamworld has a water, ride and animal park in one ticket price. I'd always thought that the real value of the 3 park super pass lay in the fact that it had on it, 2 full themed parks, and a water park, for a discounted price. But having the 3 best ingredients of a full park as a seperate park each? No thank you. If I was on holiday, and on a budget, I'd rather go to Dreamworld. I wouldn't under estimate the appeal of the water park, as its one of the biggest advantages that the park has over Movieworld, and, from the people I talk to, it also appears to play a big part in people with 3PSPs returning to Seaworld (in the early days of the 3PSP well over 50% of people were returning to Seaworld over Movieworld). Getting rid of the water park to me is a terrible idea. Its too much of an asset to the park, and if anything, is due to be upgraded rather then demolished. As for a Setpoint Swing thing on Cartoon Beach, I think that's a pretty cool idea. If the Seal Rock does get moved, from looking in the area, I think that there'd be plenty of room next door to Cartoon Beach to fit one (or at least a custom model) in. As for capacity, I think Richard hit the nail on the head, a capacity of over 1000 would suit the park fine. I take it the Swingthing can be designed to operate without the water cannons and whatnot?
  7. I completely agree with you Andy. I once thought that it'd be cool if the waterpark was renovated and one was added. However, since Seaworld is now teamed up with Wet 'n' Wild, there is little to no chance of the water park being upgraded. Rather there is speculation that the water park will be removed some time in the future.
  8. Funny thing about that, the only time I went on it it had a 20 min queue, and that was on a day when Space Probe was walk-on.
  9. That's kinda Ironic Richard, it doesn't matter which is stronger since the strength of the wood is ultimately limited by the strength of the steel rods :shock: I don't know a great deal about Wooden Roller Coasters, but I do know that permanent Steel coasters in Australia do require a solid concrete foundation (I'm under the impression that this does not apply to travelling carnivals or rides of that nature), so I would think it likely that wooden coasters would require some sort of concrete footers. But like I say, Wooden Coasters (and this subject in general) isn't really my strong point :|
  10. Sea World Nara is half owned by Japanese company Nara Resort Group, and apart from Seaworld Nara, is not connected in any other way to SW
  11. None that come to mind, although due to the high amount of salt in the air at SW, some small sections have had to patched up.
  12. Tell me more about those magnets....
  13. Up until a couple of years ago I would've said Dreamworld all the way, but the park has slipped a few notches in the past few years. The new additions aren't really special. If your going during the holidays, then Cyclone will have a long queue which is due more to the low capacity of the ride rather then its popularity. Nick Central is really, just all their old kids rides repainted, with the exception of Reptar, which is a decent ride, but not the sort of ride you'd plan your holiday around. Besides that, the park has closed down two shows, has not maintained its themeing, and has spent almost no effort maintaining its rides. Go to Movieworld, Scooby Doo Spooky Coaster is almost worth the trip on its own, but with the better park atmosphere, better + cheaper food, IMO better Thrill, Family, and Themed rides, excellent themeing, friendlier staff, and a higher capacity it to me, becomes a no brainer.
  14. Nice to see it officially announced, I'm still confident that this will be better then Harry Potter
  15. Thats a good one Wayne, have to give it a shot. What I do is put my hands up, and tilt my head back, so you see everything behind you upside down. Also a freaky feeling
  16. I guess it'd be hard to call it anything other then a Flume Ride, since the only difference between Bermuda and Looney Tunes is that Looney Tunes turns a corner while it goes down it's drop.
  17. Yeah, I had to work too... Did you end up having fun?
  18. Superstars live in concert was like that, we seem to be loosing all our air-con attractions, and frankly I think its a worrying trend
  19. Hang on, I heard a story a while back that Gremlins @ MW Germany had already closed?
  20. Quite true Psyco. Since Space Probe opened in 1997, SW has added Cartoon Beach, Dolphin Cove, Pirates 3D, Reef Discovery, new Ski Show and of course, Polar Bear Shores. WNW has in that time added Super 8 Aqua Racers, both Terror Canyons, Speed Coaster Mammoth and the Whirlpool Springs. Both of those parks have gone quite well attendance wise (both parks have just come off record attendance years) without adding much in the way of thrill rides. They've still added plenty of new attractions, just not any new thrill rides (with the exception of Terror Canyon), and Dreamworld is doing better after adding Nick Central then it was after it added Cyclone. Don't know what point I'm trying to make, just felt like commenting
  21. That show was the work of Michael Croaker, who was responsible for Seaworld's Quest for the Golden Seal, part of the design of Dolphin Cove, and wrote the Ski Show which was before Ski Challange. He also wrote most of the holiday shows, and most notably also won an episode of "Man O Man". As for the rapids ride, IMO Snowy River is heaps better then DW's Thunder River. Richard got it pretty much spot on when comparing the two rides. BTW, I'm with you Rabid, as we all know, Demon was recently voted best Roller Coaster in the World by ACE
  22. Ahh yes, Six Flags New Orles, described, and I quote from themeparkinsider.com: I went to Wonderland years ago, and didn't enjoy it. It wasn't the lack of rides, it wasn't below par entertainment, it was the terrible shape the park was in. Dreamworld is my least favourite park for the same reason, yet is has (debatable) the best rides in the country. I enjoy a clean park, with nice food, a couple of good rides and bit of entertainment. Fair enough, Wonderland by now needs a new ride, but what they don't need is for Six Flags to come in and ruin all the work that Sunway has done. If your ganna dream for anyone to own it, you'd be better off dreaming for someone like Tussard's, Bush, Universal or even Warner Village Theme Parks buying Wonderland. Since that ain't happening, accept that Sunway have a pretty good idea what they're doing. Just because the park hasn't got a new ride in a while doesn't mean that they aren't making money, or have no idea what their doing.
  23. lol Wonderland closing has been disscussed on a rather heated level here, and after much disscussion, "no" was the favored answer. I'm sorry, but Wonderland is going to stay open for a while, so your either ganna have to enjoy yourself or not go.
  24. I like how the guy next too it looks like he's ganna throw up :shock: How long did that take you to do? It looks cool!
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