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Everything posted by joz

  1. Probably, its all about anything that gets extra bodies through the gate that time of year. I kinda agree with the bad talk on school groups, for the most part the kids do go a bit crazy and can get really annoying to guests and staff alike. The only good thing is they tend to leave by 2pm. It does vary though, there are good schools and teachers. I've had teachers come up to a ride and announce that the school would be at the ride soon, and wanted to know what size groups to break the kids into to make things easier when they got to the ride. On the flip side I've also had days where I've been dealing with nothing but poorly supervised kids, to then have a group of teachers (complete with badges) go on a ride like they were a group of friends on a get together. Still, as much as school kids are somewhat inevitable, I doubt you'd get many school groups in WnW at the moment given its Xmas hols.
  2. Yeah, don't all these kids realise that theme parks are places for adults?
  3. Its the same type of ride, but the design of each is quite different. The one WnW_Rocks linked to is a custom dueling spinning coaster with vertical lift, which is different to Spinball Whizzer which is a pretty standard coaster. They are both however custom rides.
  4. Tower of Terror opened 3 months before Superman at Magic Mountain, so is therefor first, regardless of what some website says. Still, even so it doesn't change the point, because Superman at Magic Mountain also sucks balls, so play that one as you wish
  5. Somehow forgot to mention that the grass also (mostly) fills up over summer. What makes it stranger is that was the whole point of the post and I missed it out.
  6. Your worried about rain and your going to a water park? Care to explain how that works? Just messing with ya man, but rain will shut down Tower of Terror and Superman, apart from that its pretty much business as usual unless its either a torrential downpour, or a storm.
  7. Tower of Terror was a world first when it opened and by todays standards sucks balls. Not saying that its not a good ride, but personally, give me a ride with a track record of being fun/popular over the long haul all the way.
  8. I'm not against the area of a cohesive "entertainment area" between Movieworld and AOS. But I'm sorry, the carpark has to stay as is. If anything, the current carpark needs expanding, as it fills up routinly over Xmas, and thats with the unmarked gravel bit. If your hopeing to draw MORE people into the park, and if there's to be other shops and the like out the front, you'll need MORE parking, not less.
  9. Well I was going to say no, because I thought Goliath was overrated, but Gazza your answer works just as well.
  10. I think the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ride ship has sailed. It might have been a decent enough idea when it was a new movie, but the movie came out in 2005. Really, what I'm saying is why make a ride whose subject matter is already out of date? That's not even going into the "would a CATCF ride would even suit being in Looney Tunes Village" thing. Besides, Looney Tunes River Ride is, despite its age, one of the most solid attractions anywhere. OK its not thrilling, but its not meant to be. It gets pretty healthy queues, has a good capacity, and is pretty reliable. I'm not totally against changing the ride one day, but its not as if it urgently needs to be changed, and so don't think now is the time to change River Ride. Also, lets assume that people who come to MW want to actually park their cars near the park and not screw around with shuttles.
  11. Ok thats one pretty cool looking ride ever. One question though, what sort of hourly counts does the splash battle get?
  12. I'm with Gazza and GoGoBoy on this one (bout time we all agreed again ). I don't think when attendance is up and you have a new attraction it is the right time to offer a cheap pass. If people are going to visit, its when you have a new attraction, and MW have 3 good new attractions within the past year and a half. Now is not the time when you give the gate away.
  13. I don't recall quoting you. I do recall pointing out why an EE style (train type, scale) ride would not work on Eureka's site. I don't see how that means I quoted/misquoted you.
  14. Gazza: The ride you've linked to is just another Wild Mouse, but with banked turns. I don't think most people would notice the difference between the "Old" and "New" Eureka. If its going to be so similar, a MACK e-motion coaster might be better, since the cars tilt around the corners. Throw in a vertical lift themed to a mine shaft, and you've got the ride that Eureka always wanted to be What it comes down to for me though, is if your thinking of taking the mountain down to put the replacement ride in, it has to be more different then just another mouse. And everyone, enough with this Expedition Everest talk. Puting a train on the track instead of a single car would require it to either be trimmed to all crawl for the entire ride, or every turn would need to have a wide radius, and there isn't really room for wide turns on the Eureka site.
  15. The main reason I like the Eurofighter as a possible ride replacemant to Eureka is that its a small footprint kind of ride, and thats whats going to be needed. Remember, Eureka (footprint wise) is a tiny ride, and if anything replaces it, it'd have to be pretty small. Besides, just because other Eurofighters have inversions, doesn't mean a DW ride would have to as well. If Eureka has proven nothing, tight turns through tunnels are pretty thrilling in their own right. Besides, you know me and how much I like to talk about capacity; most custom Eurofighters have an estimated capacity of 800-1000. Yummy!
  16. If Eureka gets the chop, then my money is with Gazza's idea: A themed Eurofighter. Have the past 90degrees drop outside, everything else inside the Mountain, and I suspect you'd have a real winner on your hands. Plus the rides themselves are pretty cheap, at only $5million with no themeing. At that price you could probably gut the Mountain, install the new ride and have it looking nice for around the same price of Scooby.
  17. Hey, I can totally understand where GoGoboy, Gazza & Co. are coming from, and they are making some very valid points. To be honest, I'm kinda coming around to what they're saying, but I still don't have a problem with the way the ride has been themed. It's well presented, has gardens, the control room looks decent enough, and there are little spikes here and there, the various movie props, and it all works well together. True there could be more of a "Backdrop" to the ride, and Gazza's sketch would look pretty cool if actually built, but like I said, it looks fine as is to me. Is there room for improvement? Sure, but that's the same with every ride though. I mean Scooby could have a proper ceiling, Wild West could have the back of the mountain done, Sherek's preshow could make sense, Superman could have a decent dark ride element. So sure, you can make it better, but it fine and 'works' as is (with the possible exception of the side of Batman Adventure).
  18. I know I sound like a fan boy, but I'm really just glad they didn't got to overboard on the scenery with the ride. I really don't think these types of rides lend themselves to being themed all that well, so I'm glad they just kept it simple and looking nice. I'm pretty sure I said something to that effect when the ride was under construction; just keep it simple and well presented, and make it easy to reride. It would appear they did this, so I voted that they did enough. Having said that, I would LOVE to see something done to the side of the Batman Adventure building, those studio style buildings are sooo ugly.
  19. I think if DW gets into competition against MW, then it really will have lost its way. IMHO, the reason DW is doing so well right now is because new rides were added no matter what the competition was doing. DW was for a time, adding attractions like the skys the limit, which given the constant increase in attendance, seems like the way to go. WVTPs on the other hand, was growing SW and MW alternatly, so at any one time, one park would be getting 1.4mill, and the other would be giving away the gate at half price. If DW kept doing what they were doing, I suspect they would be looking at cracking the magic 2mill vistors a year in not much more then 10 years. They were looking red hot, but in the last couple of years have really let themselves go, and I don't think the reputation will save them if they go another year or two without something big. MW on the other hand is giving itself a really good reputation, by adding quality ride after quality ride and running them well. Now Village has outright control of the parks, they are starting to be the company acting like the skys the limit and growing all their parks at the same time and making them more profitable. Still, to say DW hasn't done much in 25 years is a laugh. I challenge you to go to DW and only go on the rides or attractions they opened with. They haven't closed that many rides since they opened and nearly everything that makes the park good was added after opening. Ok, thats true of everypark on the Coast, it does prove how much better they were.
  20. Easiest way is to send a resume, either via e-mail or regular mail, to the theme park company your wanting to work for. WVTPs at least do their own hiring, so you've got to deal directly with them, either by mail, e-mail or in person. If you want to know if they're jobs going, check www.seek.com.au for latest listings.
  21. You do realise that Thunderbolt was crap (and damn rusty at that) and both it and the Skylink had low ridership and (most likely) cost heaps to insure? Seriously, the park is better having removed both of those attractions, Thunderbolt particularly. The Mine Ride is probably the best of the rides to be removed, if that is in fact what's going on here It probably had its fair share of complaints for its roughness, which I thought were unfounded since I know I loved the ride, but I also know many who won't ride it again, and I can imagine the clearance issues wouldn't have been cheap to insure against either. If a bigger issue has arisen, then removal from the park really isn't that surprising. Its a shame though, I can't imagine a plot of land that size would be easy to use for something different, at least not anything nearly as good. Interestingly though, the ride is still listed on the park's website, again though it comes with a note that seemingly brings attention to the fact that its a potentially dangerous ride: .
  22. Wouldn't be the first time a Warner bros. license was used at SW. Happy Feet probably would be quite a good fit, though it does rasies quite a good question: Should a theme park attraction based around a sea themed movie be at Seaworld or Movieworld? I suspect we may never know
  23. Happy Feet as a ride? Even though its a blockbuster I don't think it lends itself to a ride very well. It would be pretty easy to turn into a stage show given all the singing and dancing in the movie, or maybe even a good 3D movie, but not a ride.
  24. At MW its a bit of both; you are issued the black pants and coloured shirt (your choice of colour), and some ride specific unforms (I believe the module attendant uniform on Batride is a take home). Loader and Unloader on Looney Tunes, some of the Bat ride uniforms and pretty much anything else that isn't a coloured shirt over black pants have to picked up on the day from Wardrobe. The only one's I'm not sure about though are Lethal and Wild West, where staff have to provide their own jeans, can't recall what the story with the shirts is though. As a side note, Bermuda has a take home uniform. DW still does have some specific uniforms though don't they?
  25. If you haven't download the lastest for your game, I'd reccomend it. They make RCT3 almost playable.
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