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Everything posted by joz
No foolon, I was on the last Demon Cycle ever.
No surly you'd think "I'm in line, and am going to get on" why would you not think that? I've been in a line after its been cut off, and never doubted getting a ride. This isn't mechanical failure, this is the park saying "You know what, we've changed our mind, you've just wasted 45mins, go away and don't expect anything out of it". How you can seriously justify that is a mystery. They could have easily said, "We've been told to close the ride, but hang around here and we'll get you some tickets too come back". You'd still be a bit pissed, but nothing like what it must have been. Dreamworld (and yourself) seriously don't know much about customer service. Free return tickets would cost the park nothing, but would have kept its customers happy. I don't know what your other thing you'd give them is. I'll tell you a story, Warner Village closed the parks for safety reasons due to really bad weather earlier in the year, and despite the announcements at the gates of the parks that there is no compensation available for bad weather, everyone in the parks got a free return ticket. The parks didn't even close till mid afternoon, but everyone got a full day back at the park. Not a 'come back this time a different day' pass, another full day in the parks. Its customer service, and its what this industry is all about.
You've never been to Senic World have you Andy?
No, that's not good enough. Simple as that. Its not up to the guest to think "well, the park is not allowed to run the park after 10 so I probably won't get on." Nearly a third of the night spent queuing for nothing, which is nothing short of disgraceful. Free return passes for all those rejected is the very least the park should have done. BTW, you'll notice that Seaboi's last comment was, "I have lost allot of respect for DW management" so I don't really know what your going on about Obstructure
60m or there abouts if I'm not mistaken?
Now where would we be without golden comments like that though Rich? That'd make the best marketing campaign ever. Come ride... This!
Its a sad time for everyone at the park, especially for those who work with the bears (some may require counseling such is level of dedication of the staff). The park has stated that it will not allow Kanook (Nookie, the grand duchess) to suffer.
Cyclone 2!!! I got it I win!!
Not a worry dude. Let us know if there's anything else we can do, and keep us posted on how your holiday goes.
Shock horror, say it isn't so!!
Agggh!!! Too many edits, thread not making any sense!?! Brain hurting... The horror, the horror, warning, danger Will Robinson!
Exactly, when I go on holiday I want to see baseball fields and a drive in. The fact that its also the home too a swimming pool and a wildlife park is just a bonus to me, since we don't have anything nearly this exciting on the Gold Coast. To be fair, the RSL did look all right, but I don't think there's anything to make me even contemplate going back.
Queue times aren't too bad in off peak. Pretty much if you wait longer then 30mins for anything you'll be unlucky (except for Cyclone, which has a 30min+ queue built into the design so you can soak up the atmosphere). Genrally though, everything should be less then 20 min, so long as you follow the genral-works everywhere-game plan (Hit the big rides first, go on the rides over lunch, and hit the water rides and anything you've missed after 3). Have fun!
Deathtrap: The-half-ride
Its only the really drunk ones you'd keep off rides, and you can tell if someone's really drunk. All parks (except WnW) sell alcohol, and staff are for the most park trained in responsible service of alcohol.
Why didn't we care about WL opening early last year when it happened?
I voted for leave it and do nothing. I don't count long overdue projects such as fixing the inside of the caves and cleaning the through as upgrades. The ride system itself, best I can tell is fine. As far as I'm concerned if it ain't broke, don't fix it, cause you'll just create new problems. Perhaps a few extra effects would be nice in those tunnels (something like the old Lasseter's Lost Mine would be kinda cool), but these are hardly upgrades, just things that are done to keep the ride fresh. I think I'm saying the same thing as everyone else, except I'm not calling it an upgrade.
I remember someone saying stuff about Wild Artic a while before Polar Bear Shores opened. The talk was SW would get a similar attraction, complete with simulator. Probably just as well that they did it the way they did. You shouldn't have to queue too see animals. The instant gratification of walking straight in and seeing animals doing there thing is one of the great things about these exhibits. I'd be very surprised to see SW go the same way of the Busch parks, and I'm yet to hear of any such idea mentioned by credible sources, and after the success they had putting pre-shows on rides, I doubt they'd do it for animal attractions.
I thought that was what we were meant to do? What time does DW open ANZAC day?
I'd say go anyway, since the parks are so quiet, you can get as many rides in as you want. WnW also has a dive in movie on ANZAC day (last of the season) and the park is open till the end of movie.
Keep it. If Big Brother and the other wise under utilised Amphitheatre are to go, then there's a few big spaces to worry about before thinking about getting rid of the log ride. By the time they get around too it, then it'll be nearer its use by date.
QLD parks are closed untill 1.30, and close at 6.30. This has been the case for at least 10 years and probably more.
Probably the best ones I can think of that could be utilised more are artic themed (Beluga whales anyone?), deep sea fish, and or sea jellies. There there's all the overlooked things like eels, sea snakes, octopus's, squid, turtles, dragon fish and cave displays. Underwater World's 1st floor is a good example of how much aquarium stuff there is down there (so too speak). Even though the most obvious options are taken, there's still heaps of things of appeal that the park could look at introducing (or expanding upon). Still, the idea is a long way off when there's still things like Seal Rocks (and deciding wether that project goes ahead or not) in the pipeline. The current aquarium under the Endeavour Cafe (or whatever the cafe gets turned into) is quite fine, and does its job quite well.
It does seem rather half baked, but not a bad concept. 3000+ with 4 medium capacity rides? I realise that the event is meant to be more about atmosphere then it is about rides, but come on. 3000 on a normal day in the park is bearable because there are many places for people to disperse too. Only having 4 rides operating is a bit of a joke (no wonder the BB cafe was so popular). I still don't know what's wrong with opening Goldrush Country, or even more of ocean parade or Rocky Hollow? How about a scary (I mean very scary) Imax film? Or another maze? One question to those who went; did the crowds behave? That'll have a huge baring on wether the event is run again. Even with the profits made, the park may very well turn around and say "Nope, not worth it". That's why you don't desperate & dateless balls at the parks any more, or why Rivera has been banned from having its end of year party at the Casino, and every Theme Park on the coast (to much trouble having them). Just one note as well, MW and SW will open till 6.30pm on ANZAC day, allowing about 45mins of night rides. Doesn't sound like much, but its always quiet. I hope Dreamworld learn from the mistakes and try the event again (in Halloween perhaps?).
There is an aquarium underneath the Endeavour Cafe (next to Reef Discovery) at the southern end of the park. Also, Shark Bay's main feature is underwater viewing, so the feature may be somewhat of a done thing. Although the aquarium could do with a bit of attention (Expand it into the Reef Discovery building?) I believe it does fill its niche satisfactorily and doesn't really need an upgrade.