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Everything posted by joz

  1. Sadly, I'll have to agree with Nightshifter. Even though its a boomerang, its Australia's only boomerang, and most of the population isn't aware that there's 40 or 50 of them out in the world. Heck people still to this day tell me that there's "A roller coaster in Sydney that goes forwards AND backwards!". Doesn't mean I want Demon at Dreamworld, but most of the population would like it. Demon at Aussie World? Now there's a good idea.
  2. I'd tend to agree with Jaggie on this. The only thing that doesn't add up is why the park spent so much money on refurbishment last year. Maybe they were going to try and sell to a different theme park operator? Even so, its selling is just short sightedness. Wonderland was not in a bad location. It was within an hour or two of 3 million people. Gold Coast parks get day visitors from as far as 5 hours drive away. Wonderland had the potential to attract many more visitors then what it did, and for better return then what selling the land did. Seaworld alone made $16 million profit in 2001 (including the $6million for Polar Bear Shores). In 5 years the park will make $80 million profit, even allowing $30 million for capital expenditure. To me that sounds better then the $52 million one off which Sunway got for Wonderland. Like I say, Short sightedness,
  3. Sunway would've been better off by clearing the park and selling it as individual lots. Still, Sunway were never any good at running a theme park, so why would they know anything about real estate?
  4. Hmmm, not working till Sunday... You still ganna be around then?
  5. Nicely done Flea, where would we be without ya? On a seperate note, how about going out for a drink on Sunday night everyone?
  6. Talk to Richard about that one. All I know is its in Rooty Hill, which it must be said is the coolest suburb name ever (with the notable exception of Whatanobby).
  7. I'm up for a drink... Just find me the cheap places Is there anywhere good to drink in Rooty Hill?
  8. On the jobs thing, its worth noting that the new industrial park is offering 3000 jobs (plus offering many indirect) while Wonderland employeed 800. To be fair though, if SW was too close and I lost my job I don't know if I'd want a factory job, but its food for thought anyway.
  9. Exactly, everyone knows you achieve more by hacking the corporate website. Seriously, comparing Sunway to a group of terrorists is pretty inappropriate. I also tend not to hold Steve accountable for all this. I think in the interviews he does well in blaming everything except the Sunway philosophy of not allowing the park the capital to add new attractions while mentioning everything else under the sun (except the weather strangely enough).
  10. Exactly, everyone knows you acheive more by hacking the coperate website. Seriously, comparing Sunway to a group of terrerists is pretty inappropriote. I also tend not to hold Steve accountable for all this. The Sunway philosiphy of not allowing the park the capital to add new attractions was the problem. I think in the interviews he seems to blame everything except this (and the weather strangly enough)
  11. The Gold Coast parks today announced that they are not interested in buying any of Wonderland's rides. This includes Dreamworld, who said even though they've bought a second hand ride from Sydney before, they don't intend to to that this time.
  12. Count me in, just make it before the holidays.
  13. Well, reporting season is upon us, and Dreamworld have released a huge amount of information on www.asx.com.au. It's been a good 6 months for Dreamworld, which proves what you can do when you ignore 'economic downturns'. Dreamworld has been heavily targeting the local market, and with great success. 40% of the parks visitors are now from Queensland (up from 35% 4 years ago) and 39% are interstate (up from 32% 4 years back. Four years ago, 33% of the parks guests were from overseas, while today that figure is at 21%. On the whole this year, attendance is up a huge 13.2%, however per capita spending is up 1.5%, which isn't as promising as it sounds. In perspective, this means that last year, guests were spending $50.68 on a day, and this year, the average guest spends $51.44. This is at a time when the price to enter the park rose $2. Add food and Bev and retail increases and you can see what I mean. I suspect this may be due to increased 'Max Action Pass' sales, and increased numbers of kids in the park (see below) Also interestingly listed are the groups success (so far this year), which include an increase in 20% of the number of kids in the park (may also explain the low-ish per capita spending), and higher show & entertainment content. Apparently, these include the Tomb Raider exhibit, Big Brother House Parties and the petting zoo (what the...?) Sadly, among the success, minimal Capital expenditure for the financial year 2004. In other words, don't count on Thunderbolt's shinny new replacement anytime soon.
  14. There is one benefit to getting crap staff though: We went out one week and we were getting 4 free drinks on these little cards. What they'd do is they'd either mark the card with a pen of rip the card a little when you use it. My mate went to the bar for his first two drinks and the girl marked the card with a pen, and next he got a couple of drinks someone else tore the card in the same spot and the prick got 6 drinks. We demand more incompetent bar staff! One last thing, a good way to confuse the bouncers is too get someone too come out early morning (after midnight) on their 18th birthday. Its fun just to watch as the bouncer spend about 20 seconds straining both his brain cells trying to work it out.
  15. That brings me to one of my pet peeves, too much red stuff (Rase berry isn’t it?) in Tequila Sunrises. I struggle to find a club on Monday that can do them well. I’m pretty sure that the Sugar Shack uses concentrate too instead of just juice too. Glad I’ve got that off my chest.
  16. 6am? Thats not too bad, I start work at around that time. Monday is a pretty good night to go out, there's $2 basic drinks at the Suger Shack until midnight, plus its industry night so I get 6 free drinks in town anyway and its never too busy that you have to line up at the bar. Suncity, great choice for a hotel too. I myself have stayed their three times now, part due to the more then 50% discount I get working in hospitality (instead of paying $370 for one of the 2 bedroom plus family I got it for $168 - bargin!) and part because its just such a nice darn place, and everyone at work seems to like it.
  17. See now Richard, that is why we need photos of EVERYTHING in the park that has the potential to cause harm, including trees, rides, benches, bins, souvenirs windows, buildings animals and management staff.
  18. Just on that Richard, I just thought I'd contribute this old shot from behind the waterfall looking at the Paddleswheeler. The Petting zoo is going to the right of that
  19. The holidays are over, and the tourists have gone home. You'd be pretty unlucky to find a queue anywhere (exceptions noted above). Have a good time up here, hows Monday night sound for a few drinks mate?
  20. I missed that thing about Nick Central... I agree, that is a bit odd. Maybe they can have something like a dog and a cat stuck together. Most likely the whole plan is to add a new attraction while not taking away the public's attention from Nick Central. I don't know about Dreamworld's setup, but I can tell you how it goes across the Warner Village Theme Parks (Seaworld, Movieworld and Paradise Country) with respect to the tour groups: They generally pay a certain amount to the tour company, and around $40 of that is paid to the park. With that they get (more or less) a show or two and lunch at one of the park's restaurants. The reason they pay less is because mostly the deals are made with tour companies (We'll charge this much per person and you bring us this many tourists). Also because the parks are competing to have the tour groups eat at the parks rather then say, for example staying for a morning then going to a restaurant in Surfers. I can imagine at Dreamworld its a similar setup with lunch at the Billabong restaurant.
  21. Second the thoughts on the new animal exhibits being only a good thing for the park. I do get the feeling though that this one will be aimed more at the domestic market and School groups than at the international market (although most of the tour groups will probably see it). Wilsy, what did you ask Dreamworld? Did you ask what their new attraction is or what is being built up the back of the park? Depending on how you asked the question could explain the bizarre answer... unless their calling the Gyro Swing Tomb Raider - which is such a bad idea I'm surprised no ones done it yet. Also on a final note www.dreamworld.com.au doesn't capitalise the 'w', so I think you better e-mail them quick and point out their mistake
  22. Hasn't Wonderland been doing a few extensive rehabs recently? Demon Train a year or two back, Snowy River, Zodiac, Bush Beast's trains and the Beach last year. Plus I'd guess that most of the rides relocated from HBL were overhauled. Now Dragon's Flight? Sounds like more of the same.
  23. During its first year, the queue for GD closed at 5 while the rest of the park closed at 6.30.
  24. Having only had the pleasure of riding B&M's version (AIR at Alton Towers), I can honestly say that the trains are comfortable, forces when your on your back are strong and the ride is smooth. Some complain that you are too restrained, but I would sugest that these people would prefer to have no restraint and just hang on - despite what the stories say, you can put your arms out in front of you like Superman
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