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  1. I just started getting this too. I have 4 PS3's, three of them are 60gb units. The new Slim model is working fine, but all 3 of the 60gb units are having this code 8001050f.
  2. I might try to make a track file for Superman Escape but I think it will be pretty hard to do. Rct3 doesnt take up much space unless you have all the expansions installed and its still not much compared to my 160gb hard drive.
  3. MW2 should be fun. I'm looking forward to it, although after playing more CoDWaW, I'm liking the MP on that better. It's less close action spray. Semi-auto guns, medium/large maps are fun for me. I dunno, going back into CoD4 I just get nade fested all day every day in MP, watching kill cams, they just chuck their 3xnades and small areas.. Thanks.
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