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red dragin

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red dragin last won the day on August 3 2024

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About red dragin

  • Birthday November 30

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    Big Thunder Mountain - Paris
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  1. Meanwhile Green Day still hasn't been cancelled for tomorrow night (Officially)
  2. So the ride is themed to an ancient temple right? So, the now lost to time ancient society set up a temple and it was their place of worship/power. Having a big ass gem outside makes sense. Could be bragging of wealth, power or it could be an important religious symbol to that society. I don't think Jane and Murray are meant to be responsible for the gem.
  3. Is it safety driven, or is it keeping the throughput lower to use the equipment less, reducing general maintenance and power costs? In my opinion, the White Christmas example above shows they can go faster, and it's not 'safety', that was purely about guest experience and reducing complaints about people missing out on rides due to the short time window of the event. And if they were so concerned about safety, they wouldn't have the background music on FOTWW so loud you can't hear the ride ops shouting instructions at you.
  4. Given the end date lines up with Supermans, and it was "unscheduled maintenance", perhaps is it something on Superman that requires access from the Batwing side? The Flash is in a similar boat. Hence why they were able to give a few days warning?
  5. Couldn't remember what was there before this ride, so went back to the start of the construction thread on it. Full of predictions of hypercoasters, removal of the western show building etc. What we got lasted ~8 years and was as far from those as possible 😂
  6. Such a positive section of the thread derailed by pedantry as usual. "but why won't the parks engage with us directly".
  7. When the Vintage Cars alone looks exciting to ride, the coaster must be great. Once those trees grow out a bit more, people will completely forget where they are for a moment.
  8. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/19qqYRAiq8/ Needs to be some hats eaten amongst the Parkz doubters.
  9. Confirmed : Tesla Supercharger compatibility! (/s if not obvious)
  10. I took my kids today, and yeah, heaps was closed. Looked at rivals about 1pm, single rider queue was 30+ people. Not surprised when dispatch times where ~6 minutes per cycle. Junior driving school was thankfully a walk on 😂
  11. The only testing we've been shown was moving a train very slowly into the station. I highly doubt it's done a full circuit yet.
  12. ^ Much longer than what Brisbane news showed.
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