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  1. Thanks for the tip I will keep it in mind.
  2. It is a pity you have not jumped on others who have spoke the same way to me in the past djrappa.
  3. @reanimated35 well I did disagree with him and red dragon is still wrong with the information he has posted.
  4. @red dragin The wheels you are referring to have been machined and returned waiting to be reinstalled, you may want to get your facts right before posting misleading information.
  5. Maybe it has been some time since you have been and had a look behind the train shed at Dreamworld and from my visits to Woodford I have only ever seen the one freight wagon stored up the back.
  6. @The Sunlander I have to correct your mistake, one of the freight cars was not donated to Woodford 8 years ago, two have been scraped and the only one left is the one that went with the Perry.
  7. That feature was removed due to it causing maintenance issues with that side.
  8. It was a feature of the ride, many people thought the operators did some for this to happen but that was never the case.
  9. Did not get to go but Dreamworld gave it a good write up on there Facbook page with a great photo.
  10. @The Sunlander, I disagree with you, I have heard and seen whistles make different sounds altogether over prolonged use. @Wil_i_am_not here is a video of the chime whistle that The Sunlander spoke of, watch right to the end.
  11. @Wil_i_am_not Over the years the tone may have changed due to wear, the type that was used is an organ whistle which is commercially available through Blackwoods. It is however possible that different whistles may have been tried over the years, personally I think a chime whistle (three or five notes or tones together) sound better than just a single note.
  12. @AlexB I can see what you are trying to get at but the differences you speak of are only small, the things that can affect the performance of a steam loco is bad water, bad coal or in Dreamworlds case bad diesel, the fire tubes could be clogged reducing the heat transfer, a loco like the Baldwin should be brought up to steam with in 4 hours from cold (ambient temperature), if it is warm from the previous days running then hour and half is more than ample.
  13. joz, the principal is the same but on a larger scale obviously.
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